Not the RTE news

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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A thread devoted to highlghting the childish attmptes of RTE to control the thinking and thoughts of the Irish public through cheap tricks, transparent lies and manipulation.

To kick off we have Putins victory being recognised and images of Putin and the three runner ups being screened, but wait, we are also told that "the real opposition either lies dead or is locked up".

Spoken like any true nine year old having its toy taken away.

(That's if anybody has the stomach to watch more than two minutes of it at a time.)


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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I haven't watched RTÉ in so many years I don't know when it was last I tuned in. I'm disgusted by the failure to their duty and their outright mendacity.

Now, the BBC had a sterling reputation for being intellectually sophisticated. I've been hearing from others that they should be placed in the same bracket as RTÉ but still listened in occasionally to see what they were reporting.

I flicked through today and they had a WashPo reporter talking about Trump's "bloodbath" remark. Everyone was very serious, with the concern being that he would bring in a Stalinist Purge or a Night of the Long Knives if The Donald returned to power.

The thing is, this was revealed as a duplicitous misinterpretation a few days ago. Trump was talking about tariffs and Made in America, specifically in respect to the car industry there. The speech is below:

So, the WashPo reporter knew this was a black propaganda news item, and the BBC newsroom must have known this too. I can understand the WashPo reporter - there's been guilt written all over their deportment for a while now so the fear of repercussion is predictable.

The BBC cannot be trusted as a result of running this segment - in fact they should be actively distrusted. The only interest they merit is to note the particular piece of kack they are selling at the moment.

The BBC disappoints. They are in the same league as the RTÉ news department now.
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Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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I haven't watched RTÉ in so many years I don't know when it was last I tuned in. I'm disgusted by the failure to their duty and their outright mendacity.

Now, the BBC had a sterling reputation for being intellectually sophisticated. I've been hearing from others that they should be placed in the same bracket as RTÉ but still listened in occasionally to see what they were reporting.

I flicked through today and they had a WashPo reporter talking about Trump's "bloodbath" remark. Everyone was very serious, with the concern being that he would bring in a Stalinist Purge or a Night of the Long Knives if The Donald returned to power.

The thing is, this was revealed as a duplicitous misinterpretation a few days ago. Trump was talking about tariffs and Made in America, specifically in respect to the car industry there. The speech is below:

So, the WashPo reporter knew this was a black propaganda news item, and the BBC newsroom must have known this too. I can understand the WashPo reporter - there's been guilt written all over their deportment for a while now so the fear of repercussion is predictable.

The BBC cannot be trusted as a result of running this segment - in fact they should be actively distrusted. The only interest they merit is to note the particular piece of kack they are selling at the moment.

The BBC disappoints. They are in the same league as the RTÉ news department now.

I’m not sure that the BBC has ever been entirely innocent, remember it’s reporting of the second tower of the WTC falling long before it actually did.

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