On this day 100 years ago the Irish Civil War ended

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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On 24 May 1923 Frank Aiken, Chief of Staff of the Old IRA, ordered a ceasefire. Anti-Treaty fighters were to "dump their arms" and return home.

Éamon De Valera supported the order, issuing a statement to Anti-Treaty fighters: "Further sacrifice on your part would now be in vain and the continuance of the struggle in arms unwise in the national interest. Military victory must be allowed to rest for the moment with those who have destroyed the Republic".

The war was now officially over.

The 11 month conflict cost the lives of some 3,000 people with a further 10-15,000 wounded with many maimed for life. Large parts of the Country's infrastructure lay in ruins including some 400 "big houses" destroyed by retreating Republicans. The economy which was already in the doldrums following the Anglo-Irish war, was thus further weakened, increasing the suffering of the people and making the task of ensuring the fledgling State survived an arduous one.

Politics in the 26 Counties would be riven with distrust for decades to come with the two main political parties, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, rising from the ashes of the war.

Caithfidh fir Éireann uile
o haicme go haonduine
gliec na timcheall no tuitim

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Edit: Meant to post this on Wednesday but got drunk and forgot so am a few days late :rolleyes:


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Jan 13, 2023
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On 24 May 1923 Frank Aiken, Chief of Staff of the Old IRA, ordered a ceasefire. Anti-Treaty fighters were to "dump their arms" and return home.

Éamon De Valera supported the order, issuing a statement to Anti-Treaty fighters: "Further sacrifice on your part would now be in vain and the continuance of the struggle in arms unwise in the national interest. Military victory must be allowed to rest for the moment with those who have destroyed the Republic".

The war was now officially over.

The 11 month conflict cost the lives of some 3,000 people with a further 10-15,000 wounded with many maimed for life. Large parts of the Country's infrastructure lay in ruins including some 400 "big houses" destroyed by retreating Republicans. The economy which was already in the doldrums following the Anglo-Irish war, was thus further weakened, increasing the suffering of the people and making the task of ensuring the fledgling State survived an arduous one.

Politics in the 26 Counties would be riven with distrust for decades to come with the two main political parties, Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, rising from the ashes of the war.

Caithfidh fir Éireann uile
o haicme go haonduine
gliec na timcheall no tuitim
100 years later and what was it all about?
FFG/SF have sold the Irish out to globalist scum.

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