Origins Thread


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Sep 25, 2023
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Petrov explains it away for the team in the end but it is still astonishing.

They've developed a new MRI that has ten times better resolution than the best available. It should create lots of new brain science and be a much better tool in diagnostics. Will we be getting one for the new hospital?

'An intense international effort to improve the resolution of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for studying the human brain has culminated in an ultra-high resolution 7 Tesla scanner that records up to 10 times more detail than current 7T scanners and over 50 times more detail than current 3T scanners, the mainstay of most hospitals.

The dramatically improved resolution means that scientists can see functional MRI (fMRI) features 0.4 millimeters across, compared to the 2 or 3 millimeters typical of today’s standard 3T fMRIs.


Incorporating newly developed hardware technology from those groups, Siemens collaborated with Feinberg’s team to rebuild a conventional 7 Tesla MRI scanner delivered to UC Berkeley in 2000 to improve the spatial resolution in pictures captured during brain scans.


To reach higher spatial resolution, the NexGen 7T scanner had to be designed with a greatly improved gradient coil and with larger receiver array coils — which detect the brain signals — using from 64 to 128 channels to achieve a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in the cortex and faster data acquisition. All these improvements were combined with a higher signal from the ultra-high field 7T magnet to achieve cumulative gains in the scanner performance.


The most common MRI scanners employ superconducting magnets that produce a steady magnetic field of 3 Tesla — 90,000 times stronger than Earth’s magnetic field.

“A 3T fMRI scanner can resolve spatial details with a resolution of about 2 to 3 mm. The cortical circuits that underpin thought and behavior are about 0.5 mm across, so standard research scanners cannot resolve these important structures,” Gallant said.


For the moment, NexGen 7T brain scanners must be custom-built from regular 7T scanners. The cost should be considerably lower than the $22 million required to build the first one, however.'

Brain Imaging Redefined: NexGen 7T MRI Achieves 10x Better Resolution - SciTechDaily





Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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For starters I found more errors than your Chat GPT search.

You gave it an easy one in that New Scientist is an entertainment rag and not a scholarly source for anything.

You were scraping the barrel from the get go
I used to be an avid reader of New Scientist in my school days, but I am not sure whether it went downhill and became more tabloid, or I simply grew up. I rather suspect the latter for at college I once used it as a reference in a project and got a rather abrupt dressing down, which made me smart at the time, but it is a lesson that I have carried for over 40 years now - be mindful of your sources.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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lol.. Holy shit 😆 You really can't follow a simple dialogue, can you

An example of Dawkins coming across as a fukking nut
Good. Glad to see that you are learning to be more specific in your demands, it takes a little wisdom to teach you, but we are getting there.

Dawkins comes across a something of a tyrant, trying to brow beat her into a whimpering pulp. Now, as much as I disagree with her she stood her ground and made Dawkins appear the male chauvinst bully, and I admire her for that at least.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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You really are reminding me of Mowl, no clue what's going on, completely absorbed in your own (empty-headed) thoughts. It's all making sense now.. there's a reason that you're the only person who didn't laugh at this post -

Post in thread 'Guest Chat'

You need to put down that mirror and go out into the real world, although the air in Bangalore might not encourage such activity, I'll grant you that.


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Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Just like Comical Jarry.:)

Chap is pissed again.

Edit: Just noticed he has his notifications on to alert him if anyone responds to or notices his scutter...........just like Comical Jarry. :)

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Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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I haven’t watched the video yet. I’m sure it’s garbage, however as a warning, does dirty old man Dawkins advocate for the age of consent to come down drastically like he normally does?
I watched a few minutes of him trying to shout down the lady in a rather aggressive fashion, but he made no mention of wanting to shag her underage daughters, perhaps that's why he was so pissy with her, she locked them away before he got there.

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