Supposed "Edgy" Irish Conservatives slander the Irish people as "anti-Semitic".


Zipporah's Flint

In the contemporary West "anti-Semitic" or "Antisemitic" is probably the worst thing you could be therefore it behooves us to be extremely careful when accusing others of it.

The fact is the vast majority of Normies at least in the South do not consider stuff about "Israel" to be part of a wider "Jewish Question". And they know this. So why lie about our people in a possibly damaging way?

Father Dennis Fahey who by the way in his life clashed with the Church Establishment is not the "smoking gun" of supposed Gaelic Jew hatred people will claim that he is. He spent time in France during one of the worst periods of "Laicite" Freemasonic anti-Catholic national hate-fests and understandably that had a formative effect on him. At that time in France, and this documented in mainstream academic books (I recommend this one if people want to see where he was coming from- ) ,the likes of the Alliance Israelite Universelle and the people around it were a driving force behind the hate fest and he could not help but notice this. However he also put forward the idea of the strong possibility that a pious Orthodox Jew could be Saved which was "Liberal" for the time. His problem was with Jews only insofar as they were Freemasons and actively anti-Catholic.



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Jan 13, 2023
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In the contemporary West "anti-Semitic" or "Antisemitic" is probably the worst thing you could be therefore it behooves us to be extremely careful when accusing others of it.

The fact is the vast majority of Normies at least in the South do not consider stuff about "Israel" to be part of a wider "Jewish Question". And they know this. So why lie about our people in a possibly damaging way?

Father Dennis Fahey who by the way in his life clashed with the Church Establishment is not the "smoking gun" of supposed Gaelic Jew hatred people will claim that he is. He spent time in France during one of the worst periods of "Laicite" Freemasonic anti-Catholic national hate-fests and understandably that had a formative effect on him. At that time in France, and this documented in mainstream academic books (I recommend this one if people want to see where he was coming from- ) ,the likes of the Alliance Israelite Universelle and the people around it were a driving force behind the hate fest and he could not help but notice this. However he also put forward the idea of the strong possibility that a pious Orthodox Jew could be Saved which was "Liberal" for the time. His problem was with Jews only insofar as they were Freemasons and actively anti-Catholic.


In fairness there's a lot of self-hatred amongst 'the elite' in Ireland.
Even 100 years after the formation of the Irish statelet people who claim to be leaders are totally unsure of themselves and their position in the world.
We got rid of the Brits and replaced them with the RCC. We then got rid of the RCC and replaced it with the EU and faceless bureaucrats in Brussels.
When Ireland 'struck for her freedom' she had no idea what she was talking about and still doesn't.
People like Creighton are typical of Irish politicians.
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Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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No, Irish Republicanism took over in 1919 and some faction or other descended from same movement have been making a hames of it ever since then. The Catholic Church is a strawman. Paddy is stupid enough to think yet another splinter from the original Sinn Féin is going to work this time. Maybe an Éirigí government will work in 2040. I can't wait.

The first item on the agenda is the split- Brendan Behan.


Zipporah's Flint


Not quite- He says it if happenes it only happens through Christ and the true aspects of Orthodox Judaism. Oddly enough though a friend showed me a copy of one his books that she owns from the early 1970s and it has this weird psychodelic cover. So obviously back than there were "Father Trendys" who thought he should be published.


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Feb 14, 2023
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There should another branch off from Fine Gael showing Barrett's National Party and Creighton's Renua, and then the Barrett/Reynolds split in the NP.
And all of the ones that have moved on to being Traitors to the Irish People and Ireland.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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No, Irish Republicanism took over in 1919 and some faction or other descended from same movement have been making a hames of it ever since then. The Catholic Church is a strawman. Paddy is stupid enough to think yet another splinter from the original Sinn Féin is going to work this time. Maybe an Éirigí government will work in 2040. I can't wait.

The first item on the agenda is the split- Brendan Behan.

This graphic is missing the 2020 line when all parties merged into one and the government simply appointed various Taoisigh instead of voting for them.

There isn’t a fanny hair between any of these parties on hot topic issues such as immigration. the climate agenda, Covid policies etc…

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