The debate about the existence of an Earthquake Weapon and its possible use in geopolitical blackmail


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Sep 11, 2021
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All the different layers of soil, liquids and rock underground have a particular 'resonant frequency' which means they respond with a certain sound to a particular wave sent to them. Many objects have this effect, you can even find out the precise frequency that effects your individual car and this can be important in determining the noise levels therein in certain situations.

Hence mining engineers have described how they were able to locate crude oil underground by sending down radio waves and noting the precise returning wave from the layer that has oscillated slightly. In turn, the allegations about an earthquake weapon generally centre on whether on not if you sent a very powerful wave at just the right frequency to a layer central to the earth's seismic stability, would that trigger an earthquake? Specifically it is alleged that the US's HAARP research station in Alaska is able to send these very powerful waves to the atmosphere where it is reported they can be bounced back to Earth and enter the ground at precise locations with this effect in mind. Modern allegations also state that US government is doing this in Antarctica as well, sending the waves directly into the ground.

The allegation that this sort of thing has been possible have been floating around from about the 1970s/80s, for example here are a few quotes from minutes or protocols of a meeting held by a very powerful Occult group in Toronto in 1985, and published by the investigative journalist Serge Monast in the early 1990s. Its actually the last heading in the document, which as you can see ends with a kind of flourish:
"26.– The use of the Electro-Magnetic will cause “Earthquakes” in the most important industrial regions of the Nation-States, to help speed up the “Economic Collapse” of States most threatening to us; as well to amplify the obligation of the establishment of our New World Order [sic, meaning presumably a kind of global blackmail].

27. – Who will we suspect? Who could have suspected the use of these means? Those who dare against us by disseminating information about the existence and content of our “conspiracy”, will become suspect in the eyes of the authorities of their nation and their people. Thanks to the misinformation, lies, hypocrisy, and individualism, that we have created among the people of the Nation-States, this Man will become an enemy for humans. Thus these “Independent Individuals”, who are more dangerous to us precisely because of their “Freedom”, will be considered by their peers as enemies, not liberators. Child slavery, the pillaging of the Third World, unemployment, propaganda for the liberalisation of anti-drug laws, the brutalization of the youth of Nations, the ideology of “Respect for Individual Freedom” diffused in Judeo-Christian Churches and within the Nation-States, obscurantism considered as a basis of pride, inter-ethnic conflicts, and our latest achievement: “Budget cuts”; with all that we can finally see the performance of our ancestral “Dream”: the introduction of our “NEW WORLD ORDER”."
(Brian Nugent, The Toronto Protocol (Corstown, 2012), p.26-27, you can see these protocols also at places like: .)
Another reference comes here from Carey Scott writing for the Sunday Times in 1996 and referring to documents then leaking out of Russia:
"The project, whose existence was first reported in this newspaper in 1993, was believed to have been discontinued after the cold war. But documents obtained by The Sunday Times show that money is still being poured into researching how to harness underground nuclear shock waves into a weapon.

It sounds like the stuff of science fiction. In a secret 1992 military document, however, Pavel Grachev, the former defence minister, ordered scientists to carry out "scientific research and experiments" in a programme codenamed Vulcan "for the final fulfilment of the strategic nuclear-tectonic plans of the Russian Federation".

The document ordered the commander of a military installation to provide resources and personnel for testing, while another analytical military centre was ordered to provide a detailed account of the results of the tests; and in an internal government memorandum dated October 1995, the office of Viktor Chernomyrdin, the prime minister, ordered funding for the "foundation of a new type of strategic-tectonic weapon".
In 1975, Leonid Brezhnev, then Soviet leader, hinted that the Russians had a seismic weapon; and in 1987, just as Mikhail Gorbachev's perestroika was taking hold, the politburo approved research into the possibility of causing a quake along the San Andreas fault in California. The research was carried out in 22 far-flung insitutes of the Soviet Union, among them the Seismological Scientific Centre in Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan."
(Sunday Times 15/9/1996, .)
As you can, the spin is that it is done by nuclear weapons, and of course maybe that is possible too, but it does seem there are easier ways.

In any case if you peruse something like the following links you might feel that the evidence is building up that these weapons are possible and if so would no doubt be very useful as a global blackmail device. Also an interesting twist is that if earthquakes became suddenly very widespread across the world now, it would of course be blamed on Climate Change and hence be a reason to lock us all up into their concentration camp 'smart' cities.

by Brian Nugent

This is a simple introduction to the idea of specific frequencies triggering various layers and minerals underground, by Brooks Agnew who was an engineer doing similar work in searching for underground oil deposits in the US:
Eric Hecker, a plumbing contractor with Raytheon in Antarctica:
Patents on earthquake weapons:
Hugo Chavez said that the US has such a weapon and tested it off the coast of Haiti:
Benjamin Fulford claimed that in discussions with the former Japanese Internal Affairs Minister, Heizo Takenaka, he stated that Japan was blackmailed by such a weapon:
. One German scientist here agrees that the big earthquake that hit Japan in the 21st century was a weapon and an act of blackmail:
The Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca has claimed that the recent Turkish earthquake was caused by a weapon and that it is actually been investigated as such by the Turkish Security Services: .
Patrick Humphrey goes into more detail about the Turkish quake here: .
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Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Tesla worked on these resonant frequency a century ago!


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Sep 11, 2021
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Yes, you can actually see designs for his earthquake weapon on the net, although who knows if that works or not. Tesla for some reason is very popular among these Occult groups, they go on about his hidden technology a lot.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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Earthquakes are normally a result of stress relief and release a colossal amount of energy. To induce a similar result in stable rock formations will require a similar amount of energy to be applied, and lord help anyone caught between the target and any radio transmissin powerful enough to do so.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Fair point, but what about unstable rock formations? In otherwords you combine this with a detailed knowledge of the seismically vulnerable areas and apply the specific frequency to those spots?


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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I remember Myth Busters put Tesla's claims to the test. They developed a small device which created a rhythmic thumping, but would adjust to match the vibratory response from the object attached too. They attached this device (the size of a shoe box) to a large metal span bridge and proceeded to thump away.

The bridge was wired for sensors. After a while the safety people stepped in and ordered the experiment ended, because the bridge was indeed starting to vibrate in a concerning way.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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Fair point, but what about unstable rock formations? In otherwords you combine this with a detailed knowledge of the seismically vulnerable areas and apply the specific frequency to those spots?
Indeed, if the rock was stressed and a way could be found of releasing that stress then a quake may result. The method has obvious applications away from mlitary uses. Genty relieving faults in Califonia rather than hanging around waiting for the big one would be a case in point.

Would it be of any great use though? Only targets in sesmically active areas would be vulnerable, and even then there may not be any great degree of stress built up, resulting in minor disturbances. The target could only be hit once as it mak take centuries for the stress to build up again.

TBH, I'm not overly convinced by all this.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Well its true that in Ireland, hopefully, we shouldn't have too much to worry about here but in lots of other places in the world there could be great concerns., Japan, Mediterranean Europe, large parts of US and Mexico, for example.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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That video you have Plunkett is very concerning, you see its not just raw power we are talking about here, if you get the very precise frequency you could potentially cause serious damage. Realistically its obvious there is some truth to this science and hence its likely earthquakes can be weaponised this way.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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That video you have Plunkett is very concerning, you see its not just raw power we are talking about here, if you get the very precise frequency you could potentially cause serious damage. Realistically its obvious there is some truth to this science and hence its likely earthquakes can be weaponised this way.
I'm still a little sceptical. Steel is consistent in its make up, rock is not, finding the frequeny that effects a mass of rock is pretty much impossible I would have thought, unless it is the water or perhaps a particular mineral within it.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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View attachment 4871

All the different layers of soil, liquids and rock underground have a particular 'resonant frequency' which means they respond with a certain sound to a particular wave sent to them. Many objects have this effect, you can even find out the precise frequency that effects your individual car and this can be important in determining the noise levels therein in certain situations.

Hence mining engineers have described how they were able to locate crude oil underground by sending down radio waves and noting the precise returning wave from the layer that has oscillated slightly. In turn, the allegations about an earthquake weapon generally centre on whether on not if you sent a very powerful wave at just the right frequency to a layer central to the earth's seismic stability, would that trigger an earthquake? Specifically it is alleged that the US's HAARP research station in Alaska is able to send these very powerful waves to the atmosphere where it is reported they can be bounced back to Earth and enter the ground at precise locations with this effect in mind. Modern allegations also state that US government is doing this in Antarctica as well, sending the waves directly into the ground.

The allegation that this sort of thing has been possible have been floating around from about the 1970s/80s, for example here are a few quotes from minutes or protocols of a meeting held by a very powerful Occult group in Toronto in 1985, and published by the investigative journalist Serge Monast in the early 1990s. Its actually the last heading in the document, which as you can see ends with a kind of flourish:

Another reference comes here from Carey Scott writing for the Sunday Times in 1996 and referring to documents then leaking out of Russia:

As you can, the spin is that it is done by nuclear weapons, and of course maybe that is possible too, but it does seem there are easier ways.

In any case if you peruse something like the following links you might feel that the evidence is building up that these weapons are possible and if so would no doubt be very useful as a global blackmail device. Also an interesting twist is that if earthquakes became suddenly very widespread across the world now, it would of course be blamed on Climate Change and hence be a reason to lock us all up into their concentration camp 'smart' cities.

by Brian Nugent

This is a simple introduction to the idea of specific frequencies triggering various layers and minerals underground, by Brooks Agnew who was an engineer doing similar work in searching for underground oil deposits in the US:
Eric Hecker, a plumbing contractor with Raytheon in Antarctica:
Patents on earthquake weapons:
Hugo Chavez said that the US has such a weapon and tested it off the coast of Haiti:
Benjamin Fulford claimed that in discussions with the former Japanese Internal Affairs Minister, Heizo Takenaka, he stated that Japan was blackmailed by such a weapon:
. One German scientist here agrees that the big earthquake that hit Japan in the 21st century was a weapon and an act of blackmail:
The Romanian Senator Diana Iovanovici-Sosoaca has claimed that the recent Turkish earthquake was caused by a weapon and that it is actually been investigated as such by the Turkish Security Services: .
Patrick Humphrey goes into more detail about the Turkish quake here: .

thanks for posting this -- you may not realize what/how this has been documented already in a book called PRINCES OF THE YEN by professor Richard Werner who is a hero of mine and i only listen to two economists Richard Werner and Max Kaiser .
japan had overtaken much of the world after WW2 and to stop them it was decided to destroy their banking system which unbelievably was not a banking system but a post office account system as the clever Japanese knew the americian/Jewish could not take over the post office in japan and take the millions of accounts there .
but if they were forced to use banks the parasites would be waiting for them --this is what happened the powers that be who knew the secret of japans success was the non involvement of usury / Jewish bankers in their system which did not /could not siphon the wealth out of the system as it was post office based .
japan was FORCED to adopt the ruinous American parasite system ===TO FREE AND OPEN THEIR ECONOMY TO OPEN HEALTHY COMPETITION !!!.
they were no 2 in the world and would have been no 1 and now they are destroyed .

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