The Fall of America


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Sep 11, 2021
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It would be ignored by most, the idea of civic duty is long gone for all but the dumb white Bible thumpers.


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Sep 25, 2023
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The US Varadkar and Sunak. The Indianisation of the world continues..


The Neo-Raj

I think that Vivek's path to the presidency is through Trump being pulled down and him inheriting MAGA. It's not like he doesn't have material to work with and he's clever. The MSM have disgraced themselves and are a ready target so all he's got to do is to stay steady and hack away. I'd be careful about him if I were American though. De Santis is still my pick although it's been a bruising campaign. If Trump can pull through then fair dues to him.


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Sep 11, 2021
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The Indian is the only non fake on the stage.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Why am I not astounded by that revelation?
And for every other group that tries the same will be similarly funded .
you can now self design a party and guarantee success .
just ask George how do you wish this thing to go and it will magically happen .
its as old as time,
take Oliver Cromwell who found himself alone in his wishes for genocide and treachery --he then found he ---- had nobody engaged in usury in England as a result there was no individual wealthy enough who could fund his model army and guarantee his murderous plan -- this social success of banishing the usual suspects was then proven by his departure for Holland which did allow those engaged in usury to flourish .
he then met his equal who had less morality than he and EBENEZER PRATT planned his English and Irish campaign down to the strategy of --
firstly imprisoning Charles ----and allowing him to escape in order to change his status from a king with divine right to rule to a felon and a fugitive from JUSTICE .
ebenzer did not trust Cromwell and said funds would flow when he READMITTED the usual suspects which he then did and re admitted those who were more powerful and more wealthy and more ruthless than him and within a few years they NATURALLY installed William and he chartered the bank of England /British empire to them .
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Aug 11, 2023
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Certainly drinkin' whiskey.

'America is not a country but a swarm of special interests that happen to be in the same place. They siphon money from the great, semiconscious, unhappy citizenry, about whom none of them give a wan, etiolated damn. It is adroitly done and, in its craftiness, worthy of admiration. It is also worthy of a national lynch mob or a high-throughput guillotine.

From a curmudgeonly point of view, it helps that Americans don’t like each other. They are mutual aliens, like Trump supporters and inclusiveness goofballs. For example, West Virginia has nothing in common with Southern California, which has nothing in common with Mississippi, which has nothing in common with Massachusetts, which has nothing in common with Latinos, who have nothing in common with blacks, and coastal elites who have nothing in common with the middle of the country that really isn’t one. These used to seem to get along because with bad roads and no internet thee wasn’t really any contact to amount to anything. Now there is, and they want to kill each other. It is probably a good idea.'

This is a very salient point when watching the MSM albeit phrased two fingers from the bottom of the bottle.

'Which brings us to Abraham Lincoln, who said, “You can fool some of the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. Being a politician he didn’t say that you don’t have to. You can fool enough of the people enough of the time, and that’s enough. This is the fundamental principle of American politics.'

This is why, in particular MSNBC, are so bizarre. They're running a version of reality that suits their patronage network and they're trying to keep a body of the public within these bounds - they may lose a proportion of them to compromising reality but their purpose is to keep the bulk of them within the framing of a certain problem/solution set.
excellent post well worded.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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excellent post well worded.

The quoted text from PG's link was excellently done.

I think that the following is a very important point that bears repeating:

'They're running a version of reality that suits their patronage network and they're trying to keep a body of the public within these bounds - they may lose a proportion of them to compromising reality but their purpose is to keep the bulk of them within the framing of a certain problem/solution set.'

This is what drove Russiagate etc. It's not true but that's not its purpose. They're not engaging in an exploration of the truth or best practice but in the maintenance of factional support. They're making fools out of their supporters - alas poor Bob, I knew him well.

MSNBC are all about this, CNN is worn out now and flailing but is at the same gig, ABC & NBC are Prozac (and these two are the traditional respectable stalwarts), and Fox News isn't too bad but has episodes every now and then.

The beltway is behaving like that guy on acid in Apocalypse Now at the trenches in Do Long Bridge.

The question is whether Orwell was right about the direction of late technological society - are we being pushed into a constant state of war that isn't fought for the sake of victory but the condition of being in a state of war and the fixity of political position that this condition brings.

So, we won't see a sudden collapse like Sudan but a realignment of the relationship between the citizen and the state that will be precipitated by a series of crises, the first of which happened during the W years.

That's why I think that DeSantis is the hope of this election cycle - he's the most competent one available and is all-American. His success (if he wins office) is far from guaranteed, it's a fiendishly difficult bind that America and the West is in now, but there's a chance - there won't be a chance if the army stays in the castle and amuses themselves with court intrigue.

The rest may have cup holders and chrome grills but lack a winch, 4WD and disciplined lines of thinking. The Navy is also going to be very important in the next ten years and he is likely to bring the sort of discipline to value for money procurement that Truman did during WWII.

Trump might do much better than one might expect, so there's a prospect there. He's a capable man but can he get over the hype and do the work? He's been through desperate times and held his head so it's in him. He's got to get it into his head that as President he's a resource for the republic, it's not a celebrity gig.

You can see the fear in the punditry of the scales of justice being unrigged. Trump kept to the forms before, there's a question to whether he says fuck it and looks to salve his injuries with an unemcumbered DOJ. Did you see how they used Guiliani (a historic figure in the history of NYC) as an example what happens if you buck the blob? It is a continuing disgrace.

I'd like to see DeSantis go into cabinet in infrastructure or something that is fundamental if he doesn't win the Republican nomination - he'd provide credibility and generate returns.

To be honest, I think that the Democrats are being run from Beijing - cui bono?


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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The quoted text from PG's link was excellently done.

I think that the following is a very important point that bears repeating:

'They're running a version of reality that suits their patronage network and they're trying to keep a body of the public within these bounds - they may lose a proportion of them to compromising reality but their purpose is to keep the bulk of them within the framing of a certain problem/solution set.'

This is what drove Russiagate etc. It's not true but that's not its purpose. They're not engaging in an exploration of the truth or best practice but in the maintenance of factional support. They're making fools out of their supporters - alas poor Bob, I knew him well.

MSNBC are all about this, CNN is worn out now and flailing but is at the same gig, ABC & NBC are Prozac (and these two are the traditional respectable stalwarts), and Fox News isn't too bad but has episodes every now and then.

The beltway is behaving like that guy on acid in Apocalypse Now at the trenches in Do Long Bridge.

The question is whether Orwell was right about the direction of late technological society - are we being pushed into a constant state of war that isn't fought for the sake of victory but the condition of being in a state of war and the fixity of political position that this condition brings.

So, we won't see a sudden collapse like Sudan but a realignment of the relationship between the citizen and the state that will be precipitated by a series of crises, the first of which happened during the W years.

That's why I think that DeSantis is the hope of this election cycle - he's the most competent one available and is all-American. His success (if he wins office) is far from guaranteed, it's a fiendishly difficult bind that America and the West is in now, but there's a chance - there won't be a chance if the army stays in the castle and amuses themselves with court intrigue.

The rest may have cup holders and chrome grills but lack a winch, 4WD and disciplined lines of thinking. The Navy is also going to be very important in the next ten years and he is likely to bring the sort of discipline to value for money procurement that Truman did during WWII.

Trump might do much better than one might expect, so there's a prospect there. He's a capable man but can he get over the hype and do the work? He's been through desperate times and held his head so it's in him. He's got to get it into his head that as President he's a resource for the republic, it's not a celebrity gig.

You can see the fear in the punditry of the scales of justice being unrigged. Trump kept to the forms before, there's a question to whether he says fuck it and looks to salve his injuries with an unemcumbered DOJ. Did you see how they used Guiliani (a historic figure in the history of NYC) as an example what happens if you buck the blob? It is a continuing disgrace.

I'd like to see DeSantis go into cabinet in infrastructure or something that is fundamental if he doesn't win the Republican nomination - he'd provide credibility and generate returns.

To be honest, I think that the Democrats are being run from Beijing - cui bono?
you need to study de santis a little more especially his taking of the entire Florida cabinet to Israel to enact legislation for Israel on TV in a foreign country --in order to show his total subservience to Zionism and his empirical display that he cannot be elected to high office in his own country many thousands of miles away without prostrating himself publicly in Israel and swearing allegiance over and above all US citizens to his ""ALLY.""/PARASITE who he just passed very publicly legislation to jail his own people if they offended Israel.
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