The Fall of America

Coal Gas and peat

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May 2, 2022
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A lot of places are "full". It will not take long now for the overflow to completely get out of control. Massachusetts seems to be close to this point as well. There is now a state budget deficit despite a very good economy and about 400 million dollars of cutbacks have been announced.
Massachusetts better vote for the Trump train or they will drown in the faceas of migrants


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Here's something about "elite" opinion from a Rasmussen poll.

'The survey was conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CUP), a Maryland-based non-profit advocacy group.

The organization polled members of America’s 1 per cent – defined as people who have a postgraduate degree and an annual income of more than $150,000.

77 per cent of elitists who were asked, “To fight climate change, would you favor or oppose the strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity?” said they would favor such a policy.

That figure rises even higher to 89 per cent amongst Ivy League graduates


67 per cent of elitists also believe that teachers should decide what children are taught compared to 26 per cent who think parents should decide.

The poll also reveals how the elite are totally at odds with the general public in both lifestyle and beliefs.

When canvassed on how much freedom the United States should bestow on its citizens, 47 per cent said people had too much freedom compared to 21 per cent who said there was too much control.

In comparison, 57 per cent of voters said there was too much control compared to 16 per cent who said there was too much freedom.

74 per cent say their finances are getting better, while just 20 per cent of the general public say the same.

A whopping 84 per cent also approve of the job Joe Biden is doing as president, while recent polls show Biden has an approval rating of around 39 per cent with general voters.'

Shocking Poll Exposes How Much the Elite Hate Us - Zerohedge


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Sep 11, 2021
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Massachusetts better vote for the Trump train or they will drown in the faceas of migrants
Lol. Massachusetts is 70% democrat.

But they are greedy materialist gits as well, far worse than nearly everyplace else. Showing off their houses etc etc.

So a bit of deprivation might cure them somewhat.


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Here's something about "elite" opinion from a Rasmussen poll.

'The survey was conducted by the Committee to Unleash Prosperity (CUP), a Maryland-based non-profit advocacy group.

The organization polled members of America’s 1 per cent – defined as people who have a postgraduate degree and an annual income of more than $150,000.

77 per cent of elitists who were asked, “To fight climate change, would you favor or oppose the strict rationing of gas, meat and electricity?” said they would favor such a policy.

That figure rises even higher to 89 per cent amongst Ivy League graduates


67 per cent of elitists also believe that teachers should decide what children are taught compared to 26 per cent who think parents should decide.

The poll also reveals how the elite are totally at odds with the general public in both lifestyle and beliefs.

When canvassed on how much freedom the United States should bestow on its citizens, 47 per cent said people had too much freedom compared to 21 per cent who said there was too much control.

In comparison, 57 per cent of voters said there was too much control compared to 16 per cent who said there was too much freedom.

74 per cent say their finances are getting better, while just 20 per cent of the general public say the same.

A whopping 84 per cent also approve of the job Joe Biden is doing as president, while recent polls show Biden has an approval rating of around 39 per cent with general voters.'

Shocking Poll Exposes How Much the Elite Hate Us - Zerohedge
You know.
Those results are not shocking or surprising.
These assholes are completely disconnected from the populace.
Living in gated communities.
Going to the same colleges
Access to patronage.
Knowing that you follow the herd and don't buck the rules.
Same thing in the UK.
Oxford and Cambridge supply a huge portion of the government elite's.
Same in France.
What else do you expect.?
I was on holidays in Italy a small while ago.
There was a big yacht tied up.
The crew were total nothings watching the yacht owners or renter's turning up from a shopping expedition.
Especially the children.
These are the Davros clique.
Do as we say.
Not as we do.
The yacht runs on biodiesel.
We don't own the jet's.
Now go away.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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You know.
Those results are not shocking or surprising.
These assholes are completely disconnected from the populace.
Living in gated communities.
Going to the same colleges
Access to patronage.
Knowing that you follow the herd and don't buck the rules.
Same thing in the UK.
Oxford and Cambridge supply a huge portion of the government elite's.
Same in France.
What else do you expect.?
I was on holidays in Italy a small while ago.
There was a big yacht tied up.
The crew were total nothings watching the yacht owners or renter's turning up from a shopping expedition.
Especially the children.
These are the Davros clique.
Do as we say.
Not as we do.
The yacht runs on biodiesel.
We don't own the jet's.
Now go away.

Joy Reid is a mad bitch.

'The findings reveal that, over four years spanning from before the pandemic to the present, approximately 12% of elementary schools and 9% of middle schools experienced a loss of at least one-fifth of their enrollment. Brookings Institution fellow Sofoklis Goulas emphasized that enrollment declines are a widespread phenomenon, impacting schools across the nation.


Whether it be homeschooling or private schools, a growing number of parents are opting to remove their children from public schools in search of an alternative. As public schools continue to become a place for radical left ideology, including critical race theory and transgenderism, it should come as no surprise that many Americans are seeking a better education for students.'

ERIN ELMORE: Schools across US face massive enrollment decline - Human Events


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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Joy Reid is a mad bitch.

'The findings reveal that, over four years spanning from before the pandemic to the present, approximately 12% of elementary schools and 9% of middle schools experienced a loss of at least one-fifth of their enrollment. Brookings Institution fellow Sofoklis Goulas emphasized that enrollment declines are a widespread phenomenon, impacting schools across the nation.


Whether it be homeschooling or private schools, a growing number of parents are opting to remove their children from public schools in search of an alternative. As public schools continue to become a place for radical left ideology, including critical race theory and transgenderism, it should come as no surprise that many Americans are seeking a better education for students.'

ERIN ELMORE: Schools across US face massive enrollment decline - Human Events

" " Joy " " = = What an Ass-Hole of Misery !


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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'Since 2004, the Chinese government has sponsored Confucius Institutes on college and university campuses around the world, providing teachers, textbooks, and operating funds. NAS’s 2017 report, Outsourced to China: Confucius Institutes and Soft Power in American Higher Education, found that Confucius Institutes undermine academic integrity and import censorship.

Confucius Institutes began closing in the wake of state and federal policies that targeted Confucius Institutes for their risks to U.S. national security. But in June 2022, NAS found that many once-defunct Confucius Institutes had reopened under new names. As detailed in After Confucius Institutes: China’s Enduring Influence on American Higher Education, many colleges and universities had replaced their Confucius Institute with a substantially similar program, or maintained closed relationships with Chinese institutions that had partnered in the Confucius Institute. These rebranding efforts match those of the Chinese government, which has reorganized Confucius Institutes under a new organization, the Chinese International Education Foundation.'

How Many Confucius Institutes Are in the United States? - NAS


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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The shit is hitting the fan here.
You can feel it if you tune in. But the superbowl is the distraction now for a good two weeks.



Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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James O’Keefe goes undercover again and gets a Republican congressional aide to admit, on camera, that Washington DC is running on sexual blackmail:



Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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The Boomer message in a nutshell:

America is the greatest nation the world has ever known, if America has any problems all of them are the fault of the Millennials, you’re just jealous that you didn’t have a great life like ours, and I’m sure glad I’m going to die before the shit hits the fan.



Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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Zipporah's Flint


It is interesting how Gen X get forgotten about in all this.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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He says a British missile cruiser was destroyed or sank.

He is likely a shill or crazy, but who knows. I watched 16minutes

Zipporah's Flint

He says a British missile cruiser was destroyed or sank.

He is likely a shill or crazy, but who knows. I watched 16minutes

I remember Steve Quayle- he used to make his money going on about Nephilim, etc. I think rather than being a shill as such like Alex Jones in the past but less successfully he offers entertainment under the guise of making wild claims.

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