The Gemma Thread.


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Sep 11, 2021
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She suggests nowadays that people shouldn't bother complaining about asylum seekers coming to the parish as they will go home when "the state collapses", and we can make that happen by "walking away from the state"
Have you a better deal for "making g then go home" ????


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Sep 11, 2021
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Yes, it is a hell of a long video.

It shows the worst crisis actor EVER with a video supposedly AFTER the bomb with the concert live on a video monitor in the background.

It is discussing some lad called Richard Hall that proves it all a hoax and is now in the courts getting sued and screwed. I am not familiar with him.

They say that Brian Gerrish is a shill, who knows. I am very familiar with him and his focus was "Common Cause". He is interesting.

They suspect Ritchie Allen is a shill, who knows. I think he is just an intelligent socialist, somewhat like SF fools.


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Sep 11, 2021
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Richard Hall is being sued by a lad supposedly almost killed and was paralyzed from the waste down, but he can now move his legs and such. His daughter supposedly had a bolt go through he temple and out the other side but still survived what obviously is a fatal wound.

I will have to watch his videos now some time.


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Sep 11, 2021
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But the clip of the crisis actor crying looking for his daughter after the bomb, with a crowd just going about there business and he in clean clothes, should be enough to wake people up.

But it will not as they don't want to be awoken.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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I railed against giving Gemma & Co any credence since she first appeared. On and Pish and here and
I was laughed at. Dan stuck to her solidly. They said I had a crush on her, I was droodling over her which was
childish in the extreme. Now see this and let her get out of this. The fact a thread has been allowed run here
for so long is a sad reflection and when you think that the posters backed the coup to drive me out of moderation while believing she was a real campaigner speaks volumes. Lets see how many of yiz will go to the court and back her up.



Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
I railed against giving Gemma & Co any credence since she first appeared. On and Pish and here and
I was laughed at. Dan stuck to her solidly. They said I had a crush on her, I was droodling over her which was
childish in the extreme. Now see this and let her get out of this. The fact a thread has been allowed run here
for so long is a sad reflection and when you think that the posters backed the coup to drive me out of moderation while believing she was a real campaigner speaks volumes. Lets see how many of yiz will go to the court and back her up.

This is very interesting. I see that court action is in relation to comments/remarks from Gemma & John in regard to Abortion practice and legislation.
One of my long time fascinations with Gemma is to do with her devotion to Catholicism. I've always wondered to see if she would gain massive support from religious communities/parishes and perhaps miracles from Jesus & God.
Now, it appears the current trouble stems from Gemma & Johns endorsement of their Religious beliefs which they apply, stating publicly and critically against private/public individuals.

Personally I'm not of their faith so I'll quite sensibly sit this one out while keenly waiting to see how God and Believer's help out and deal with it.:)


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Sep 11, 2021
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You know Professor in the Catholic faith life on earth is a trial, a test, which if you pass it means you enter a paradise known as heaven. Catholicism does not preach any kind of paradise on earth, that good people go through difficulties on earth is entirely the way its supposed to be in the Catholic faith.


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Mar 13, 2023
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You know Professor in the Catholic faith life on earth is a trial, a test, which if you pass it means you enter a paradise known as heaven. Catholicism does not preach any kind of paradise on earth, that good people go through difficulties on earth is entirely the way its supposed to be in the Catholic faith.
One has to question what kind of omniscient, all-loving and benign creator would create such an arrangement, however. How noble or virtuous is it to create an infinite game of seemingly randomized pain and suffering aimed at forcing your children to prove their love for you--whilst concomitantly providing no evidence of one's existence or indeed for the promise of heaven at all?

If any parent in Ireland did anything analogous to this to their children, there would be national outcry. It would be front page news. This trial of existence does not strike me as the construct of a loving God, but rather the demented game of a narcissistic psychopath.

And it does seem the deck is unfairly stacked, doesn't it? Right now, there is a seven-year-old child running barefoot in the Amazon jungle, a member of an uncontracted tribe, who is presumably destined to hell purely as a consequence of them not getting the memo, because, like everybody else in their lineage stretching back as far as memory, there will never be an opportunity to experience the Gospels or the word of Christ. What chance do you think s/he has of entering the Kingdom of God? Surely less than your own--born into a life, time and culture whereby you were corralled into an education in Christian theology.
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Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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You know Professor in the Catholic faith life on earth is a trial, a test, which if you pass it means you enter a paradise known as heaven. Catholicism does not preach any kind of paradise on earth, that good people go through difficulties on earth is entirely the way its supposed to be in the Catholic faith.
I put one or two scenarios to Ms Catherine regarding that but unfortunately she couldn't address them with any confidence.

Its something of an underwhelming get out clause that you've described there Sir.


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Sep 11, 2021
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But what you are now trying to do is second guess God, you know how He thinks and how He should react to situations? Logically wouldn't you need super human intelligence to knowledgeably work that one out?

He doesn't show himself because thats one of the tests, if He did it wouldn't be much of an exam.

Remember too souls live for eternity, your time on earth is a minuscule blip at the beginning. Some trial during that very short phrase which might make you a better person, could be repaid in spades for that eternity. Hence He might send trials for you on earth out of a sense of love, because He can see your eternal future.


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Mar 13, 2023
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But what you are now trying to do is second guess God, you know how He thinks and how He should react to situations? Logically wouldn't you need super human intelligence to knowledgeably work that one out?

He doesn't show himself because thats one of the tests, if He did it wouldn't be much of an exam.

Remember too souls live for eternity, your time on earth is a minuscule blip at the beginning. Some trial during that very short phrase which might make you a better person, could be repaid in spades for that eternity. Hence He might send trials for you on earth out of a sense of love, because He can see your eternal future.
Again, I ask you to account for the 7YO child living in an uncontacted Tribe in the Amazon. What contingency plan does God have in place for such a circumstance?

Do you not think Hell seems like a very extreme punishment, given the lack of available evidence for the existence of God? Why can't the non-believers simply cease to exist? Why must they be tormented in excruciating agony for all eternity? Again, does this sound like the actions of a loving God? This does not sound like love to me.
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Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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But what you are now trying to do is second guess God, you know how He thinks and how He should react to situations? Logically wouldn't you need super human intelligence to knowledgeably work that one out? He doesn't show himself because thats one of the tests, if He did it wouldn't be much of an exam. Remember too souls live for eternity, your time on earth is a minuscule blip at the beginning. Some trial during that very short phrase which might make you a better person, could be repaid in spades for that eternity. Hence He might send trials for you on earth out of a sense of love, because He can see your eternal future.
These are the ramblings of not a very well person.

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