The two core defining features of the Far Right.


Zipporah's Flint

The terms gets thrown around today like confetti so I think it would be good to try and define it. Having studied or looked into various Far Rights groups and thinkers whether actually Fascist, "White Nationalist", Muslim, "Black Nationalist" and Jewish (the idea that only people who's ancestors were either Catholic or Orthodox Christian in the Middle Ages can be Far Right is pretty extreme racialism when you think about it- it claims for us a radically different human nature to everyone else) I see the Far Right has having two defining features, two defining features which more over tend to become interpenetrated if not completely melded together in the psyche of the Far Rightist. They are an obsession with and quest for purity and what could be called "survivalism" by which I mean an intense sense of threat on various fronts which morphs into a conviction that survival is the highest good and an end in and of itself, which therefore can often lead to it negating other ethical considerations.


"Far right" hmmmmm. There was a British journalist a few years back (can't remember his name) who made a witty observation having spent a number of years studying social media and internet forums: his conclusion was that there's a huge demand for racists and nazis but the supply just isn't there to meet demand. I wonder if he trawled through Myles's posts on and pisle of shit? Seriously, this is a fella who, if you read his posts without knowing anything about Ireland - would convince you that Ireland is under siege from far right nazi groups; that Dan here is David Duke reborn. When what's the reality? He found about 5 racists on some fringe forum and since then has been manically fear-mongering about the rise of the "far right" (5 fellas on the internet and maybe their dog). I've concluded now that it's a kind of hobby for him. 99.9 per cent of the shite he writes is irrelevant to Irish people.

A pain for the rest of us. Enjoyable for him.

You'd find a lot of people (outside the online world) would probably broadly share the views of the two old women someone posted on pisle of shit. Concerns about their community changing rapidly in a short space of time; feeling like a stranger in the capital city. That kind of thing. Harmless enough.

So generally I'd say it's a term used by internet shut-ins who can't distinguish between what they read online and what's actually going in wider society.

Tragic really.


Might be more interesting to examine the "progressive left", "anti-fascist" types you find online. Though we'd be here a while.

Whenever I come across these creatures online I'm always struck by how utterly humourless, po faced, and permanently angry they are. A very strange bunch. There's a poster on, very woke altogether, called "MsDaisyC" or something like it. She's like a parody of some angry teenager. Go through her posting history on for a laugh. .

Or Frumpy Talentless: the fella who thinks he's very edgy by relentlessly attacking a dead church and its adherents. To my mind he's possibly one of the most irritating, grating, tedious streaks of piss I've ever come across. Anytime I read his shite I want to smash the screen in pure frustration.

Then there's Myles, another humourless, permanently angry, jarring pain in the hole. He's convinced that he's at the vanguard of the fight against the invading far right army. When in reality he's just a bored (unemployed?) engineer who can't distinguish between the shite he reads online and the outside world. He was having a great laugh abusing some fella's daughter along with an unemployed, divorced anorexic fella in Helsinki. Until the table's were turned and his ugly mug was broadcast to the world. And now he's very upset. Oh how I laughed.

But I think the thing that really defines them is that they specialise in lying, misrepresentation, hypocrisy and smears. That's pretty much their arsenal. Always with the smears, strawmen. It's how they signal their virtue (and that's very important to them). They create a caricature of their opponents and cast themselves as the saviours. It's nothing new. It's just that the internet means you have more of the cunts to deal with.


One thing I should have added about the painfully woke virtue signalling progressive loons you find online: their whole social and political outlook is based on a hierarchy of victims (themselves cast as the saviour of these victims of course). There was a very funny chart some commenter on the Spectator did ages ago (I wish I could find it but alas I can't remember what article it was posted under), mapping out the hierarchy. Very funny. He had all kinds of categories and sub-categories and then detailed explanations of what happens when two of the victim groups come into conflict and the progressives don't know how to react (Islamic groups picketing schools in Birmingham over LGBT lessons was the example he gave). Really funny. I wish I saved it.

The problem for the progressive trendies is that they're so obnoxious and loathsome and humourless and generally unpleasant that they can't contain their hatred for large swathes of the population. They really try but the mask always slips. Remember Clinton and her "deplorables" remark? Or the Remoaners and their endless "racist" smears that ultimately failed.

I think that more or less sums them up.

Zipporah's Flint

It's gas how he bangs on about other people being in a "cult".

You should check out post 96 on the "Pish is gone" thread on Politics Isle by roc. It is, as we Nordies say, a "cracker" (in later posts on that thread he goes on to declare his belief that Dan wants to destroy the known Universe out of his sullen but seething rage- that made me giggle uncontrollably). Obviously the OP of this thread here "triggered" him. The thing is talking about his goings on about a "cult" is that that what I have seen probably "trigger" him the most is Normies referring to him as an extremist.


That rings a bell, and the name that popped into my head was Douglas Murray.

It's gas how he bangs on about other people being in a "cult".
Always ironic when a BLM supporter accuses others of having a victim mindset. He's some retard.


One thing I should have added about the painfully woke virtue signalling progressive loons you find online: their whole social and political outlook is based on a hierarchy of victims (themselves cast as the saviour of these victims of course). There was a very funny chart some commenter on the Spectator did ages ago (I wish I could find it but alas I can't remember what article it was posted under), mapping out the hierarchy. Very funny. He had all kinds of categories and sub-categories and then detailed explanations of what happens when two of the victim groups come into conflict and the progressives don't know how to react (Islamic groups picketing schools in Birmingham over LGBT lessons was the example he gave). Really funny. I wish I saved it.

The problem for the progressive trendies is that they're so obnoxious and loathsome and humourless and generally unpleasant that they can't contain their hatred for large swathes of the population. They really try but the mask always slips. Remember Clinton and her "deplorables" remark? Or the Remoaners and their endless "racist" smears that ultimately failed.

I think that more or less sums them up.
Yes this was it. Now can you imagine the reaction - just imagine- the reaction from Myles, Ms Daisy, the Lump and the other gobshites if this was a conservative - god forbid- Catholic group protesting outside a school that was providing LGBT lessons. Can you imagine the foaming at the mouth, the unhinged hatred, the general nastiness.

Doesn't it really tell you something about them? How deceitful and dishonest and cowardly they are?

Ah I wish I could find that victim hierarchy chart...


Zipporah's Flint

And Murray of course plays his part in limiting that supply.

It's funny when you know all sides of the story, from the mindless NPC leftist drones, who they think are 'far right', and then what the actual 'far right' think of those people.

Peterson is another example. I remember he was being interviewed by some far left outlet, Vice or something, and he was accused of being 'far right' or 'alt-right' and Peterson said to the interviewer - Go and ask those people what they think of me. Good point, Jordan :)

The thing is though that Enoch Powell- who was NOT Far Right- who Douglas Murray praises in that while being either deceptively superficial or lying through omission about him would have LOATHED Douglas Murray. The thing about the book is that he basically says that the whole massive demographic change happened by accident, and that the only possible reason he can think of is people losing Faith in Christianity and stopping going to Church (outside of the Republic of Ireland and maybe Sweden I don't think that this was a factor at all- and it was a factor here and maybe there for particular socio-historical reasons), while both Enoch Powell and later in his career in France Alain De Beinoist (who comes out of the Far Right but who I would not call Far Right- arguably he stopped being Far Right in the early 1980s if not before) gave detailed well argued explanations of why the Elites in their countries were perusing these policies (none of which had to do with Kalegeri plans or Jewish conspiracies or what have you in case roc_ is assuming things). He never addresses those.


Is there anyone who isn't far right? What about my granny? Is she exempt?

Zipporah's Flint

LOL @ Myles desperately trying to drag Peterson back into his "far right", Orange Man Bad etc. plantation (see post #101 in the Pish thread).

What a sad bastard. How many times do I have to tell him that when he's talking about me, he's not talking about me, he's talking about a caricature, that his dumb, anti-white cult has put in his (feeble) mind.

Well I do think that there is a thing in the West at the moment, maybe particularly in the Anglosphere, whether you are on the Right, Left or Centre to put yourself forward as some type of "victim" as if ipso facto that is supposed to give you some legitimacy. I have seen both Jordan Peterson and Katie Hopkins indulge in this but "The Atlantic" labeling it a particularly Trump voter thing shows a massive, massive lack of self-awareness on their part. Again though roc_ uses "victim status" of certain people to justify them doing absolutely terrible things to other people and when people take him up on it he again goes into victim mode. As much as I despise Peterson he has nothing on roc_ in this regard (and in general he is not the worst in this regard- mind you I don't follow him as such).

Interesting though that he has turned on Peterson. There is a moment there when he was not exactly an enthusiast but very warm towards Peterson- he particularly liked Peterson saying that the only reason anyone ever disliked Jews was because they were jealous losers.

Zipporah's Flint

Well if that's what his anti-white handlers/cult leaders tell him to think..

Here's Peterson on the "far right", the two of them could have been separated at birth -

Well a lot of women get a lot of meaning in life through having kids, family, etc and the sense of belonging, of connectedness, that brings. You could argue that is "identity politics" on a small scale, it certainly is not "living as an individual". I thought Peterson was against women throwing that away? That was my first reaction. I also do not think it is healthy for a significant majority of males to exist as atomized "individuals".
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Zipporah's Flint

Throw what away, a family instead of a career? I'm not sure he would have said that, he's hardly a traditionalist :)

There's really no reason to label him "far right", people who he calls "pasty-faced", flag-waving morons who need to grow up.. All I can think off really is his "transphobic" compelled speech stuff (pronouns) and his "misogyny" (slapping a few feminists around on their stupid notions, e.g. gender pay gap, equality of outcome) but that was enough for the looney left.

I don't think he is "Far Right" at all-I don't think he has even any Far Right inclinations. I think a lot of people just assume that he is "Far Right" because people have told them that he is- a bit like Enoch Powell, but Enoch Powell was an incredibly intelligent and thoughtful man. I do get the sense that he is not particularly fond of the female sex, but that is fine, there are a good few women who are not particularly fond of the male gender- and neither makes one "Far Right" as I understand the term.


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Sep 3, 2022
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I can't find the quote from a journalist.
But it goes along the line's.
The supply of actual far right types is far far lower than the media demand.

Zipporah's Flint

Powell was of course "far right" himself, certainly by today's "standards" because he was a nationalist...who enjoyed popular support. That support may have waned considerably in the decades since of continued systemic antiwhiteism but who's to know for sure. And as whites transition from hated majority to hated minority, it may become inevitable that they wake up although by then it will be too late.

Enoch Powell is a man that I greatly admire. Of course in today's world if you say you admire someone people think that this means you support or at least sympathize strongly with every position they took- but that is not so. I do think he thought out all the positions that he took and he was a man of principle which is something that I respect.

There was an ethno-nationalist element to his opposition to mass immigration but it was a positive ethno-nationalism, people are not interchangable and he saw these Isles (he had fantasies of bringing back the ROI under the UK) as essentially a family, and he believed that mass immigration would undermine that, undermine social solidarity (actually this is a very a strong point and a key reason that I am against mass immigration). However he had no time for IQ fetishists/"race realists" and things about him you might consider "anti-White"- for instance he brought to light when no one in the Labour Party would horrendous crimes that the UK State was committing in it's colonial wars in Africa at the time. He strongly opposed NATO and had a similar attitude to the United States almost as Tadgh had. He strongly believed in a Free Market system but he also believed in the necesscity of very strong Trade Unions for a healthy society. For all his faults he had integrity- something gravely lacking in most politicians across the West today.

Zipporah's Flint

Might be more interesting to examine the "progressive left", "anti-fascist" types you find online. Though we'd be here a while.

Whenever I come across these creatures online I'm always struck by how utterly humourless, po faced, and permanently angry they are. A very strange bunch. There's a poster on, very woke altogether, called "MsDaisyC" or something like it. She's like a parody of some angry teenager. Go through her posting history on for a laugh. .

Or Frumpy Talentless: the fella who thinks he's very edgy by relentlessly attacking a dead church and its adherents. To my mind he's possibly one of the most irritating, grating, tedious streaks of piss I've ever come across. Anytime I read his shite I want to smash the screen in pure frustration.

Then there's Myles, another humourless, permanently angry, jarring pain in the hole. He's convinced that he's at the vanguard of the fight against the invading far right army. When in reality he's just a bored (unemployed?) engineer who can't distinguish between the shite he reads online and the outside world. He was having a great laugh abusing some fella's daughter along with an unemployed, divorced anorexic fella in Helsinki. Until the table's were turned and his ugly mug was broadcast to the world. And now he's very upset. Oh how I laughed.

But I think the thing that really defines them is that they specialise in lying, misrepresentation, hypocrisy and smears. That's pretty much their arsenal. Always with the smears, strawmen. It's how they signal their virtue (and that's very important to them). They create a caricature of their opponents and cast themselves as the saviours. It's nothing new. It's just that the internet means you have more of the cunts to deal with.

Daisy is the type who would be smugly preening herself over her righteousness at being agin unmarried mums and their Communist conspiracies if this was the 1980s- givens this is the 2020s it is the "Far Right", wascists, etc that being agin gives her that warm shot of smugness. What much else can be said about her? You will always have people like her until Christ returns- we live in a fallen world. What else is to be said about her?

Lumpy probably has been to prison and so been seriously shamed. Hence the bitterness.

I very much doubt that roc_ is this Myles O'Connor. The Roc is a mythical bird that Arabic speaking peoples frighten children when they are being naughty with. I got the reference and he admitted it. I could right long essays on roc_ but I should not go there, at least for the sake of my better half and kids.

Zipporah's Flint

Throw what away, a family instead of a career? I'm not sure he would have said that, he's hardly a traditionalist :)

There's really no reason to label him "far right", people who he calls "pasty-faced", flag-waving morons who need to grow up.. All I can think off really is his "transphobic" compelled speech stuff (pronouns) and his "misogyny" (slapping a few feminists around on their stupid notions, e.g. gender pay gap, equality of outcome) but that was enough for the looney left.

Something that I am actually really fond about you is that you are almost autistically straight forward, however you are increasingly rare in that.

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