Why do you have now big capitalist mega donors to and pushers of the "LGBT agenda" but none at all doing the same for "White Nationalism"?

  • Thread starter Zipporah's Flint
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Zipporah's Flint

This is not a question so much about the rights or wrongs of either homosexualism or "White Nationalism"- I am sure some of these people privately have racialist views of the type that could now get Plebs seriously into trouble. I am also sure that such people generally only do things that they see as strengthening their wealth/power. Why do you think that they see the former as empowering them at the moment but see the latter as having no possibilities for empowering them or maybe even being something which threatens them with disempowerment?



🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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I believe its all about divide and conquer.

Whilst they create division they can continue to get away with the rubbish they have been up to for years.

Ireland, for instance, has always been a welcoming country, the powers that be abused that and pushed us to the brink, calling people far right, racist, etc if they dare speak up.

The same with the LGTBQ movement, they got us to accept Gay Marriage, and yet they continue to push more depravity on us, to the point that people have enough. This creates the division they want, so they can continue to do as they want.

It also takes away from the actual real problems, such as massive debt.

Zipporah's Flint

I'm not sure what this is about but they are two different groups (alphabet people and white people), literally on opposite sides in the oppression paradigm

Okay let me put it this way to you- why do you think there are no billionaires funding and pushing the likes of Mark Collett, Andrew Joyce. etc? However there are a good few out there funding and pushing all sorts of public exhibitionism of kinkiness?

Zipporah's Flint

I just don't really understand your question :).. I don't really see any link between the two.

Well if there are a good few billionaires out there willing to throw away large fortunes on the sexual deviants than don't you find it strange that there seem to be no billionaires out there willing to do the same thing for "White Nationalism"?

Zipporah's Flint

Again, I can't make sense of a link between alphabet "sexual deviancy" and ""White Nationalism"". Is there any reason why you're comparing these completely different things? And besides, you seem to conflate white nationalism with white supremacy, or I've sort of picked up on that.

They are both ideologies.

One ideology has billionaire support a plenty while one has billionaire opposition a plenty at least when it comes to funding.

Zipporah's Flint

Apples and oranges are both fruit.

I just don't know why you're making the comparison, I don't even know what you think ""White Nationalism"" is. Like I said, my guess is that you conflate it with white supremacy.

Okay you think I was having a go passive aggressive sly dig? I really was not.

I was making a comparison between the two but not one which addressed there actual contents. This actually came out of an argument I had with a sincere but rather naive to the point of stupid thinking Leftist who argued that homosexualism was innately against the Capitalist order and I asked her in reply whether she thought the same about White Nationalism to which she of course answered "No" and so I brought up the fact that one has billionaire backers aplenty and the other does not even have one at least that I know of.

Forget about the deviant supremacism for a moment.

Why do you think that no billionaires- plenty of whom are White- back White Nationalism?

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