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  1. M

    US Politics.

    There was a post up on Linkedin a couple of days ago saying exactly the opposite.
  2. M

    US Politics.

    From the same link, it's not just China. China trying to develop world ‘built on censorship and surveillance’
  3. M

    US Politics.

    I've just downloaded proton VPN and created an account etc but no indication of how to start browsing with it in place.
  4. M

    US Politics. is defo being blocked by the establishment, can't get it on Duckduckgo, Brave or even Yandex, itself a Russian owner browser.
  5. M

    US Politics.

    What has the UK been doing with all that money?
  6. M

    US Politics.

    Just another politico on the make. Big money is being made out of the snake pit of corruption that is Ukraine, and he's wanting a slice of the action.
  7. M

    US Politics.

    He might have strained something kicking all that Democrat arse.
  8. M

    US Politics.

    All dyed in the wool democrats I’m sure. This sort of thing is utterly meaningless.
  9. M

    US Politics.

    Of the child! :oops:
  10. M

    US Politics.

    You do a very good impression though.
  11. M

    US Politics.

    And then we'll know for sure who's in charge I guess.
  12. M

    US Politics.

    I think we may well see a change in the Ukrainian situation and some rapprochement with Russia. The bell weather there will be the fate of Nuland, if she keeps her job then it will just be more of the same, if she goes, then Putin may be willing to talk.
  13. M

    US Politics.

    Assuming they are still allowed by then.
  14. M

    US Politics.

    Good thinking, and there is a lot to be said for that line of thought, however, there must be some point at which they recognise that to rig the vote would be so obvious it would let loose all sorts of unintended consequences, not necessarily to their advantage.
  15. M

    US Politics.

    It's just getting harder for the Dem's to rig the election. Trump obviously has huge popular support and to try and pretend that Biden has more is going to be nowhere as easy as it was last time.
  16. M

    US Politics.

    You're right, that ain't the Joe Biden that can hardly walk or chew gum, let alone at the same time.
  17. M

    US Politics.

    The overwhelming impression is that Cameron's mindset is set at 25 years behind reality, has he never heard of BRICS, does he really think that Russia is all alone in the big wide world? The fellow is a complete plonker.
  18. M

    US Politics.

    She's probably not wrong, they all think it's zero
  19. M

    US Politics.

    Have Citigroup got their preferred cabinet lined up yet?
  20. M

    US Politics.

    That's some investment in botox there.

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