Gemma always said Heasman was a plant."Looks like this Iranian who made the gesture to slice Irish throats in Mullingar is sharing my videos."
Perhaps the one that goes around saying that everyone else is a Plant ~ Is A Plant.Gemma always said Heasman was a plant.
Battle dress uniform, Sir. ❤ Each army has their own, winter, summer, snow, jungle, desert.What is BDU M'lady?
Lemme guess. Gated pad in Foxrock and a weekend getaway on one of the islands in the Wesht? Knows an oil princess with her family from Dubai, and she's so nice, and so cosmopolitan. Bet she's never on the Luas.The woke Gaelgeoirs strike again
RTÉ newsreader Sharon Ní Bheoláin calls for pushback against ‘extreme rhetoric’ aimed at refugees
RTÉ newsreader Sharon Ní Bheoláin calls for pushback against ‘extreme rhetoric’ aimed at refugees
RTÉ News broadcaster Sharon Ní Bheoláin has said we should “actively support those in need” in these uncertain
A Kunt.Lemme guess. Gated pad in Foxrock and a weekend getaway on one of the islands in the Wesht? Knows an oil princess with her family from Dubai, and she's so nice, and so cosmopolitan. Bet she's never on the Luas.
That moment when you realise thatCorporalCollaborator Duggan is open borders lefty scum -
Quite psychopathic imo. Doesn't do well under stress - possibly due to guilty conscience on account of selling his People for the few shillingsAnd a soccer fan. Probably atheist too.
Social media is full of lads that like that.
Look at his boyfriend behind him laughing.