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  1. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    Hopefully Robert will make another in the Meet the Fokkers series. Those movies are his crowning achievement
  2. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    You can vote Biden Democrat or Kennedy Democrat or Trump Democrat.
  3. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    This after moving the embassy from Tel Avis? After pushing Kushner? After killing General Solemeni? After bombing Syria? After doing lockdowns and Operation Warp Speed for vaccination? But push comes to shove whenever the Palestinians get a touch
  4. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    Occupy? You mean 'illegal settlements' surely? I thought Islamics and their Leftie allies were against illegal settlements?
  5. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    Biden is Batting for Ireland. He is one of our Troops. Clever Irish Diplomats control him with the stunning use of Brolly's mouth around his cock Brits and EU officials are astounded at how the US is bent to the will of Ireland
  6. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    Trump was contained in his last presidency, he was contained in the last election. Why would the Dems or Deep State particularly worry even if he won the next election? Its not as if he be able, would want to stray much from the Narrative. This dooming about the Dems, Epstein, Hunter etc etc...
  7. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    God, it would want be more exciting than that.
  8. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    and will let it ride right to the end too, so all the energy and time of the patriot side is tied up in a useless campaign for an ultimately useless candidate. far better to spend time learning common electrical faults in large residential and office buildings.
  9. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    Vivek, by the looks of him, would shit all over your street. Like Sunak and Varadkar
  10. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    They didnt let him win the last time, but they will let him win this time. Win, even though the Republican party have done nothing to sort out the dodgy practises within the polling stations and counts. its just the start of another year of Patriots having their energy, time and money sucked...
  11. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

  12. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    The once upon a time pride of the US Army and the Irish AGS? Dont make us laugh. They were always a bunch of cu nts.
  13. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    We need to tease the out of him the best way to artificially inseminate a reluctant heifer
  14. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    Some rich people left the city, encountered some gutters and now its an national emergency.
  15. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.

    The Real Shocker In Friday's Jobs Report: 1.2 Million Native-Born Workers Lost Their Jobs, And Were Replaced With 668K Foreign-Born Workers
  16. SeekTheFairLand

    US Politics.


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