Conflicts, and potential conflicts, that could explode into WWIII


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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You move amongst some very stupid people up there.
This person is not stupid, but is ill informed. I was surprised. Ignorance about what is happening is a problem in elections. They all agreed a war is a strong possibility and Britain could be struck by a Nuke.


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Sep 11, 2021
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I don't see why they cannot be at least as bad oppressors as those you list.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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I don't see why they cannot be at least as bad oppressors as those you list.
They can be better IMO. I do understand they might take all our recourses. They might take over farm land but they have more farm land than they need at home. Anyway, I think the last thing Ireland should worry about is the Russians.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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The Russians have a lot better things to be doing than to come to Ireland ~ ~ The Russians have beaten Napoleon and Hitler ~ ~ Way to smart, than to come to Ireland.


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Sep 3, 2022
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Was talking with a few well read people at a funeral this evening and i sung dumb to test opinion. They say we should join NATO because Putin will treat Ireland as Britain. One said Putin is tapping sub aqua cables off the Jerry coast and will attack Ireland is allowed.
Depending on the definition of "Well read'


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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The Russians have a lot better things to be doing than to come to Ireland ~ ~ The Russians have beaten Napoleon and Hitler ~ ~ Way to smart, than to come to Ireland.
All Russia need do is destroy any US bases here, plus attack, via submarine or drone, any underwater infrastructure.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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Even the Romans = = Reckoned Ireland wasn't worth the effort ! !

None of which means that = = Irish Traitors can sell The Irish People and Ireland out to Globalists.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Have you seen the Kay Griggs interview from the late nineties?

Such a long video that it deserves the tldr treatment. sorry Myles.

I know it's April 1st, and this has such synchronicity that it seems like the machinations of someone in 8chan, but I have spent hours listening to this because I cannot see lying in her and I've been sticking around to catch some. Don't let the wimmin see it, it'd be too convincing for them - they'd be better off watching to The View.. There are a lot of bizarre phenomena that have emerged over the past couple of decades that seem to have been pre-figured in this interview.

This appears to be pre-AI, it just goes to show how complicating AI will be for online content once it exceeds human cognitive recognition. I don't think that it is AI generated, and if it is a plant then it's Mozartian in accomplishment. Very heavy on the Kabbalahist references to be comfortable to watch though. Remember, it's from 1998, so pre WoT and back when Star Trek TNG felt like the most likely prospect for humanity.

I actually saw a black helicopter buzz treetops height down the country well over a decade ago and took it to be an invitation to get submerged in the conspiracy theory zeitgeist in order to turn me a bit mad. So, I'm wary about all that sort of thing as it can very easily become confusing and debilitating. AI will be an excellent tool to exacerbate this and fabulate what is common criminal activity. My other reaction to this flyby was the same as one would have to vermin on one's land - as long as the vermin stays in the ditch at the back of the field then there's not much reward in pursuing them but if they start invading the sheds or garden then a determined effort has to be made. Since this type of vermin is 80% psychological then the principal countermeasures are in whitehat counter-coding, thus the engagement with internet fora, and putting oneself into lonesome scenarios so one can tell them to bring it or shut up.

Griggs' account aligns with what Alex Jones has been saying. Jones was also apparently from one of these families - though from line rather than staff. It's very gossipy and she's clearly a bright woman with the recall of a thinking person whose mind isn't addled by drink or drugs. That said, she is not without bourgeois airs.

Griggs hasn't been inconsistent over the course of multiple interviews and she's an example of the wives club that used to be available to females before they became "hegemonic" and normalised to pre-maritial sex work.

Very much the sort of old services family member that would have belonged to the class of "Roman Citizen Women" in classical times. This would explain her access - she's from inside the walls.

You might recognise her as an Old Tory Local Committee Member when the Conservative Party of P. Hitchens' lore was current, if you were British. There's certainly more than a pinch of the Ye Olde Virginian Antebellum Stalwart about her.

Now, the reason why she's giving this interview is for protection - first unload all the information she has so there's nothing left to incentivise dramatic action against her and make her known so her disappearance would arise suspicion and confirm her otherwise rather alarming (to the point of being incredible) account.

There's a guy called Steven Fishman that gave a similar inside account of Scientology (in this case) that is of the same sort, although he would have been of her husband's type. He is still in prison for wire fraud but seemed to be honest enough in this interview (if you want to hear more pre-internet whistleblowing).

Griggs was going through a nasty divorce and recounts battery by her alcholic husband so that's a caution. She also enjoys the attention - note her delight when she's corrected on a Tolstoy-Trotsky confusion (it meant they were listening to her).

Still, there are plenty of moments when she adds details that seem extraneous to someone unfamiliar with the situation (such as an inability for "them" to understand her value system) that are very convincing. The interivewer also seems to be a capable type. If you want to get some background on the Alex Jones scene (and you have a lot of time) then this is something to watch. There's no other information on her that I can find - for example did she have a heart attack like Bezmenov or only pass away during COVID? It could be all a fabrication by the industrial conspiracy industry but it is interesting and beyond my power to detect dishonesty in.

Been looking up bits that I didn't know to see if they checked out. Here's one, Louisiana doesn't use Common Law for its state courts.

'Napoleon. The legal system in Louisiana—unlike that of any other state—derives from the Civil Code established by the French emperor in 1804. Four years before Louisiana became a state in 1812, the former French and Spanish colony adopted a version of the Napoleonic Code. (Some people say it’s wrong to call Louisiana’s legal system “Napoleonic,” since the state Civil Code was also influenced by Spanish law. Historians still argue over the extent of this Spanish influence.) The resulting system of “civil law” in the state differs from the other 49 states’ “common-law” traditions in terms of methodology. Rulings in the French-influenced system derive from direct interpretation of the law; rulings in the common-law system give greater authority to legal precedent.

In theory, a judge in Louisiana decides a case based on her own interpretation of the code, not those of prior courts. In the other states, judges are supposed to make decisions based exclusively on previous rulings. But in practice, the two systems often work the same. Louisiana judges have the benefit of 200 years of case history, even if case law isn’t used as the fundamental basis for their rulings. And judges in other states can stray from a legal precedent if they deem it grossly unjust.'

Louisiana’s Napoleon Complex - Slate Magazine

Aaaaah, so that's where the conflict about originalist and activist interpretations of the US Constitution comes from - Napleonism and Parliamentarianism.

Something else, and maybe the most important point. Do you see how important intimacy with women is for men? The idea that they are breeding drudges is a gross fallacy. Place a woman in a man's bed and she will have access to his deepest thoughts. Have to be careful about the woman you chose. Faithfulness is not only about sexual exclusivity.
Last edited:


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Such a long video that it deserves the tldr treatment. sorry Myles.

I know it's April 1st, and this has such synchronicity that it seems like the machinations of someone in 8chan, but I have spent hours listening to this because I cannot see lying in her and I've been sticking around to catch some. Don't let the wimmin see it, it'd be too convincing for them - they'd be better off watching to The View.. There are a lot of bizarre phenomena that have emerged over the past couple of decades that seem to have been pre-figured in this interview.

This appears to be pre-AI, it just goes to show how complicating AI will be for online content once it exceeds human cognitive recognition. I don't think that it is AI generated, and if it is a plant then it's Mozartian in accomplishment. Very heavy on the Kabbalahist references to be comfortable to watch though. Remember, it's from 1998, so pre WoT and back when Star Trek TNG felt like the most likely prospect for humanity.

I actually saw a black helicopter buzz treetops height down the country well over a decade ago and took it to be an invitation to get submerged in the conspiracy theory zeitgeist in order to turn me a bit mad. So, I'm wary about all that sort of thing as it can very easily become confusing and debilitating. AI will be an excellent tool to exacerbate this and fabulate what is common criminal activity. My other reaction to this flyby was the same as one would have to vermin on one's land - as long as the vermin stays in the ditch at the back of the field then there's not much reward in pursuing them but if they start invading the sheds or garden then a determined effort has to be made. Since this type of vermin is 80% psychological then the principal countermeasures are in whitehat counter-coding, thus the engagement with internet fora, and putting oneself into lonesome scenarios so one can tell them to bring it or shut up.

Griggs' account aligns with what Alex Jones has been saying. Jones was also apparently from one of these families - though from line rather than staff. It's very gossipy and she's clearly a bright woman with the recall of a thinking person whose mind isn't addled by drink or drugs. That said, she is not without bourgeois airs.

Griggs hasn't been inconsistent over the course of multiple interviews and she's an example of the wives club that used to be available to females before they became "hegemonic" and normalised to pre-maritial sex work.

Very much the sort of old services family member that would have belonged to the class of "Roman Citizen Women" in classical times. This would explain her access - she's from inside the walls.

You might recognise her as an Old Tory Local Committee Member when the Conservative Party of P. Hitchens' lore was current, if you were British. There's certainly more than a pinch of the Ye Olde Virginian Antebellum Stalwart about her.

Now, the reason why she's giving this interview is for protection - first unload all the information she has so there's nothing left to incentivise dramatic action against her and make her known so her disappearance would arise suspicion and confirm her otherwise rather alarming (to the point of being incredible) account.

There's a guy called Steven Fishman that gave a similar inside account of Scientology (in this case) that is of the same sort, although he would have been of her husband's type. He is still in prison for wire fraud but seemed to be honest enough in this interview (if you want to hear more pre-internet whistleblowing).

Griggs was going through a nasty divorce and recounts battery by her alcholic husband so that's a caution. She also enjoys the attention - note her delight when she's corrected on a Tolstoy-Trotsky confusion (it meant they were listening to her).

Still, there are plenty of moments when she adds details that seem extraneous to someone unfamiliar with the situation (such as an inability for "them" to understand her value system) that are very convincing. The interivewer also seems to be a capable type. If you want to get some background on the Alex Jones scene (and you have a lot of time) then this is something to watch. There's no other information on her that I can find - for example did she have a heart attack like Bezmenov or only pass away during COVID? It could be all a fabrication by the industrial conspiracy industry but it is interesting and beyond my power to detect dishonesty in.

Been looking up bits that I didn't know to see if they checked out. Here's one, Louisiana doesn't use Common Law for its state courts.

'Napoleon. The legal system in Louisiana—unlike that of any other state—derives from the Civil Code established by the French emperor in 1804. Four years before Louisiana became a state in 1812, the former French and Spanish colony adopted a version of the Napoleonic Code. (Some people say it’s wrong to call Louisiana’s legal system “Napoleonic,” since the state Civil Code was also influenced by Spanish law. Historians still argue over the extent of this Spanish influence.) The resulting system of “civil law” in the state differs from the other 49 states’ “common-law” traditions in terms of methodology. Rulings in the French-influenced system derive from direct interpretation of the law; rulings in the common-law system give greater authority to legal precedent.

In theory, a judge in Louisiana decides a case based on her own interpretation of the code, not those of prior courts. In the other states, judges are supposed to make decisions based exclusively on previous rulings. But in practice, the two systems often work the same. Louisiana judges have the benefit of 200 years of case history, even if case law isn’t used as the fundamental basis for their rulings. And judges in other states can stray from a legal precedent if they deem it grossly unjust.'

Louisiana’s Napoleon Complex - Slate Magazine

Aaaaah, so that's where the conflict about originalist and activist interpretations of the US Constitution comes from - Napleonism and Parliamentarianism.

Something else, and maybe the most important point. Do you see how important intimacy with women is for men? The idea that they are breeding drudges is a gross fallacy. Place a woman in a man's bed and she will have access to his deepest thoughts. Have to be careful about the woman you chose. Faithfulness is not only about sexual exclusivity.

Were you not familiar with this interview before.

I have seen parts down through the years but I think now I will watch the whole thing while I walk. It would take three walks.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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They Know They will lose

The difference between the coming war that concerns Col Macgregor and the special military operation of the last two years is that Russia has been keeping most of its primary military forces in reserve from the start. The reason we haven’t been seeing any of the vast and sweeping combined-arms offensives that were utilized in Ukraine, Eastern Europe, and Manchuria in the 20th century is because the air force, the navy, and 600,000 army regulars have been preparing for a successful war against NATO that would probably end with the Russian occupation of the entire continent of Europe.



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Sep 11, 2021
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The whole Israel / Iran speculation is reaching fever pitch now, it really looks like this weekend could be a pivotal moment, as Declan was saying on another thread.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I suspect Iran are far to clever too be sucked in. Hezbollah can fire cheap missiles all day every day as they have a couple of hundred thousand of them.

The tide of Empire has turned for the US.

Americans that are footing the actual bill are not too happy as we approach tax paying day, April 15.

I posted two large checks just a few hours ago.

Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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Putin should give Iran a few dozen nuclear ICBMs.

Zionist terror aimed at Iran would cease immediately!


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I think whatever happens next is scripted by somebody, it won't have anything to do with the best interests of Iran or Israel I'd say. You know if nuclear weapons are used it will favour the big nuclear states, because it would create an alarm that would pressurise countries like Ireland to go under some nuclear umbrella.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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At the same time that French President Emmanuel Macron is threatening to send troops to Ukraine to fight against Russia, his country is fueling the Russian war effort by purchasing €600 million worth of natural gas from Moscow

The economy minister notes that they must withdraw from the gas contracts slowly to avoid too brutal an effect on the market. What is sending 2000 soldiers into the conflict to kill Russians if it is not brutal?


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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Why Japan Matters:

Clown World has stepped up and tightened its control of Japan, as evidenced by the newly announced change in immigration laws that will import nearly one million Africans to what is still one of the most homogeneous nations on the planet. The reason the clowns are so desperate to keep Japan in line is because without access to the ship-making capacities of both Japan and South Korea, the US Navy has zero chance of challenging China in the South Pacific.

While everyone’s attention on the Asian front, including mine, has been focused on Taiwan, it is actually Japan that is the key to expelling Clown World from Asia

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