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  1. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    They are so fucking concerned about Palestine... yet View:
  2. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    It a cunning disguise. The authorities wont be able to pick her out now. #Winning
  3. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Had she self immolated herself she'd be rendering for months. Land whale lefty View:
  4. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Perhaps Hamas will stand Daly in thier next elections in Gaza? View:
  5. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    We gotta protect our globalist institutions. They come after the ICC, they might even come after the WHO. Who knows where the madness might end?
  6. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    The Palestinian issue is an acceptable situation for the Islamic world as it acts as a honeytrap for soft-minded Westerners who life's purpose is to advocate for a brown or black man. Just like their grannies used to send their pennies for the poor African babies. And its a strategy that works.
  7. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Yeah Yeah.. always with the mass graves of the Muslims. A few shapes wrapped in white sheets. It was the same story sold to us about Srebrenica. 8000 Muslims killed supposedly. Long on the allegations and short on the evidence. Yugoslavia destroyed and Serbia treated as a pariah state ever...
  8. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    The fun and games of the Anti White forces in the US. all of them are scum.
  9. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Its all their members on this forum do as well
  10. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    If only Arab Muslims from the oil rich states in the Middle East had the cash to buy off Western politicians on behalf of Palestine. But they dont. How sad.
  11. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Whilst the assholes and pricks in Ireland march and complain on behalf of Islamic problems in the Middle East, actual Muslims in Europe demand a 'Caliphate'.
  12. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Where was the outrage from the Lefties when Farage and Majid Narwaz were cleared off LBC or Mark Stein off GB News? Anti-Regime voices have been cleared off UK TV and Radio for years now and to the celebration of the Left.
  13. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Palestinians and doped up criminals are brothers now.
  14. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Asshole Germans dont want borders in Europe but we must honour the borders of Palestine. Lets hope the Kraut Pigs rapped their lefty heads
  15. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Muh poor woke shit lib American students. Only aborting their next child can comfort them now.
  16. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Irish people fighting for their home towns tonight in Newtownmountkennedy against Regime cops and all wankers here can do is fucking yap for Muslims in the Middle East. Fuck off with your Palestine and Israel
  17. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    Meanwhile this is happening in our country now. Vocal Palestine criers in Ireland support this however.
  18. SeekTheFairLand

    Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

    There are shit loads of Arabic looking, face covering, foreign types in villages up and town Ireland. Do you think they might all be Jews? I think they are. They are definitely kidding the Palestine loving Irish who love have them here. But now their rouse has been discovered.

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