🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread 💉


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Sep 25, 2023
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I remember all the accounts of people saying they were sick with something novel, long before 2020

I had to go home early one Friday in the winter of 2018-2019 and spent the weekend feverish in bed. When the COVID thing arose the next year, I expected something similar - survivable but difficult - so indulged it for a while. Watching the people collapse in the street on the telly was something I associated with it.

It wasn't until the cognitive dissonance became obvious that I started doubting them and looking into it. It's pretty clear now that it was a farce and there are a lot of murky things going on in the field of biological research.

Chinese Scientists Reveal Experiments With Virus 100% Fatal To Mice - ZeroHedge

That wouldn't be humanised mice, would it? What sort of people cultivate diseases rather than cures?
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Sep 3, 2022
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I had to go home early one Friday in the winter of 2018-2019 and spent the weekend feverish in bed. When the COVID thing arose the next year, I expected something similar - survivable but difficult - so indulged it for a while. Watching the people collapse in the street on the telly was something I associated with it.

It wasn't until the cognitive dissonance became obvious that I started doubting them and looking into it. It's pretty clear now that it was a farce and there are a lot of murky things going on in the field of biological research.

Chinese Scientists Reveal Experiments With Virus 100% Fatal To Mice - ZeroHedge

That wouldn't be humanised mice, would it? What sort of people cultivate diseases rather than cures?
And more pointedly.
Announced it publicly.
Given their previous experience.
No fear of massive global rage or backlash.
Explain that to us.
Because I can't.


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Jun 14, 2023
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Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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All of a sudden these guys appear on the radar -

Their aim -

to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease, the ESC promotes evidence-based policy-making and actively contributes to evidence-generating initiatives to inform or help design effective health policies aimed at improving cardiovascular health.

So, one would have thought, historical graphs and tables would be the order of the day, and indeed, a fine collection is to be found on the site. However, they only run up until 2019 and are in two year intervals. This would mean that the next entry would be 2021, the year of the clot shot and, just as importantly, the year after the covid event, thus any jump in disease levels could be easily ascribed to covid and not the jab.

However, this does not stop the organisation from setting 2001 as its base year for a whole slew of medical metrics from which they hope to contribute to medical evidence based policy, which is very noble of them I'm sure.

Is this any more than just another big pharma funded NGO that is setting out to cover the industry's tracks over covid? I fear that it is exactly the intention and when it popped up on my Linkedin feed the comments had already been switched off after 91 entries, so I'd say I am not alone in thinking this.
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Sep 25, 2023
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That's the last video of yours I'll watch. 20+ minutes wasted on incoherent gobbledegook.

Fool me once etc

A lot of filler at the beginning. The thesis of it is that there is this strain of influenza called H7N9 - a sort of bird flu that can cross the blood brain barrier and infect organs - that was discovered in a sample from a person who died in March of 1917. H7N9 apparently has a 40% mortality rate, in any case it's a very severe form of the disease.

There was this video made of clips where Trump continually describes COVID as the 1917 Spanish Flu. Now, the Spanish Flu is commonly understood to have been in 1918 so the video with all these clips was made to highlight Trump's "vague grasp" of facts.

There is a paper that mentions this 1917 discovery that got the guy above thinking and he also discovered that H7N9 was found as a co-infection with COVID in the original Chinese sufferers.

There was very little influenza reported around the world during the pandemic. None of the tests for the flu were made for this H7N9 strain which would explain why flu had such a muted signal (H7N9 dominated and pushed the other strains of flu out in the same way as new strains of COVID caused previous strains to fall off).

His conclusion is that Trump was taking jabs at Fauci by using 1917 rather than 1918 as the year for the Spanish Flu.

There is now a new test being distributed for the H7N9 flu that will be able to identify it that is about to launch (posted by PG in his following post above).

There is conjecture at work here but it's interesting and something to file.

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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A lot of filler at the beginning. The thesis of it is that there is this strain of influenza called H7N9 - a sort of bird flu that can cross the blood brain barrier and infect organs - that was discovered in a sample from a person who died in March of 1917. H7N9 apparently has a 40% mortality rate, in any case it's a very severe form of the disease.

There was this video made of clips where Trump continually describes COVID as the 1917 Spanish Flu. Now, the Spanish Flu is commonly understood to have been in 1918 so the video with all these clips was made to highlight Trump's "vague grasp" of facts.

There is a paper that mentions this 1917 discovery that got the guy above thinking and he also discovered that H7N9 was found as a co-infection with COVID in the original Chinese sufferers.

There was very little influenza reported around the world during the pandemic. None of the tests for the flu were made for this H7N9 strain which would explain why flu had such a muted signal (H7N9 dominated and pushed the other strains of flu out in the same way as new strains of COVID caused previous strains to fall off).

His conclusion is that Trump was taking jabs at Fauci by using 1917 rather than 1918 as the year for the Spanish Flu.

There is now a new test being distributed for the H7N9 flu that will be able to identify it that is about to launch (posted by PG in his following post above).

There is conjecture at work here but it's interesting and something to file.
I recall reading a while ago that the Spanish flu actually kicked off in 2017 but the news was suppressed because it was affecting the training camps and more soldiers were dying from it than from combat. Spain, being neutral, openly spoke about it and so the impression given was that it originated there, hence its name. Global control of the news is nothing new.


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Sep 25, 2023
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I recall reading a while ago that the Spanish flu actually kicked off in 2017 but the news was suppressed because it was affecting the training camps and more soldiers were dying from it than from combat. Spain, being neutral, openly spoke about it and so the impression given was that it originated there, hence its name. Global control of the news is nothing new.

Well, the video the information is in is a lure into their patreon pages, but we still have no official effort at the explanation of why the flu disappeared during the pandemic other than the natural conclusion that it was rolled into the covid numbers to inflate them.

H7N9 is an avian flu and large number of poultry were destroyed in the past number of years, although this was put down to H5N1.

'On 31 March 2013, Chinese authorities reported the identification of a novel zoonotic avian influenza A(H7N9) virus transmitted to humans causing severe disease.


The majority of cases were reported between 2013 to 2017 with 28 human cases reported with the highly pathogenic form of the virus. Since the introduction of a large vaccination programme against A(H7N9) in poultry in China, both the number of outbreaks and detections in poultry or environmental settings, as well as the number of human cases dropped significantly'

Factsheet on A(H7N9) - ECDC

So this is all information that we can't know if it's accurately interpreted yet - H7N9 apparently on ly first appeared in 2013 - but it is a hypothesis. It's curious that H7N5 test is being included in the testing regime for respiratory disease this flu season. It's fileable but not actionable.



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Sep 3, 2022
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I recall reading a while ago that the Spanish flu actually kicked off in 2017 but the news was suppressed because it was affecting the training camps and more soldiers were dying from it than from combat. Spain, being neutral, openly spoke about it and so the impression given was that it originated there, hence its name. Global control of the news is nothing new.
It was first noted in an US army training camp in Kansas.
And as you say the Spaniards were the first to note its presence officially.
The real reason that the 1918 pandemic was so dangerous was the fact it killed young people at a disproportionately high rate.
Older population had immunity from prior flu strains.
Then add in the fact a world war was ongoing and all that brought. When it ended.
Nen returned home from all over the world.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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It was first noted in an US army training camp in Kansas.
And as you say the Spaniards were the first to note its presence officially.
The real reason that the 1918 pandemic was so dangerous was the fact it killed young people at a disproportionately high rate.
Older population had immunity from prior flu strains.
Then add in the fact a world war was ongoing and all that brought. When it ended.
Nen returned home from all over the world.

We must also bear in mind that it wasn't the virus itself that killed, it was the secondary bacterial infection of the esophagus that caused death. As far as I am aware none of the viral strains associated with avian flu or covid have had such a devastating effect on the respiratory system.

If a virus were to be released by the PTB that did cause a similar effect then antibiotics would be immediately deployed on a massive scale and there is probably not the the money to be made out of them, which is why we saw Ivermectin rubbished at every opportunity.

Antibiotic resistance would also escalate to such a degree that the elites may no longer be able to rely on them to save their own skins.
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Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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We should be careful that H7N9 isn't the next reason to bring in lockdowns. The word is something is brewing but we don't know yet what it could or might be.

There's a general sense of unease with those at the levers of power and so a hypervigilance has gained a foothold in ordinary thinking. I suppose we should take note of things but proceed only on the basis of that which we can satisfactorily verify.


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Sep 25, 2023
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'You still bump into the stickers from time to time: “Six Feet of Distance.” It’s weird and anachronistic at this point. No one pays any attention anymore. Still it would be nice to know where this came from. Oddly, we don’t really know.

Anthony Fauci was asked this question this week in U.S. House hearings on the COVID response.

Incredibly, he didn’t really know how this came about.

“It just sort of appeared,” he told the subcommittee, which was an unusual answer since he otherwise said 100 times that he could not remember anything. Here, however, he admits there was never any science behind it.

That’s extremely peculiar.

This rule governed all social interaction for two years and more.

Back in March 2021, the New York Times, of all egregious venues, got curious about this too. Reporter Emily Anthes asked around the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about the mandate and the science behind it.

She quotes Dr. Ashish Jha, dean of the Brown University School of Public Health.

“It never struck me that six feet was particularly sensical in the context of mitigation. I wish the C.D.C. would just come out and say this is not a major issue.”
She wrote that the origin of the six-foot distancing recommendation is something of a mystery.

“It’s almost like it was pulled out of thin air,” said Linsey Marr, an expert on viral transmission at Virginia Tech University.'

"It Just Sort Of Appeared" - Fauci Comes Clean Over 'Science-less' Six-Foot-Distancing Rule - ZeroHedge

The Behavioural Insights Team (BIT), also known unofficially as the "Nudge Unit", is a UK-based global social purpose organisation that generates and applies behavioural insights to inform policy and improve public services, following nudge theory.[1] Using social engineering, as well as techniques in psychology, behavioral economics, and marketing, the purpose of the organisation is to influence public thinking and decision making in order to improve compliance with government policy and thereby decrease social and government costs related to inaction and poor compliance with policy and regulation.

Behavioural Insights Team - Wikipedia

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