🦠 Covid 19 Vaccine Thread 💉


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Sep 11, 2021
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This Space X was ‘erected’ yesterday in the centre of the pretty little Galway village of Kilrickle, some 9 kms east of Loughrea, on the road to Ballinasloe.​

I thought of Kilrickle. That is a noplace spot that was on the old main road


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Yes, I was stranded there thumbing maybe twice and there was a carnival of note there for a month or so every summer

Myles O'Reilly

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Feb 3, 2022
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I stayed about 2 miles from there last night in a place called Mullagh.


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Mar 10, 2023
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More grim reading from Rintrah

You have deployed an experimental vaccine, that reprograms the human immune response, in a manner that does not work and is now beginning to undermine the population’s ability to deal with all sorts of different pathogens. The evidence shows that the immune response is broken after just two shots of mRNA. That’s 90+% of the adult population in many countries.

You now have measles spreading everywhere, growing cases of tuberculosis, you have record-breaking levels of pneumonia, seen in all ages groups, you have elevated levels of people going to the doctor suffering coughs that don’t go away. You have winter after winter, of excess mortality you can not explain, when you should be witnessing abnormally low mortality due to the harvesting effect. You have scientific evidence that the lungs of your population are deteriorating at an accelerated rate......


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Sep 25, 2023
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More grim reading from Rintrah

You have deployed an experimental vaccine, that reprograms the human immune response, in a manner that does not work and is now beginning to undermine the population’s ability to deal with all sorts of different pathogens. The evidence shows that the immune response is broken after just two shots of mRNA. That’s 90+% of the adult population in many countries.

You now have measles spreading everywhere, growing cases of tuberculosis, you have record-breaking levels of pneumonia, seen in all ages groups, you have elevated levels of people going to the doctor suffering coughs that don’t go away. You have winter after winter, of excess mortality you can not explain, when you should be witnessing abnormally low mortality due to the harvesting effect. You have scientific evidence that the lungs of your population are deteriorating at an accelerated rate......

I didn't know that cells had their own measures to combat infections without relying on immune cells to gobble them up. Seems like a cell can be infected by a virus and beat it off rather than have to be destroyed.

'On the other hand, among the unvaccinated, the plasmacytoid dendritic cells and the NK cells will respond with an aggressive interferon response. Infected cells will be alerted by the different interferons and many will respond by destroying viral RNA that has infected them.'

-- The release of interferons (named this because they interfere with the replication of the virus RNA within the cells) by an infected cell also alerts nearby cells to close up their cell membranes which lowers the chance that the virus can enter other cells. --

'Those cells become better able to recall the pathways they used to get rid of the viral RNA, through epigenetic modifications. They use RIG-I receptors within their cytoplasm, to recognize viruses. These receptors don’t just work for one respiratory viruses, the epithelial cells in your lungs are able to recognize many different respiratory viruses with their RIG-I receptors and they get better at using this pathway, whenever they’re encouraged to use it by interferon.


So your cells in your lungs can be trained, to learn how to avoid becoming virus factories. This is possible when the innate immune system catches an infection early. It’s not possible when T cells are forced to step in at a later point, once an infected cell has already begun fusing together with neighboring cells. Then it’s inevitable the cell has to be killed.

You have the adaptive immune system, for jobs the innate immune system can’t solve on its own. The innate immune system is able to solve the job with less damage. It doesn’t use a sledgehammer to hit a fly. But force the adaptive immune system to do stuff that would normally be solved by these innate immune responses and you will screw all of this up, in ways that can be difficult to anticipate.'

That's interesting. I remember someone going on about how the vaccines were disrupting interferon production in either 2020 or 2021 but didn't really understand it at the time.

There was talk very early on that hydroxychloroquine HCQ opened up gateways in the cell wall to allow for the absorption of zinc and it was zinc that then suppressed the multiplication of the virus in the cell (like the interferon system described above).

This is why they thought HCQ would be useful. Our cells only absorb small amounts of zinc normally. HCQ enabled the anti-viral action of zinc. The description of it as a fish tank fungicide was scurrilous - it's been used for decades in quantity for human illnesses.

Other than that it was a restatement of his previous posts.

'Your population is deploying antibodies, against all sorts of pathogens that their innate immune system would normally handle. These are overwhelmingly antibodies that do not instruct the immune system to deal with infected cells, these are IgG4 antibodies that are telling the innate immune system to stand down and ignore what’s going on. Pathogens around the world are mutating, to make use of the population’s abnormal immune response.


You need to work out some sort of therapy, to remove these abnormal B cells and T cells from the lungs and allow plasmacytoid dendritic cells, NK cells and other innate immune cells to do the job they are meant to be doing.'

This is a response in the comments that he gives to someone experiencing chronic illness after two shots and goes into this B and T cell business.

February 18, 2024 at 12:59 am

Yeah your immune system has been reprogrammed, to rely on T cells and B cells against SARS2. As the virus mutated, these cells undergo somatic hypermutation, to expand the range of epitopes they can deal with. And so the immune system becomes more and more dependent upon an adaptive immune response, to SARS2 as well as to other respiratory pathogens, as there is generally some degree of cross-reactivity.

Cannabinoids are often used in autoimmune conditions to deal with excessively aggressive T and B cell populations.
Right now that’s the best option I’ve seen.

Ivermectin and vitamin C are unlikely to address the root cause of the problem, which will need to be addressed.

CBD oils are the immediately accessible stop gap apparently. He is Dutch.

The reason that he thinks that Ivermectin and Vitamin C are unlikely to address the root cause of the problem is because they are a reactive measure - he wants to see something done to switch the immune system back into its normal procedure namely - innate immune response first and then the adaptive immune system. No need to use high explosive if less intrusive methods are available.


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Sep 25, 2023
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'A federal court has granted a preliminary injunction against the White House and other federal defendants in a lawsuit brought by Mr. Kennedy Jr. that accuses the Biden administration of orchestrating a campaign to pressure social media platforms to censor vaccine criticism.


Another was suppression of reporting or expression of opinion that COVID-19 originated in a Chinese regime lab in Wuhan.

The third example was online suppression of facts and opinions about COVID-19 vaccines “that might lead people to become ‘hesitant’ about COVID vaccine mandates, again depriving Americans of information and opinions on matters of the highest public importance.”

In his order, Judge Doughty found that Mr. Kennedy and the other plaintiffs are likely to succeed on the merits that the defendants colluded to influence the actions of private social media companies “by ‘insinuating’ themselves into the social-media companies’ private affairs and blurring the line between public and private action.”

He also sided with the complaint in determining that the Biden administration’s actions represented a “substantial risk of harm” to Mr. Kennedy and the other plaintiffs.

“And it is certainly likely that Defendants could use their power over millions of people to suppress alternative views or moderate content that they do not agree with in the upcoming 2024 national election,” Judge Doughty wrote.

He said that Mr. Kennedy has proven that the Biden administration has shown “willingness to coerce” or at least give significant encouragement to social media companies to suppress free speech with regard to COVID-19 vaccines, national elections, gas prices, climate change, gender, and abortion.'

RFK Jr. Scores Big Win In Lawsuit Accusing Biden Admin Of Censoring COVID Vaccine Info - ZeroHedge


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Sep 3, 2022
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Sep 25, 2023
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There were hints about caffeine and alzheimers year's ago if I recall correctly.

Well, it gives us an excuse. Supposed to be good for Parkinsons and viral infections.

'Notably, caffeine has also been observed to inhibit viral RNA synthesis and viral protein synthesis by some virus species such as the Newcastle disease virus, influenza virus, poliovirus, herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), vaccinia virus, and polyomavirus. In particular, an in vitro study showed that caffeine was able to inhibit the replication of the hepatitis C virus.


Exposure of human cells to high and prolonged concentrations of caffeine has been shown to promote NK cell activity [69,70]. NK cells and lymphocytes are among the first cells activated against a viral threat'

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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There were hints about caffeine and alzheimers year's ago if I recall correctly.
What on earth was Tony waffling on about there?

That's two huge posts that no-one, other than you Sir, can decipher.


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Jan 11, 2023
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US is collaborating with Chinese scientists to make bird flu strains more infectious and deadly as part of $1m project



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Feb 14, 2023
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Jay Homer Simpson

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Mar 5, 2023
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Another Provax scum bites the dust https://m.independent.ie/irish-news...proud-kerryman-michael-oregan/a443236268.html

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