Bishop Richard Williamson discussing the Unabomber Manifesto a.k.a. "Industrial Society and It's Future".

Zipporah's Flint

Staff member
Apr 7, 2022
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The Unabomber was a Deep Ecologist terrorist who was active in the 1970s, 80s and 90s and who was finally caught after he black mailed "The New York Times" to print the essay that His Grace is discussing below. Interestingly enough while the most well known "Eco-Anarchist" theorists (John Zerzan, Fredy Perlman, etc came out of the anti-Leninist current in revolutionary Marxism- Anarchists themselves are not much into theorizing) the "Unabomber" turned out to be more in the tradition of Robinson Jeffers, the Hard Right- some would say Far Right- Scotch Irish poet who was a proto-Deep Ecologist.

The essay therefore has had much more influence on the Radical Right than on the Ultra-Left therefore primarily maybe because of it's opening critique of contemporary Bourgeois North American Leftism which I will admit I find insightful, very insightful even, when it comes to certain characters (infamously Brevik palgarized it for his manifesto) but not only for that reason. His arguments for the importance of what he calls the "Power Process" for pyschological health particularly as regards males has also been influential as well as his wider critiques of large scale technology.

One of the differences it seems to me between the Hard Right and the actual Far Right as such is that the latter is in general much more open to ecological concerns and generally "Green" stuff- think of the difference between say Douglas Murray and Varg.


Coal Gas and peat

Well-known member
May 2, 2022
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Ted the unibomber was a product of the CIA MKultra program 100% .....somewhere along the line he managed to break the programming and go to ground , an interesting character for the sure

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