Have Mental Health Issues been promoted as a good thing?


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Feb 4, 2022
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I look at the world today and one thing that strikes me is that what we considered mental health issues 20 years ago, seem today to be encouraged as normally acceptable behaviour.

Certainly, the behaviour of people has changed, I personally believe the rise of social media has allowed people to act out on their issues and promote themselves.

In the West in particular, it has been forced that deviant behaviour is not acceptable and instead of people being told this behaviour was wrong, they are now encouraged to act out and promote this to the world.

Further, It seems that some people actively encourage and promote poor behaviour whilst directly or indirectly encouraged by the recording of this to upload to social media.

Two examples are below, where both were uploaded to Tik Tok.

View: https://t.me/retardsoftiktok/9905

View: https://t.me/retardsoftiktok/9907

The first incident is of a child attacking his teacher, this type of behaviour certainly would not have been acceptable 20 years ago, and going back further the teacher would have given the child a good clip around the ear.

Social Media has encouraged this type of activity, but we need to consider the wider implications, this is not good, for healthy mental health, if anything it is a crisis of such, yet it is encouraged and supported by his friends and followers who sadly believe this is acceptable behaviour.

The second video shows a man dressed up as a woman, whilst this may well be in the comfort of his own home, he has the moral courage to now upload this to social media in an attempt to receive support, when sadly it will most likely encourage abuse. In reality, the man should be seeking help for his disorder, and a disorder it is, something is telling him to dress as a woman. Even if you support his belief he is a woman, you surely must accept that he needs support to either transgender or support to discover his overall mental health.

This in fact is the crux of the matter, why are people not receiving the support they need, and are left to social media for such?

Is this a cost-cutting exercise by governments, instead of spending billions on hospitals, and support structures they simply encourage this behaviour, attempting to make it normal and spend the money elsewhere.

Is it perhaps an attack on western values, Destroy a society by corrupting it within?


Too Good for the Too Bad
Feb 8, 2023
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Very ScaryTown
This sort of stuff has been going on since for ever. Some folk like to dress up in ways we could hardly imagine.
Remember that max mosley vip used to like dressing up as a concentration camp prisoner to be punished.
And as for the screaming kid, he's flipped but consider how mental is his environment before he shows up at school and the surprise is that he didn't pull out a machine gun like in the old days.

Difficult to form an opinion till we know more about their story, influences - their truths.


The internet - and social media in particular - provides a platform for gobsh1tes who heretofore would have been ignored by society. Just look at a site like twatter and marvel at the utter dregs of society with no life who seem to spend every waking breath divulging every brainfart that pops into their heads.


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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Godsdog alone on these sites called me a narcissist. I did not know what that meant. I thought
it meant important. I heard it used to describe Megan Markle and looked it up.

I am not like that. I have about 20 close friends and relations and I get on well perpetually with them.

One rule, wind mills on your land = no more friend.
Are you any relation of Don Quixote ? ?

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