But sure Sly-man Harass, his Me-hole and associated Vulture foreigner guests have to make something and get paid out of old Ireland, ffs.
Remember they honourably signed a pact to turn the country into a c**t for pimping while doing you proud and grateful to be helping out, but on one condition - you've got to keep your mouth shut and show some appreciation, wave at the new guests and be nice.
Soon you can look forward to the pitter patter sound of little feet all over town, liven the place up a bit
In April, a war of words broke out between the Irish and UK governments when Justice Minister Helen McEntee suggested that 80 per cent of those seeking asylum at the International Protection Office in Dublin stated that they had come from the UK via Northern Ireland
I have definitely noticed an upturn in the number of loitering gangs of foreign men (they always forget to bring the women with them) in the city centre. Walking from Smithfield to Marlborough Street this evening felt like walking through downtown Islamabad.