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Aug 11, 2023
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In a development which shows the insertion of Israeli intelligence into the American press --a huge row has erupted over the outing of ANAT SCHWARTZ a Israeli airforce intelligence officer who was given on a silver platter a job which hundreds of thousands of real reporters could only dream of .
features reporter for the new York times .
incredibly it has emerged that Anat has NEVER and i mean NEVER written anything or published anything and has zero experience as a journalist .
possibly the most unqualified person to hold the job imaginable --it has now also emerged she expressed the opinion that Palestinians are "" just animals ""and the ""place should be turned into a slaughterhouse"".
it also emerged the co researcher was incredibly--- her nephew Adam Sella--- and the team was given legitimacy by the Pulitzer prize winner Jeffery Gettellman who when interviewed stated "" i am not concerned with gathering evidence i am only concerned with the reporting"".
their piece for the times was called SCREAMS WITHOUT WORDS and detailed the supposed rapes of Israeli women during the Oct 7 attacks .
these claims were challenged by the Israeli parents of the women who said they had not been raped and the reporter had been told that fact but went ahead and published the lies anyway .
the photographer Eden Wesley stated he was continually told to supply photos suitable for ""Israeli advocacy""
this new York times reporter when challenged by channel 12 now admitted ""she found no direct evidence of rapes or sexual violence "".
this morning RTE refused to mention this journalists sacking or the reasons for same and it has emerged the UN has agreed to investigate rapes by Hamas as a trade off to keep delivering aid as Israel can now claim of course there were rapes ""shur the UN are investigating it""--- RTE dutifully parroted the Israeli line this morning and all the people of Ireland heard was the UN are investigating the mass rapes of Israeli women by the bastards the Palestinians --it frequently makes me sick what RTE does to the Irish people.

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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In a development which shows the insertion of Israeli intelligence into the American press --a huge row has erupted over the outing of ANAT SCHWARTZ a Israeli airforce intelligence officer who was given on a silver platter a job which hundreds of thousands of real reporters could only dream of .
features reporter for the new York times .
incredibly it has emerged that Anat has NEVER and i mean NEVER written anything or published anything and has zero experience as a journalist .
possibly the most unqualified person to hold the job imaginable --it has now also emerged she expressed the opinion that Palestinians are "" just animals ""and the ""place should be turned into a slaughterhouse"".
it also emerged the co researcher was incredibly--- her nephew Adam Sella--- and the team was given legitimacy by the Pulitzer prize winner Jeffery Gettellman who when interviewed stated "" i am not concerned with gathering evidence i am only concerned with the reporting"".
their piece for the times was called SCREAMS WITHOUT WORDS and detailed the supposed rapes of Israeli women during the Oct 7 attacks .
these claims were challenged by the Israeli parents of the women who said they had not been raped and the reporter had been told that fact but went ahead and published the lies anyway .
the photographer Eden Wesley stated he was continually told to supply photos suitable for ""Israeli advocacy""
this new York times reporter when challenged by channel 12 now admitted ""she found no direct evidence of rapes or sexual violence "".
this morning RTE refused to mention this journalists sacking or the reasons for same and it has emerged the UN has agreed to investigate rapes by Hamas as a trade off to keep delivering aid as Israel can now claim of course there were rapes ""shur the UN are investigating it""--- RTE dutifully parroted the Israeli line this morning and all the people of Ireland heard was the UN are investigating the mass rapes of Israeli women by the bastards the Palestinians --it frequently makes me sick what RTE does to the Irish people.
RTE are utter slimeballs, it's as simple as that, but they promote this air of cosy concerned ambience that fools their viewers, and to an increasing degree, themselves.
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