Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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This is the best film i have seen in years and i watch a lot of film.
i had not had time beforehand to study the reviews many of which are glowing 5 star and an odd one who did not get it .
i went with my wife who heard about it and wanted to see it .
it took a few moments for me to realize i was in the presence of greatness .
however they managed it they captured John Mc Gaherns novel on screen --something nobody else has attempted before as how do you persuade someone who funds film,
that this film has such powerful content which takes hold of your Irish core and enters your very veins at ITS NATURAL AND DEADLY UNHURRIED BEAUTIFUL PACE not seen in any other film as without experiencing it it cannot be described.
As osmosis of the film to the soul has its own proper and natural pace .
this film brought me from my seat to the screen and past it to the lakeside,
and i stood in the long grass and heard and saw what i was meant to and i ached with the suffering of some of the locals who gave all in a way that actors only dream of being able to witness .
i had no sensation of being in a cinema for much of the film and i treasure the fact i have an Irish soul which was so moved by the gifts the actors gave us all --it was magical in its irishness .
you stopped on the laneway and heard the cuckoo --there was a pause before you listened in the twilight and there was a pause at the end of the call to allow the silence be heard-- magical magical writing and direction of the cream of Ireland like Barry Ward and Ruth Mc Cabe Lalor Roddy and Sean Mc Ginley,
it was a year in the lives of a rural lakeside community .
Try and see it soon as it is at the end of its run -i am going again something i have rarely done before and i will buy it somewhere --you should always have a thing of beauty nearby for the day when things fall apart in your world to rescue you from yourself.

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