Were the French Elections rigged ?


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Feb 19, 2023
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The Antichrist (Me!) had a platform on YouTube until He wished ill on Soros. Had accumulated 220 followers until then.
It will be interesting to see how Le Pen’s ousting will be received on the lefty, gay Eurovision messageboard escnation.com.. shall take a look on it now (banned there temporarily also). I post on it when l can, as Mr Ocular..
Most of the French soccer team will be relieved.
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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2024
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The Antichrist (Me!) had a platform on YouTube until He wished ill on Soros. Had accumulated 220 followers until then.
It will be interesting to see how Le Pen’s ousting will be received on the lefty, gay Eurovision messageboard escnation.com.. shall take a look on it now (banned there temporarily also). I post on it when l can, as Mr Ocular..
Most of the French soccer team will be relieved.
How can you be the AC when we had another lad on the previous site who told us that he was? What was his name.... Anyone? I think you may be spoofing, Sir. Or Madam. ( no offense 😂)


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Aug 11, 2023
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Hopefully native Euros wake up real soon to the reality that the scam of 'democracy' is a threat to nationhood and culture.
everywhere the scam is being exposed --the Harvard professor picked by both houses of congress to draft the new laws required to get a conviction on a person who used a biological weapon of mass destruction --- and whose act he then drafted was unanimously adopted by congress and put into law .
this man --this world renowned expert in biological warfare has NOW taken the same congress to court in the USA for the CRIME OF WAGING A WAR OF MASS DESTRUCTION BY INCLUDING THE BIOLOGICAL WARFARE DNA ALTERING GENE ALTERING UNNECESSARY ADDITIONAL INGREDIENT IN THE COVID VACCINE --which the Chinese government would not use did not use and would not permit its use on any Chinese citizen .


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Feb 19, 2023
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Ali , no less, had this to say in the Guardian..
“The RN’s myopic focus had failed, said Ali, 40. “We’re happy because we don’t like racism,” he added. “The RN didn’t talk about salaries, retirement, pensions. All they talked about was foreigners and Islam.”



Well-known member
Feb 19, 2023
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My profile was on Twitter , not YouTube (that’s My ADD acting up).


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Jan 7, 2022
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Their Two rounds voting system stinks
Since Myles left there is no one with any brains on here. You don't get your way so you blame one of the fairest systems in the world. There was a first round which eliminated some waste, there was an anti LaPenn deal and Sundays election. The French voted for the Left and Macron. I don't like it and you don't like it but I have to accept it and you are in denial.


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Jan 7, 2022
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If after all the discussion here over the years, the contributors cannot read a map, how do we expect the French sissies to understand politics?


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Jan 7, 2022
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They did this last time around too, though not as blatant. LePen had it in the bag, then all the other parties unite and up pops Macaroni.
LePen wouldn't have been the answer anyway - her old man maybe.
But rigged. No doubt about it. Shame such a beautiful land, inhabited by petit bourgeois dunderheads.
A sad day.
The OP asks were the French Elections rigged, the answer is they were not. The French voters rejected LaPenn. You can't talk about fairness yourself, You have no guts to stand up for the truth here.


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Jul 7, 2024
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The far left and Macron!
What a cluster fuck!
Go France!

Jean-Luc Melenchon is actually quite close to real actual Fascism. Any Marxist from the before the 1990s would have seen him as at least Fascistic. He does not, in public at least, have ethno-nationalism yes but he makes up for that with a cult of personality that Mussolini would be envious of and Trump could only dream of at this stage. I would not see him as Far Left as such. The RN was pretty incoherent on economic issues.



Well-known member
Jun 25, 2024
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The OP asks were the French Elections rigged, the answer is they were not. The French voters rejected LaPenn. You can't talk about fairness yourself, You have no guts to stand up for the truth here.
Whoa where did that come from, Salty.
And the election was indeed rigged by inherent flaw in the system, LePen won the overall popular vote by some margin. The strategic withdrawal of candidates and underhanded coalition dealings of all the other parties mean that they limp over the finish line technically - Macron 'wins', but is a lame duck.

All of the above showcases the inherent unfairness of 'democracy' once again.
If such a scenario is allowed to happen in a system repeatedly (LePen was denied last time around, too) then I call that system rigged. A dictatorship of majority.
But what are we arguing about. Elections are nothing but a sleight of hand trick by the ruling class. A similar case happened in the UK - Labour have no mandate from the people, but have been handed the illusion of power.
There is no political solution, that much is clear.
And I would appreciate cessation of ad hominems, Val, you do not know me, calling someone gutless is definitely fighting talk.

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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Jean-Luc Melenchon is actually quite close to real actual Fascism. Any Marxist from the before the 1990s would have seen him as at least Fascistic. He does not, in public at least, have ethno-nationalism yes but he makes up for that with a cult of personality that Mussolini would be envious of and Trump could only dream of at this stage. I would not see him as Far Left as such. The RN was pretty incoherent on economic issues.

Yay, you're back!

Mad as Fish

Well-known member
Jul 1, 2023
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Whoa where did that come from, Salty.
And the election was indeed rigged by inherent flaw in the system, LePen won the overall popular vote by some margin. The strategic withdrawal of candidates and underhanded coalition dealings of all the other parties mean that they limp over the finish line technically - Macron 'wins', but is a lame duck.

All of the above showcases the inherent unfairness of 'democracy' once again.
If such a scenario is allowed to happen in a system repeatedly (LePen was denied last time around, too) then I call that system rigged. A dictatorship of majority.
But what are we arguing about. Elections are nothing but a sleight of hand trick by the ruling class. A similar case happened in the UK - Labour have no mandate from the people, but have been handed the illusion of power.
There is no political solution, that much is clear.
And I would appreciate cessation of ad hominems, Val, you do not know me, calling someone gutless is definitely fighting talk.
I had an American fellow email me over the weekend on another matter, however, he had a little dig of glee suggesting that he had been celebrating 'our victory' in the UK election. Quite what he meant I'm still not sure, but I pointed out the miracle of the Reform result. Not heard from him since.


Staff member
Sep 3, 2022
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Jean-Luc Melenchon is actually quite close to real actual Fascism. Any Marxist from the before the 1990s would have seen him as at least Fascistic. He does not, in public at least, have ethno-nationalism yes but he makes up for that with a cult of personality that Mussolini would be envious of and Trump could only dream of at this stage. I would not see him as Far Left as such. The RN was pretty incoherent on economic issues.

Macron has made a deal with the devil.
And this is his reward.
The left detest him thoroughly.
The parliament is totally unstable unless Macron and his toads do what the left say.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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And the election was indeed rigged by inherent flaw in the system, LePen won the overall popular vote by some margin. The strategic withdrawal of candidates and underhanded coalition dealings of all the other parties mean that they limp over the finish line technically - Macron 'wins', but is a lame duck.

All of the above showcases the inherent unfairness of 'democracy' once again.
If such a scenario is allowed to happen in a system repeatedly (LePen was denied last time around, too) then I call that system rigged. A dictatorship of majority.
But what are we arguing about. Elections are nothing but a sleight of hand trick by the ruling class. A similar case happened in the UK - Labour have no mandate from the people, but have been handed the illusion of power.
There is no political solution, that much is clear.
great post the only thing i would add is that the second round is the flaw --it allows the parties to CONSPIRE against the expressed french vote and defeat the will of the french people .
i watched the RTE politics program last night and it was sickening how all the people present expressed the fear of the far right as if they were a form of plague and then shift gear and make mealy mouth gestures that the prudent thing would be seen to do something about the immigration issue but nod nod wink wink actually do nothing --just manage the situation .
I think they are clueless about the french and the Irish and the irish goverment said all irishmen were guilty of that tullamore teachers death by labeling the crime by an known violent dangerous illegal immigrant as domestic abuse --this sickened me as she had never met him it was a random murder on the bank of a canal.
The sickening opportunist stating that domestic abuse legislation needed toughening was the further control of our population which had nothing to do with the murder and nobody in the dail said that --we irish were defencless we had nobody on OUR side .
no TD spoke for the family either and said she had no relationship with her murderer and when her sister and boyfriend wished to read their court impact statement which is normally broadcast they were denied and censored/ silenced by rte as it correctly put the blame for the murder on the state who had a deportation order but would not serve it.
i will rembember Ashling Murphy by deed or action or word i will make a difference where ever i can.
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