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This writer is often pressed to answer who are 'they'? Who are you saying 'rule the world' or are part of the prevailing corruption etc? Well this is a short attempt to answer that.
First of all you have some movers and shakers who are clearly on the inside track internationally, in simple terms the 'deep state' of globalism. These are typically a mixture of powerful people in international commerce and politics, e.g. some obvious ones are Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, John Kerry, Elon Musk, formerly Peter Sutherland and Maurice Strong, and in Ireland Bono, Declan Ganley and Larry Goodman. Politically some obvious candidates in Ireland are Micháel Martin, Richard Bruton, Shane Ross, Mary Robinson and her husband, and the Lenihan family.
These international power brokers are organised into some formal structures that are seemingly calling the shots here, like the Committee of 300.1 Also while these groups are behind the scenes, there are some which operate more publicly, like the numerous think tanks such as the Aspen Institute, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and of course the World Economic Forum. These organisations are what they say they are, think tanks that allow people from around the world to meet up and discuss world issues etc, but of course sometimes there are meet ups on the fringes of these meetings, where a sharper edge than just discussions might become apparent.2
Then in simple terms these globalists exercise control over countries, via some of these people who cooperate very closely with them, and, mostly, via transnational and international organisations like the EU, UN, WHO etc etc, which have long since signed up to this agenda. The ultimate agenda of course, is to create conditions conducive to bringing about a world totalitarian government.3
Simultaneously with that kind of hard edged power and money (the Federal Reserve system in the US is usually considered their main source of finance, but they are now transitioning this to an international digital currency which will give them total control over everybody's use of money) you have people who, in some shape or form, see the coming New World Order (their name for this totalitarian state) as the culmination of a religious aim. It seems that at the very high level of Freemasonry, allied to organisations into Satanism or witchcraft, etc etc, they dream about, and aim to bring about, this kind of state, and, in a sense, have been aiming for it for hundreds of years.4
At the ultimate point of these organisations you seem to have a number of families in Germany, France, Scotland (especially, hence the Scottish Rite) and their off shoots in England and the US.5 One example is the Russell family of the UK, including Bertrand Russell, who did powerful work popularising atheism, and his grandfather Lord John Russell, Prime Minister of the UK at the time when that government seemed to destroy earlier efforts to thwart famine among the starving millions in Ireland in 1847.
As well as these recognised Occult families, you have what's known as the Black Nobility, especially in Italy but actually possibly all over Western Europe. This is where some former and current royal (the current Dutch one is often mentioned for example) or noble houses dream of exercising absolute power once again, and are working underground to bring that about, via their Masonic and this Black Nobility network. This could even involve the Habsburgs, Romanovs and Windsors (in so far as they want absolute power!). The Black Nobility is supposed to be also organised in Ireland, with some old names (maybe Garret Fitzgerald for example?) being allied to them and therefore part of this corruption.
Another group which should be thrown into the mix, in Ireland at any rate, are Communists. The nominal, public face, of Communism has always been very minor, but the covert hidden power of it in this country has frequently been enormous. Its well know, for example, that the former Workers Party, realistically a Communist outfit, had control over the Irish media in the 80s and some of the 90s. Headquartered, at least to a degree, in New Books in Temple Bar, they have their influence everywhere, as Padraig Caughey describes here, a former Republican activist and son of the Vice-President of Sinn Fein:
Notice that I have not included here some global statement that the 'Jews control the world' or something similar, because I do not believe that to be true and am suspicious that some are herding 'conspiracy theorists' into that sweeping statement. Yes some of these families are nominally Jewish, like the Soros's and Rothschilds. Also there is a very strong religious thrust to all of this, remember I am saying that some of these people approach their New World Order as a religious goal. So as part of this of course they hope to corrupt the other religions, including Judaism, Islam, Catholicism etc etc, and are careful to have their people at the very highest levels within those religions, if they can at all. But their religion is Luciferianism, not Judaism, and they might very well be scapegoating the Jews with some of the atmosphere that is around now.
Anyway, that's my guess at what is happening now, for what its worth!
1. Described here:
View: https://rumble.com/v26y5q4-dr.-john-coleman-committee-of-300-club-of-rome-and-royal-institute-of-int.-.html
2. Here for example is George Washington Hunt talking about accidentally been invited to such a meeting on the fringes of the World Wilderness Conference in Colorado in 1987 https://t.co/t7JqiY1CnV , and George Green talks about such a meeting in Aspen in the mid70s:
View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CoTLIx0yxOW8/
3. Explained here: https://www.boards.ie/discussion/2058256768/the-drive-towards-a-world-totalitarian-government .
4. For information on Satanist groups you could listen to somebody like Ted Gunderson:
View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HpvLeX4P8qAf/
5. As described here by Fritz Springmeir:
View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uzCY8Tz1akSz/
, a few links here might be of interest too: https://web.archive.org/web/20130820225346/https://oireland.tripod.com/illuminati.html .
6. https://motheofgod.com/threads/synod-on-synodality.18907/page-4#post-401900 .
First of all you have some movers and shakers who are clearly on the inside track internationally, in simple terms the 'deep state' of globalism. These are typically a mixture of powerful people in international commerce and politics, e.g. some obvious ones are Henry Kissinger, Bill Gates, John Kerry, Elon Musk, formerly Peter Sutherland and Maurice Strong, and in Ireland Bono, Declan Ganley and Larry Goodman. Politically some obvious candidates in Ireland are Micháel Martin, Richard Bruton, Shane Ross, Mary Robinson and her husband, and the Lenihan family.
These international power brokers are organised into some formal structures that are seemingly calling the shots here, like the Committee of 300.1 Also while these groups are behind the scenes, there are some which operate more publicly, like the numerous think tanks such as the Aspen Institute, Club of Rome, Council on Foreign Relations, Bilderbergers, Trilateral Commission, and of course the World Economic Forum. These organisations are what they say they are, think tanks that allow people from around the world to meet up and discuss world issues etc, but of course sometimes there are meet ups on the fringes of these meetings, where a sharper edge than just discussions might become apparent.2
Then in simple terms these globalists exercise control over countries, via some of these people who cooperate very closely with them, and, mostly, via transnational and international organisations like the EU, UN, WHO etc etc, which have long since signed up to this agenda. The ultimate agenda of course, is to create conditions conducive to bringing about a world totalitarian government.3
Simultaneously with that kind of hard edged power and money (the Federal Reserve system in the US is usually considered their main source of finance, but they are now transitioning this to an international digital currency which will give them total control over everybody's use of money) you have people who, in some shape or form, see the coming New World Order (their name for this totalitarian state) as the culmination of a religious aim. It seems that at the very high level of Freemasonry, allied to organisations into Satanism or witchcraft, etc etc, they dream about, and aim to bring about, this kind of state, and, in a sense, have been aiming for it for hundreds of years.4
At the ultimate point of these organisations you seem to have a number of families in Germany, France, Scotland (especially, hence the Scottish Rite) and their off shoots in England and the US.5 One example is the Russell family of the UK, including Bertrand Russell, who did powerful work popularising atheism, and his grandfather Lord John Russell, Prime Minister of the UK at the time when that government seemed to destroy earlier efforts to thwart famine among the starving millions in Ireland in 1847.
As well as these recognised Occult families, you have what's known as the Black Nobility, especially in Italy but actually possibly all over Western Europe. This is where some former and current royal (the current Dutch one is often mentioned for example) or noble houses dream of exercising absolute power once again, and are working underground to bring that about, via their Masonic and this Black Nobility network. This could even involve the Habsburgs, Romanovs and Windsors (in so far as they want absolute power!). The Black Nobility is supposed to be also organised in Ireland, with some old names (maybe Garret Fitzgerald for example?) being allied to them and therefore part of this corruption.
Another group which should be thrown into the mix, in Ireland at any rate, are Communists. The nominal, public face, of Communism has always been very minor, but the covert hidden power of it in this country has frequently been enormous. Its well know, for example, that the former Workers Party, realistically a Communist outfit, had control over the Irish media in the 80s and some of the 90s. Headquartered, at least to a degree, in New Books in Temple Bar, they have their influence everywhere, as Padraig Caughey describes here, a former Republican activist and son of the Vice-President of Sinn Fein:
Anyway the bottom line is that these international movers and shakers, allied to a few Irish, control the Irish state and the big multi-nationals. As such they control the intelligence services, both in Ireland and the international ones, like of the US and UK who are so active here. They in turn are incredibly powerful on the ground in Ireland and between them, and it seems some Masonic groups that I think operate independently of the intelligence services, they control ALL Irish political parties and media outlets etc etc."Once, when I was very young, I attended a Communist Party Meeting out of curiosity.
Several things surprised me there. Firstly many people attending I recognised from the Media as they were very well known. Prominent Academics, Trade Union Leaders, Journalists, Social Commentators, Influencers, etc. One thing they all had in common was that not one of them identified as Communists. In other words they were secret Communists. They kept their Part Membership very much hidden. I had no idea from their Public Profiles of writings that they were Hard Line Left Wingers.
Another things which was surprising was how undemocratic the whole thing was. The meeting was told the 'Party Line'. It was just left out for them from the Communist Internationale. So your views on say, Cuba, Agriculture, Unions, and Political Party was given to you. No dissent or discussion, a kind of prepackaged deal cooked up far up the chain. Since in those days the Irish Communist Party was Stalinist and allied to still Soviet Russia I could write the script myself. It was the same as the _Polit bureau in Russia.
Another thing was how very, very influential they were. They punched far, far above their weight. They must have heavily influenced whole swathes of society.
At the end of it a gentleman came up and talked to me. I had not planned to go to the meeting and told no one I was going. I just saw a little notice in the street and walked in on impulse right out of the blue. This guy was well dressed in late middle age. Although I had spoken to no one they already knew all about me. They knew that my father was a right wing Conservative Catholic, edited a political paper and was prominent in political circles. They were very curious indeed as to why I was there and very interested in if I was a practicing Catholic.
It was a real eye opener.
Anyway this Synod on Synodality reminds me of all that stuff I witnessed as a youth. I never went back. Even back then I knew it was all about control.
Everyone should attend a Communist Party Meeting at least once in their life. It is a Real Teacher."(6)
In terms of the big power internationally, these are what they refer to as 'useful idiots', but helpful for a time in the creation of a totalitarian state obviously.
Notice that I have not included here some global statement that the 'Jews control the world' or something similar, because I do not believe that to be true and am suspicious that some are herding 'conspiracy theorists' into that sweeping statement. Yes some of these families are nominally Jewish, like the Soros's and Rothschilds. Also there is a very strong religious thrust to all of this, remember I am saying that some of these people approach their New World Order as a religious goal. So as part of this of course they hope to corrupt the other religions, including Judaism, Islam, Catholicism etc etc, and are careful to have their people at the very highest levels within those religions, if they can at all. But their religion is Luciferianism, not Judaism, and they might very well be scapegoating the Jews with some of the atmosphere that is around now.
Anyway, that's my guess at what is happening now, for what its worth!
1. Described here:
View: https://rumble.com/v26y5q4-dr.-john-coleman-committee-of-300-club-of-rome-and-royal-institute-of-int.-.html
2. Here for example is George Washington Hunt talking about accidentally been invited to such a meeting on the fringes of the World Wilderness Conference in Colorado in 1987 https://t.co/t7JqiY1CnV , and George Green talks about such a meeting in Aspen in the mid70s:
View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/CoTLIx0yxOW8/
3. Explained here: https://www.boards.ie/discussion/2058256768/the-drive-towards-a-world-totalitarian-government .
4. For information on Satanist groups you could listen to somebody like Ted Gunderson:
View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HpvLeX4P8qAf/
5. As described here by Fritz Springmeir:
View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/uzCY8Tz1akSz/
, a few links here might be of interest too: https://web.archive.org/web/20130820225346/https://oireland.tripod.com/illuminati.html .
6. https://motheofgod.com/threads/synod-on-synodality.18907/page-4#post-401900 .
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