World Wide Woke thread


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Feb 14, 2023
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Have the Jews buried Greta yet ~ After her Palestinian Miss-Step ? !


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Sep 25, 2023
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I have a practical theory that the left has made an alliance with criminal gangs and this is influencing their policy choices. Here's an indication of this.

'... in the jails and prisons that surround the city, the cultural divide is stark: inmates are subsumed into their racial group; enmity between the races is the assumed condition; racial violence, retaliation, and revenge always loom. There are no individuals, only identity-based expressions of power. This “prison politics” has been cemented into the system.


The new iteration of this ideology might have abandoned the militant rhetoric of the Panthers in favor of the therapeutic language of the school psychologist, but it nevertheless threatens to replicate the destructive features of prison-gang politics in the “outside world.” If American institutions succumb to this ideology, they can expect a brutal future: the suspension of individualism in favor of racial collectivism; a nihilistic, zero-sum vision of society; and endemic racial conflict as a baseline condition.


Critical race theory has spread through our institutions, despite strong public opposition. Americans must act to prevent the country from becoming the equivalent of a sprawling, open-air prison yard.

Prison-Gang Politics - City Journal


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Jun 14, 2023
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Stop the world I’m getting off…

Students Dressed as Furries Could be Collected by Animal Control if New Oklahoma Bill Passes​

Oklahoma Rep. Justin Humphrey says his bill is a bit sarcastic, but he's "making a point"
JANUARY 17, 2024
Furries pose for photos at Anthrocon 2023, one of the world's largest anthropomorphic conventions celebrating the furry subculture, in which people dress up or roleplay as animal characters, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on July 1, 2023. (Photo by Agnes BUN / AFP) (Photo by AGNES BUN/AFP via Getty Images)

Furries enjoying their lives. AGNES BUN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
IF ONE OKLAHOMA representative gets his way, children who act like dogs and cats during school hours could be punished by — animal control. Yes, parents might soon have to collect their erstwhile kids from the pound — if Rep. Justin Humphrey’s bill makes it to the finish line as it stands today. That is, of course, if kids acting like animals at school is really that widespread a problem, which is up for debate.
Humphrey’s bill, which was filed Wednesday, seeks to put in place a law whereby “students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly known as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school. … The parent or guardian of a student in violation of this section shall pick up the student from school, or animal control services shall be contacted to remove the student.”

Humphrey tells Rolling Stone he was inspired to write the bill after hearing several reports of students disrupting school while engaging in animal-like behavior. He cites two such alleged incidents in which a grandchild of a friend took to crawling down the hallway while wearing a leash, and another where a student distracted classmates by meowing like a cat. He seemed most concerned, however, with the idea of students requesting litter boxes in the classroom, a favored talking point among right-wing politicians that has been debunked. Similar bills have been introduced in the past as well, but none have included the “animal control” language.


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Sep 25, 2023
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Stop the world I’m getting off…

Students Dressed as Furries Could be Collected by Animal Control if New Oklahoma Bill Passes​

Oklahoma Rep. Justin Humphrey says his bill is a bit sarcastic, but he's "making a point"
JANUARY 17, 2024
Furries pose for photos at Anthrocon 2023, one of the world's largest anthropomorphic conventions celebrating the furry subculture, in which people dress up or roleplay as animal characters, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on July 1, 2023. (Photo by Agnes BUN / AFP) (Photo by AGNES BUN/AFP via Getty Images)'s largest anthropomorphic conventions celebrating the furry subculture, in which people dress up or roleplay as animal characters, at the David L. Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on July 1, 2023. (Photo by Agnes BUN / AFP) (Photo by AGNES BUN/AFP via Getty Images)

Furries enjoying their lives. AGNES BUN/AFP/GETTY IMAGES
IF ONE OKLAHOMA representative gets his way, children who act like dogs and cats during school hours could be punished by — animal control. Yes, parents might soon have to collect their erstwhile kids from the pound — if Rep. Justin Humphrey’s bill makes it to the finish line as it stands today. That is, of course, if kids acting like animals at school is really that widespread a problem, which is up for debate.
Humphrey’s bill, which was filed Wednesday, seeks to put in place a law whereby “students who purport to be an imaginary animal or animal species, or who engage in anthropomorphic behavior commonly known as furries at school shall not be allowed to participate in school. … The parent or guardian of a student in violation of this section shall pick up the student from school, or animal control services shall be contacted to remove the student.”

Humphrey tells Rolling Stone he was inspired to write the bill after hearing several reports of students disrupting school while engaging in animal-like behavior. He cites two such alleged incidents in which a grandchild of a friend took to crawling down the hallway while wearing a leash, and another where a student distracted classmates by meowing like a cat. He seemed most concerned, however, with the idea of students requesting litter boxes in the classroom, a favored talking point among right-wing politicians that has been debunked. Similar bills have been introduced in the past as well, but none have included the “animal control” language.

'Not once did they break character within the hallowed halls of school.

Speech was forsaken for meows and barks; answers to teachers’ questions were met with stoic silence. These furry aficionados, eschewing the drab garb of school uniforms, adorned themselves with sewn-on tails and headbands crowned with furry ears.

Hannah recounted a tale that bordered on the Kafkaesque: a non-furry lad from Year 9 dared to bark at a furry and found himself chastised by the teacher, who sternly reminded him to respect the feline identity of the student.

The teachers just let them do their thing,” Olivia chimed in, while Izzy added that this furry phenomenon was not exclusive to their school, although was conspicuously absent from the city’s private education where the girls were now enrolled.


This furry frenzy isn’t just an Aussie fad. It’s a global epidemic, spreading faster than a kangaroo on a hot tin roof.

It started in the United States but now even the Brits are hopping on the bandwagon.

The Sun splashed across its pages that the UK’s “Safer Schools” group was telling teachers and parents to keep their eyes peeled for kids prancing about as furries.

The advice? Don’t mock or make a fuss.


Over in the world of social platform X, UAP Senator Ralph Babet has been sounding the alarm. He reckons this is what happens when the “radical left” runs amok, unchecked, and untamed.

He wrote, “Can we just put a stop to this garbage right now? You go to school to learn reading, writing, and arithmetic.”'

Furries Are Infiltrating Our Schools - ZeroHedge


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Sep 25, 2023
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'We are f***ed,' an exasperated police officer candidly declares as he patrols a Chevron gas station in Oakland, California, during the morning rush.


He was referring, in his words, to the 'restrictive' policies passed by city and state lawmakers which mean police officers can't even pursue the thieves because smash-and-grab theft is a 'nonviolent crime'.

'We can't do a car chase on nonviolent crime,' he told from the seat of his police cruiser. 'I can go behind the cars and try and turn on my lights, but why would they stop?'


Oakland's Democrat mayor, Sheng Thao, has tried to deflect blame for the uptick in crimes, which also includes a 38 percent spike in robberies between 2022 and 2023.

Thao, 38, who took office in January last year, said crime in Oakland 'has been on a steady rise since 2019' and it's 'dishonest for anyone to say that crime started rising under my watch only'.

The solution, according to officers on the ground, is to abandon the progressive legislation which has curved their powers.

'It's a social experiment and it's not working,' one said. 'Why don't we stick with things that work?'''

Is this the most dangerous square mile in America? Crime hotspot in Oakland where gas stations and In-N-Out are hit by brazen car thieves dozens of times EVERY DAY - but cops say they are powerless to stop it - Daily Mail


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Sep 25, 2023
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'In 1933 Meerloo began to study the methods by which systematic mental pressure brings people to abject submission, and by which totalitarians imprint their subjective "truth" on their victims' minds.


He presents a systematic analysis of the methods of brainwashing and mental torture and coercion, and shows how totalitarian strategy, with its use of mass psychology, leads to systematized "rape of the mind." He describes the new age of cold war with its mental terror, verbocracy, and semantic fog, the use of fear as a tool of mass submission and the problem of treason and loyalty, so loaded with dangerous confusion.


Part One: The Techniques of Individual Submission.
1. You Too Would Confess.
2. Pavlov's Students as Circus Tamers.
3. Medication into Submission.
4. Why Do They Yield? The Psychodynamics of False Confession.

Part Two: The Techniques of Mass Submission.
5. The Cold War against the Mind.
6. Totalitaria and its Dictatorship.
7. The Intrusion by Totalitarian Thinking.
8. Trial by Trial.
9. Fear as a Tool of Terror.

Part Three: Unobtrusive Coercion.
10. The Child is Father to the Man.
11. Mental Contagion and Mass Delusion.
12. Technology Invades Our Minds.
13. Intrusion by the Administrative Mind.
14. The Turncoat in Each of Us.

Part Four: In Search of Defenses.
15. Training Against Mental Torture.
16. Education for Discipline or Higher Morale.
17. From Old to New Courage.
18. Freedom -- Our Mental Backbone'

The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing - Amazon

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