"You Gentiles"- an eccentric Zionist tract from the 1920s beloved of some "Counter-Semites".

  • Thread starter Zipporah's Flint
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Zipporah's Flint

It is best known for this quote- "We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." and it was highly recommended by Professor Revilo P Oliver who believed that it gave unparalleled access into the minds of Jews who he believed were a different species to the rest of us (he considered the different to be different species).

More interesting though I think is this quote- "Years of observation and thought have given increasing strength to the belief that we Jews stand apart from you gentiles, that a primal duality breaks the humanity I know into two distinct parts; that this duality is a fundamental, and that all differences among you gentiles are trivialities compared with that which divided all of you from us." That is an outlook shared by a lot of intense Jewish tribalists, a huge difference between them and White Nationalists who see Black Africans and lets say Koreans as while both radically different from themselves also radically different from each other and something that the likes of Kevin Parlon and the many, many, many like him refuse to get.

The basic thing of the book boils down to Jews only really care about ethics and non-Jews only really care about aesthetics. Prods of course will often enough accuse Catholics of only really caring about aesthetics, and Baptists as well as Presbyterians and other "Reformed" will accuse Anglicans and Lutherans of the same (it is actually probably true of some sub-sets of Anglicans). However here is a thing- by most standards Macron is more "Far Right" than Trump yet a lot of "Liberals" here got really upset by Trump while they are fine with Macron because I suspect he comes across as someone involved in homosexuality, surely that is putting aesthetics over ethical substance?



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Aug 11, 2023
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It is best known for this quote- "We Jews, we are the destroyers and will remain the destroyers. Nothing you can do will meet our demands and needs. We will forever destroy because we want a world of our own." and it was highly recommended by Professor Revilo P Oliver who believed that it gave unparalleled access into the minds of Jews who he believed were a different species to the rest of us (he considered the different to be different species).

More interesting though I think is this quote- "Years of observation and thought have given increasing strength to the belief that we Jews stand apart from you gentiles, that a primal duality breaks the humanity I know into two distinct parts; that this duality is a fundamental, and that all differences among you gentiles are trivialities compared with that which divided all of you from us." That is an outlook shared by a lot of intense Jewish tribalists, a huge difference between them and White Nationalists who see Black Africans and lets say Koreans as while both radically different from themselves also radically different from each other and something that the likes of Kevin Parlon and the many, many, many like him refuse to get.

The basic thing of the book boils down to Jews only really care about ethics and non-Jews only really care about aesthetics. Prods of course will often enough accuse Catholics of only really caring about aesthetics, and Baptists as well as Presbyterians and other "Reformed" will accuse Anglicans and Lutherans of the same (it is actually probably true of some sub-sets of Anglicans). However here is a thing- by most standards Macron is more "Far Right" than Trump yet a lot of "Liberals" here got really upset by Trump while they are fine with Macron because I suspect he comes across as someone involved in homosexuality, surely that is putting aesthetics over ethical substance?

THANKS for posting that .
i read his book some years ago and was perplexed .
it initially seems like a book by a genial forthright individual -- and when you re read continually what he said you are baffled by the concept of this man even committing what he states to paper .
you are left with the complete understanding --explained in a hundred different ways that we are not Jews and as such are belonging to a class worse than the untermenchin of the nazis .
we our wives and children are natural slaves to the Jews .
he explains that whatever the gulf/difference between Irish people for example and all others on the planet is nothing compared to the difference between the Jews and us Irish.
it is a gulf which cannot be bridged EVER .
this admission that we Irish are simply marking time when THEIR messiah comes and this figure is obviously NOT christian as the first order of business is to exterminate most of the worlds population and enslave the small remainder allowed to survive .
this mass genocide is the wished for ambition of this and all other Jewish headcases .
these people do not see any problem belonging to a death cult and also dreaming of enslaving your children /family if they are allowed to survive .
he then states the difference between us is HIS BELIEF IN THIS MAD GENOCIDAL FUCKER GOD OF THE JEWS who somehow has the permission of world Jewry to exterminate billions on the planet just for sport and they pray daily for this event all around the world .
when will a journalist interview them and ask explain this death cult of yours and please state how many Irish people will it effect..

Zipporah's Flint

THANKS for posting that .
i read his book some years ago and was perplexed .
it initially seems like a book by a genial forthright individual -- and when you re read continually what he said you are baffled by the concept of this man even committing what he states to paper .
you are left with the complete understanding --explained in a hundred different ways that we are not Jews and as such are belonging to a class worse than the untermenchin of the nazis .
we our wives and children are natural slaves to the Jews .
he explains that whatever the gulf/difference between Irish people for example and all others on the planet is nothing compared to the difference between the Jews and us Irish.
it is a gulf which cannot be bridged EVER .
this admission that we Irish are simply marking time when THEIR messiah comes and this figure is obviously NOT christian as the first order of business is to exterminate most of the worlds population and enslave the small remainder allowed to survive .
this mass genocide is the wished for ambition of this and all other Jewish headcases .
these people do not see any problem belonging to a death cult and also dreaming of enslaving your children /family if they are allowed to survive .
he then states the difference between us is HIS BELIEF IN THIS MAD GENOCIDAL FUCKER GOD OF THE JEWS who somehow has the permission of world Jewry to exterminate billions on the planet just for sport and they pray daily for this event all around the world .
when will a journalist interview them and ask explain this death cult of yours and please state how many Irish people will it effect..

Some Jews definitely do believe in the concept of "bloody Redemption" but they are a minority, as regards Jews living outside of historic Palestine probably a very small minority. However there is a serious worry that people from this minority will get their hands on the many, many, many nuclear weapons the Zionist State has thanks to France. I did not get though that this book was advocating that though there is a bit of "give us Palestine or else".

I read the book at 15 and it bored me. Re-reading though I did find it interesting. Maurice Samuels was a Zionist- but he was only ever in Palestine for a few months. If living among the "Goy" was really so horrific for him why did he not go and live there at least after 1948?

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