Why do a lot of Rightists suddenly get all PC when it comes to Jews and "Antisemitism"?


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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You liked a post calling on Israel to murder 1000 Palestinians for each Jew Hamas murdered!

Therefore you have exposed yourself as a hypocrite, given you later said people shouldn't blame a whole race of people for the actions of a few, which is exactly what that post you liked was promoting!


Correction, I liked a post where another poster said, If I was an Israeli I would kill 1000 Palestinians for every person killed/harmed/kidnapped by Hamas on October 7th.

This is a hypothetical statement by @clarke-connolly presumably because I do not think he is an Israeli.

However, I can fully understand where the Jewish anger is coming from as explained, If it was Ireland that was attacked by another country and our families brutally murdered and tortured, I am sure many would want the same revenge justice that Israel currently seeks.

Screenshot (3).png

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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If I was an Israeli/Jew I think I'd probably be a rightist :)

Why, is he a racist?

So why do you think people like @Clanrickard, Parlon et al are all-in for Israel? 🤔

Lol actually in Palestine it is Zionist so-called Left who are much, much more "White Nationalist" than the Zionist Right. Someone has said the differences between them come down to the Zionist Left being White Supremacist and the Zionist Right being Jewish Supremacist. Once the indigenous population is gone there could easily be a civil war among the Jewish colonists based in part but not entirely on race (Haredim European Jews will definitely be siding with the Arab Jews).

The Zionist Right has actually produced some interesting thinkers but I am both attracted and repulsed by Fashy stuff from whatever quarter. Uri Zvi Greenberg was an amazing poet even if he was a genocidal loon.

He really dislikes Pakistanis with an intensity and he dislikes the parts of what is called "Black culture" that I also dislike- he would never admit to being a racist though.

He is English but he is pretty much like Kev and Clan politically- what motivates them? I am not quite sure. Could it be a murderous "revenge of the nerds" fantasy? Zosimius believed that was what was going on with Clan and my mum in law has speculated that the same is going on with my brother in law (she actually does not like Jews as such in an E Michael Jones manner primarily but with a bit of racial stuff thrown in) but I have wondered whether he comes out with this "Jew loving" stuff mainly to wind her up.

The below from controversial and partisan sources maybe worth thinking about as to whether they might contain some truth.


free and clean

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Oct 2, 2023
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It talks about massive ethnic cleansing. The Zionists were/are pushing the indigenous population on the West Bank and within the Green Line into smaller and smaller enclaves, obviously getting ready for another Nabka that this time would involve straight wiping out of the populations.

Maybe- but people were not against Bibi because of his treatment of indigenous Palestinians. People were against Bibi because of his replacing White Supremacy for Jews with a meritocracy for Jews (which is the reason that non-White Jews love him) and for giving the Religious Orthodox Jews too much power (who are hated by the White Supremacist so-called Liberal elite).

The United States always protects the Zionists at the UN no matter what they do.

It turns out that as the Resistance claimed on October 7 th most of the Jews who died were killed by IDF fire and not that of the Al Qassam Brigades. Surprise, surprise- the indigenous Palestinians turn out to have told the truth again and the Zionists turn out to have indulged in an orgy of wild lying.

No it doesn't "turn out" you babbling clown. You've posted one article from a completely biased website.

And that's your proof that Israeli soldiers killed loads of Israeli civilians. Get up the yard.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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You talk about Ethnic Cleansing, then how come there are 2 Million Arabs in Israel?

In small over crowded ethnic enclaves that are usually denied basic services generally and they have been increasingly ethnically cleansed from "mixed areas".

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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No it doesn't "turn out" you babbling clown. You've posted one article from a completely biased website.

And that's your proof that Israeli soldiers killed loads of Israeli civilians. Get up the yard.

That article was written by an actual Sabra and it has begun to come out in the Zionist media itself-



🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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In small over crowded ethnic enclaves that are usually denied basic services generally and they have been increasingly ethnically cleansed from "mixed areas".

But where is the Ethnic cleansing if 2 million people live there?

I mean, how many Christians are allowed to live in Muslim countries and be allowed the same privileges and rights?

You cant even go to Mecca as a Chrisitan!

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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But where is the Ethnic cleansing if 2 million people live there?

I mean, how many Christians are allowed to live in Muslim countries and be allowed the same privileges and rights?

You cant even go to Mecca as a Chrisitan!

They are being driven from areas into smaller and smaller ethnic conclaves and they are under constant pressure to pack up and leave the counrty. Call that whatever you want. Most of them by the way are descended from internally displaced refugees during the Nabka and are not allowed their stolen family property back. Have you read the Amnesty International report?

Plenty of Muslim countries- most in fact. Saudi Arabia is "special".


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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They are being driven from areas into smaller and smaller ethnic conclaves and they are under constant pressure to pack up and leave the counrty. Call that whatever you want. Most of them by the way are descended from internally displaced refugees during the Nabka and are not allowed their stolen family property back. Have you read the Amnesty International report?

Plenty of Muslim countries- most in fact. Saudi Arabia is "special".

Well if they don't feel welcomed in Israel, why not move to a Muslim Country? Cant be all that bad if 2 million of them choose to remain there.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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Well if they don't feel welcomed in Israel, why not move to a Muslim Country? Cant be all that bad if 2 million of them choose to remain there.

Not all of them are Muslims and it is their homeland!


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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Disgraceful that a new thread was started on this. My solution is to send peace keeping troops to Gaza including Irish lads and lassies. Dutch, French , Australian and Omanians


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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I was reared a Catholic. I was taught that Christ was a Jew who rejected their religion and started a new one. I was taught that Christ was charitable, preached love between men and women, was very fair minded and promised to link us up with God his father in heaven when we die.

We were a strong Fianna Fail family but FF left me and I rejected them. I saw Christs relationship with Jews the same as my relationship with FF. I set out to destroy the FF party and I felt Christ set out to destroy the Jewish religion but failed because a rump of them refused to follow him.

Later I felt that religion does not matter much, I will stay a Catholic because it is weakened. I would outlaw circumcision if I could.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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That's practically a contradiction in terms. Could you name one well known Zionist White nationalist (besides me of course :)) 🤔

Where does this guy fit in? Just a Jew who isn't a Zionist? -

I was using the term that would be used for him (assuming he's white)

Well, they're conservatives/"90s liberals", right?

So, Holocaustianity, "greatest ally" and so on. Then of course the belief that Israel is part of the (civilised) West.

You sure about that? The names Greg Johnson, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer (at least for the majority of the time he identified as a "White Nationalist"), Guillaume Faye, Renaud Camus.....Max Nordau, David Ben Gurion and Golda Meir mean anything to you? And they are just off the top of my head.

Originally Zionism was extremely anti-Rabbinic Judaism and saw it in many ways as it's number one enemy and even now outside of certain things in Maimonides and Nachmanides I think all the Rabbinic Authorities and certainly the Sages of the Mishnah were/are against "forcing the End" and the do-it-yourself approach to Messianism (remember that Rabbinic Judaism arose as much in reaction against the "Fourth Philosophy"/Zealot Judaism/Jihadi Judaism of antiquity as it arose in reaction to Christianity).

He has a significant dollop of Polish blood so he is not a pure North West European (for the rest he is a mix of English and Scottish).

Not in his case at all. He would have the view that the Conservative Party are the natural Party of government and people are being deliberately odd or worse by voting for other people (and that would include things further Right). He does value triggernometry, etc as helping bring "normality" to people "who need it". In his arrogance he assumes that they have come around to thinking like people like him but basically they have gotten around to sculpting how people like him think. There is no way that someone like John Michell could get into "The Spectator" now it has been taken over by that militant homosexualist though of course he would scoff at John Michell.

"Israel" is the forefront of the Civilized West in his view. The Shoah was the Cosmic Crime- but the fact that it was the "Civilized West" that carried the "Shoah" causes problems for him, or should cause problems for him, would cause problems for him if he did not believe all the insane conspiracy theories around Johann von Leers who was one of the most fascinating and paradoxical figures among the Hitlerites and Amin al-Husseini who was a Late Ottomann flunky despised by probably a majority of indigenous Palestinians but has never the less been burnt for some reason into Zionist memory as some major figure (basically these boil down to the Nazis were really Muslims). The thing is that this "Israel" of his is for the most part his assumptions of what it is like and he will dismiss anything that gets in that way- like most supporters of Zionism.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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Well Jared Taylor is well known for avoiding the JQ, can you provide any citation for any of the names you mentioned being Zionist, and if they (the people you mentioned) are Zionist Jews, being white nationalists (Zionism isn't white nationalism)

Greg Johnson said clearly on Luke Ford podcasts that he supports Zionism and admires Herzl (as did many Hitlerites)- that as the solution for the "Jewish Question/Jewish Problem" surely makes sense from his point of view? Zionism is not "White Nationalism" true but that does not mean that they are not compatible.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i_7pL_FhglM

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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Ultra-orthodox Jews aren't Zionist.

Attitudes towards Zionismedit

See also: Haredim and Zionism
While most Haredi Jews were opposed to the establishment of the State of Israel, and Haredi Jews mostly do not celebrate Yom Ha'Atzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) or any other state-instituted holidays, there were many who gave their backing to the nascent state.[142][143]

Members of Neturei Karta protest against Israel (Washington, 2005)
The chief political division among Haredi Jews has been in their approach to the State of Israel. After Israeli independence, different Haredi movements took varying positions on it. Only a minority of Haredi Jews consider themselves to be Zionists. Haredim who do not consider themselves Zionists fall into two-camps: non-Zionist, and anti-Zionist. Non-Zionist Haredim, who comprise the majority, do not object to the State of Israel as an independent Jewish state, and many even consider it to be positive, but they do not believe that it has any religious significance. Anti-Zionist Haredim, who are a minority, but are more publicly visible than the non-Zionist majority, believe that any Jewish independence prior to the coming of the Messiah is a sin.[144][145]

It is complicated especially in Palestine now where a lot will be against Zionism as an ideology but for Jewish Supremacism being violently imposed on the country so they might as well be ZIonist if you do not internal Jewish politics and the history of Zionism.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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But the Jewish activists add "Christian" to that, "Christian European Colonialism".

From 14 I was reading Rightist Christians with rationality and not unjustly arguing that the term "Judeo-Christian" was a con to get Christians to kill Muslims for Jews but from 18 I have been reading Leftist Jews arguing that the exact same term was about getting Jews to kill Muslims for Christians also with arguments that were not illogical.

Zipporah's Flint

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Apr 7, 2022
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In our sphere I would associate his view more with leftism. It's leftists who don't want a nation state for the Irish (like he doesn't for Jews) and those who do (i.e. nationalists) are called far right.

You don't to live in a full Catholic State as Plunkett would define such and you want not want to either live in a full Presbyterian State- does that make you Leftist?

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