The Climate Change scam

Myles O'Reilly

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Feb 3, 2022
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Mar 10, 2023
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2024 - earth spinning slower:

2022 - earth spinning faster:


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Feb 14, 2023
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2024 - earth spinning slower:

2022 - earth spinning faster:
Climate Change Ate My Hamster !


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Sep 25, 2023
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2024 - earth spinning slower:

2022 - earth spinning faster:

Interesting observation, you must be plugged into some interesting sites. For all the dismissal of the general public, there's a lot of clever and attentive people floating around in the hoi polloi (of which we are a part).

That said, I'm not buying the flat earth hypothesis but since you're not stupid there must be something curious in the subject that there's no harm in entertaining (not that I think it's actionable).

So, the importance of reading more than the headline - especially on something that seem so dissonant. Below are excerpts from your two articles with a supplement article to conclude.

This is from Nature, a leading academic journal. It has a status similar to something published by the Royal Society back in the day.

'“Enough ice has melted to move sea level enough that we can actually see the rate of the Earth’s rotation has been affected,” says Duncan Agnew, a geophysicist at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, California, and author of the study.

The leap second’s time is up: world votes to stop pausing clocks

According to his analysis, global warming will push back the need for another leap second from 2026 to 2029.


Earth’s spin is slowing down, meaning that, occasionally, a minute in utc needs to be 61 seconds long, to allow Earth to catch up. This reduction in the planet’s rotation rate is caused by the Moon’s pull on the oceans, which creates friction. It also explains, for example, why eclipses 2,000 years ago were recorded at different times in the day from what we would expect on the basis of today’s rotation rate, and why analyses of ancient sediments suggest that 1.4 billion years ago, a day was only around 19 hours long.'

Climate change has slowed Earth’s rotation — and could affect how we keep time - nature journal

The second is from Forbes, an elite focused magazine that generally has a high standard to its content.

'Why is Earth speeding up?

The cause of the differing speed of Earth’s spin is unknown, but theories abound:
  • The melting of the glaciers means less weight on the poles
  • Motions of our planet’s inner molten core
  • Seismic activity
  • The “Chandler wobble”—the movement of Earth’s geographical poles across its surface'
Earth Is Suddenly Spinning Faster. Why Our Planet Just Recorded Its Shortest Day Since Records Began - Forbes

These two articles are clearly contradictory - although the poles were ice free for most of the earth's history, so there may be something to this that we don't understand.

The moon was much closer to the earth in astronomical time. One would expect that it would have had a greater effect then than now. This is an explanation from a random millennial internet site that's well established and mainstream.

'As the ages pass, the Moon slowly drifts away from the Earth. In conjunction, the length of our day gradually gets longer. For the first time, astronomers have been able to estimate the length of the day and the distance to the Moon as it was almost two and a half billion years ago.

Back then, our day was only 17 hours long.


“Today, this distance is around 384,300 kilometers. On average, of course, because the Moon doesn’t make a perfect circle around the Earth; its orbit is an ellipse. During the time interval that we studied, the Earth-Moon distance was a lot shorter: around 321,800 kilometers,” says scientist Margriet Lantink in a statement.
That means the Moon was about 62,000 kilometers closer to Earth, or 38,525 miles — 22,000 or so Golden Gate Bridge lengths.


The current distance to the Moon gives us the very special phenomenon of total solar eclipses. This can only be possible if the apparent size of the Sun and the Moon are the same in our sky. While that’s true for now, in a few hundred million years, the Moon will be too far away, and it will be too small to give us total solar eclipses. So enjoy them while they last.'

2.46 billion years ago, ancient Earth had way shorter days and bigger Full Moons - Inverse

There was an observation I recall reading somewhere about the fine-tuned universe theory but, in this case, related to astronomy. It said that if there were no eclipses of the moon then astronomical knowledge would never have experienced stepped change due to the ability to observe the corona of the sun during an eclipse.

That the earth had a moon that was capable of producing total eclipses was an incredible improbability and it seems that the moon will only able to do this during a window of earth's lifetime. It's also a curiosity but an interesting observation. The perfection of earth for the development of intelligent life etc. Given that there is a full eclipse that seems to have put the ants in the pants of many, I offer this as a curious piece of information.

The larger issue that you refer to is the breakdown of the chain of trust. Are these wonders of the modern age (the scientific journals and institutions that have produced wonders of technological productivity and improvements in standards of living) been instrumentalised to game the system?

Or is science subject to wild speculations that we should register but not take too seriously until it produces useful engineering? The replication problem and a junk science confusion of reasonable discourse?

Thus, this is a question of actionability. Clearly everything that appears in a scientific journal shouldn't create a necessary call on resources.

A response could be that our knowledge of the earth (given the period of time we have experience of) is like landing on an alien world. At first, every day would be new and different. We would have a blurry picture of what the seasons would look like. After a few years, our understanding would get a bit better but we would hardly be able to say that we understood how the climate would act over a decade or a century.

Our understanding of earth's climate may reach back further but it is still of a resolution that we cannot say that we understand it. We have not had sensors recording macro or micro details for more than a handful of decades, although we have information on obvious events going back millennia. Therefore, would should be cautious of proclamations of certainty and careful of overgrowing sectors that might be structurally wont to create feedback loops to sustain themselves.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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That said, I'm not buying the flat earth hypothesis but since you're not stupid there must be something curious in the subject that there's no harm in entertaining (not that I think it's actionable).
Flat earth is not a hypothesis, it's what we observe and experience. The positive claim (and thus where the burden of proof rests) is that the earth is a spinning ball; flat earth is merely challenging that claim and is not necessarily presenting an alternative model of earth.

Earth's rotation has never been proven and all attempts to do so have failed. The faster/slower rotation contradiction I highlighted above is a perfect example of the many contradictions and the make-it-up-as-you-go, ah hoc theories within modern scientism that are also so prevalent in the globe earth paradigm.





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Sep 3, 2022
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Article cuts the hole out of climate bolloxology



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Sep 3, 2022
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Seriously JPC, could you summarise?
Basically self hating cunts.
Read it you'll enjoy the effort!

"Climatism is an entire story about why our wealth and our lifestyle are wrong and must be abandoned; it is an excuse to indulge personal ascetic impulses and also to force this virtue upon one’s less enlightened neighbours."


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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Flat earth is not a hypothesis, it's what we observe and experience. The positive claim (and thus where the burden of proof rests) is that the earth is a spinning ball; flat earth is merely challenging that claim and is not necessarily presenting an alternative model of earth.

Earth's rotation has never been proven and all attempts to do so have failed. The faster/slower rotation contradiction I highlighted above is a perfect example of the many contradictions and the make-it-up-as-you-go, ah hoc theories within modern scientism that are also so prevalent in the globe earth paradigm.

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View attachment 4884
View attachment 4885

Following up on the slowing down and spinning up of the Earth's rotation, here's some interesting scientific speculation that has some relevance to the recent earthquake in Taiwan.

(It's terrible disaster for Taiwan and I don't mean to trivialise it. I'm sure that whatever is within the ability of humankind to do to manage the terrible consequences of it will be done by the people there.)

These speculations have to do with the induction of tectonic shifts on Earth as a product of the alignment of celestial bodies. There is soon to be some significant celestial alignments over the month of April listed here. I don't know if has anything to do with anything but it's something that has been addressed by the USGS. They dismiss the idea but do address it seriously.

They address the hypothesis that changes in the heights of tides in the oceans cause stresses in the mantle that trigger shifts in the plates that cause earthquakes.

'Earthquakes are equally as likely to occur in the morning or the evening. Many studies in the past have shown no significant correlations between the rate of earthquake occurrence and the semi-diurnal tides when using large earthquake catalogs.

Several recent studies, however, have found a correlation between earth tides (caused by the position of the moon relative to the earth) and some types of earthquakes. One study, for example, concludes that during times of higher earth and ocean tides, such as during times of full or new moon, earthquakes are more likely on shallow thrust faults near the edges of continents and in (underwater) subduction zones. Lunar or solar eclipses represent, of course, special cases of full and new moon, but do not cause any special or different tidal effects from full and new moon.

Earth tides (Earth's surface going up and down by a couple of centimeters) and especially ocean tides (surface of the ocean going up and down by a meter or more) raise and lower the confining pressure on shallow, dipping faults near continental edges and in subduction zones.

When the confining pressure is lessened, the faults are unclamped and more likely to slip. The increased probability is a factor of ~3 during high tides. But you must stop and realize that the background probability is, in general, very low in a given place and year (fractions of a percent), so that raising this tiny probability by a factor of 3 during high tides still results in a very tiny probability.'

Can the position of the moon or the planets affect seismicity? Are there more earthquakes in the morning/in the evening/at a certain time of the month? - USGC

Time Magazine ran an article on it in 2023 describing it as a myth.

'On a scale on which the influence of the Sun’s gravity on Earth—its so-called tidal force—is 1.0, the moon (much smaller but much closer) weighs in at 2.1. Venus is 0.000113; massive Jupiter is 0.0000131; as for giant but distant Neptune: 0.000000002. As NASA says: “If all of the planets were to align perfectly with each other…their gravity would raise the ocean tides by just one twenty-fifth of one millimeter.” As environmental scientists would point out, we should worry a whole lot more about the effect of climate change on our tides and sea level than about the impact of extraterrestrial gravity.

The takeaway: This week’s sky show is just a sky show, one of those little gifts—like solar and lunar eclipses or the passing of a comet—that the heavens occasionally give us. Enjoy the spectacle—and if you miss this one, just be patient. On June 27, there will be another alignment, when Mercury, Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn will cluster within a 95-degree arc of sky.'

The Persistent Myth About Planetary Alignments - Time

There is a published study that suggest there is a relationship. It posits that this has to do with the change in the speed of the Earth's rotation.

'The rotational velocity of the Earth has been calculated for eight seismic events, and it turns out that the velocity was different for each case. A negative proportional was found between earthquake and the Earth rotational speed. During the configuration of the Jupiter and Saturn in a straight line with the Earth over July 2019, one thousand and thirty-seven of earthquakes occurred around the world were statistically analyzed having 2–6 magnitudes. Rotational/ revolving speed, angular momentum and rotational inertia kinetic energy; gravitational potential energy of the Earth at equator and at 45 degrees were computed to show how rotational speed triggering plates. Planets interact with each other influencing earthquakes via the gravitational stresses arising from the configuration of the solar system planets that cause a slowdown of the rotational/revolving speed of the Earth. This stimulates the Earth’s plate to move generating earthquake due to the activation of faults.'

Solar system planetary alignment triggers tides and earthquakes - Journal of Coastal Conservation


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Sep 25, 2023
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There is another theory that it has to do with hyperresonance. Basically it says that the Earth has a resonance that is disturbed by celestial alignments between the Sun and Neptune's orbit. Now, there is such a thing as Schumann resonances, however this is electromagnetic rather than material but who knows.

'As gravity can now be expressed in terms of speed of light, hyperresonance is akin to tuning forks triggering each other at a distance, which infers the existence of aether as required for propagation of mutually tuning (or, interfering) oscillations in Space.


Obviously in a forced mechanical oscillator, the pattern takes form of increase-peaking-decrease of energy emissions (here in ~M6+ seismicity). Such a pattern would be the fingerprint of a forced mechanical oscillator at work. Such a pattern would also require for strong quakes to be occurring at remote locations, as the level of energy released lines up in an orderly fashion due to external mechanical forcing of the entire planet i.e. regardless of location. If such a pattern were demonstrated, it would mean that tides do not trigger earthquakes directly (by causing stress/strain release), but that they trigger resonance magnification instead, which then acts as an intermediary giving rise to Earth’s shaking (earthquakes), cracking (faults), magma flow (tectonics), and differential core rotation as a downward continuation of the magnified vibration.'

Now, this was published in the Journal of the European Royal Society, which isn't exactly associated with the Erasmus Programme, and the paper has a contact address of: The Bosnian Royal Family, P.O. Box 1 , Sarajevo, Bosnia (which I didn't know was a thing) so pinches of salt etc.

Also, the existence of the aether! I thought that was an hypothesis of bygone days. Isn't space a vacuum? There is a new theory that space consists of hypergraphs - which are essentially extremely tiny cells, that space consists of atoms rather than being merely emptiness. It's gaining traction as it was formulated by Stephen Wolfram - for example Lex Fridman discussed it with him on his podcast.

Here's something on it from one of those prodigies (a mathematician) that we vaguely imagine populate the hallowed halls of university fellowships.

It's about as intelligible as the following explanation of how something with mass at rest travels through time at the speed of light but it does show that scientific thinking is still reaching out to for new concepts and mechanics in physics. Also shows that the use of the change in the Earth's spin as a proof of climate change is bogus.


17 hours ago

Momentum is not energy. It is a derivative of energy. P=mv (there is no squared term).
Kinetic Energy (KE) = 1/2mv^2 (this is where you're getting confused).

E=mc^2 is the amount of energy contained in the rest mass of an object or particle. In order to include the energy of any motion, you need to add a term to the equation:
E = mc^2 + 1/2mv^2

'm' is the rest mass in all cases and remains unchanged, but the apparent mass of an object increases as kinetic energy is added (as it speeds up). In other words, mass and energy are completely interchangeable and are manifestations of the same thing.

Unconfined energy (like light) has zero rest mass and must travel at the speed of causality (c) through space. It travels at zero velocity through time.

Confined energy, such as the binding energy between quarks which make up all baryonic matter (neutrons & protons etc), manifests as mass when under extreme confinement (massless gluons exchange colour charge information between quarks at the speed of light and are responsible for the Strong force). This binding energy makes up more than 98% of the mass of the proton, only about 2% comes from the quarks rest mass. All objects with non-zero rest mass must travel below speed c through space and at the maximum possible speed through time, such that the magnitude of their four-velocity through 4-dimentional spacetime is always equal to c. In other words, if a massive object is at rest, it will travel at speed c through time. If it is moving then it will travel through time more slowly (it's a trade off, basically).

Einstein was a genius. You should have more respect.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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What's the gist of what you're saying Tony?

There are a number of threads running through that post.

One of them is that if there are a load of earthquakes this month, there are natural theories to explain them.

Another one is regular old curiosity. There are a lot of curious things that are interesting to read about. It used to be perfectly normal to indulge in their contemplation. That seems to be discouraged now and it's a pity. Makes people boring and nervy.

Hermit has a lively mind, and I appreciate it, otherwise I wouldn't have gone to such lengths to pack a few choice easter eggs into a really rather ponderous response.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Green Party candidate has finger bitten off by dog as she put leaflet through letterbox

“Leafleting took a dark turn today unfortunately. I have sadly lost half of my finger and am in the hospital waiting to see if they can attach it again."




Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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Green Party candidate has finger bitten off by dog as she put leaflet through letterbox

“Leafleting took a dark turn today unfortunately. I have sadly lost half of my finger and am in the hospital waiting to see if they can attach it again."


One of those Vegan Dogs = = I Suppose :D :D :D


Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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Green Party candidate has finger bitten off by dog as she put leaflet through letterbox

“Leafleting took a dark turn today unfortunately. I have sadly lost half of my finger and am in the hospital waiting to see if they can attach it again."


Are they Lesbians = = One seems to be looking forward to the Finger !

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