The Holocaust of the Irish People

Dark Horse

Apr 23, 2024
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The Irish Holocaust was not a rapid event, like the Holocaust of the Jews, but an event that was relentlessly pursued over a period of centuries. I'm not sure exactly when the idea came to the English ruling class that it would be desirable to utterly exterminate the Gael, but I know that by the 1580s, Edmund Spencer (poet, military adventurer and ancestor to Princess Diana) was openly advocating the complete genocide of the Gael and Population Replacement with English settlers. He wrote openly that the sword could never kill enough Irish people, and that the only viable weapon was mass starvation. From that time on, starvation was the preferred weapon of British imperialism against native populations all over the world.

However, it was not until the 1720s the the English Régime managed to create famine in Ireland on an industrial and controlled scale. Between 1720 and 1860, there was a major famine in Ireland once every 20 years, like clockwork. Each famine genocide weakened the Irish speaking population incrementally - until today a Gaelic population, steeped in an ancient and incredibly rich and varied culture, has been replaced by a cultureless English speaking population that has no sense of itself, no pride in itself, and no ability to resist the latest round of Population Replacement. Such a disastrous collapse in the intellectual power of a population can only be achieved through the most brutal methods of physical extermination and psychological terrorism. In this thread, we will discuss some of those methods of mental and physical extermination, as applied in Ireland, and then the model perfected in Ireland transposed to the colonies in the Americas and Australia.

To begin, here is a notice that was given by a group called Craobh Gal Gréine, when they held a Holocaust Commemoration in Donegal some years ago.

Many years have passed since the awful tragedy of An Gorta Mór. A famine, which accounts for one of the most horrific periods, in our long history; suffering under the Saxon tyrants. A third of our population [possibly much greater] died slow agonising deaths or were part of the forced exiling of the natives from Erin. Many living out their lives in hardship and misery. The enforced starvation of the Gaelic people had detrimental long-term effects. A nationwide decline in health; over 50% mortality rate of children under five amongst the Irish at home and those in exile in the US, Canada and England. The Gaelic language, culture and heritage was almost obliterated. An unrecoverable loss of half the folklore, music and history of our ancient race.

The psychological effects were even more traumatic. Young girls had witnessed their newly born children die of starvation upon their breasts. Whole families were forced to cuddle themselves together through the dark winters in cruel and damp conditions; raw to the bone with starvation. Where the screams and convulsions symbolised the collapse of their vital organs as they slipped away to death. Tens of thousands lay unburied upon the roads, ditches and in their mud cabins for weeks on end. The people were reduced to begging or were enslaved in work-houses. Evictions saw families lose their entire possessions, reduced to live in ‘Scalps’ [holes dug about 2 feet in the ground and covered over with sticks, turf and brambles]. Disease, Fever, Plague, Malnutrition, along with the harsh military suppression, devastated the spirit of the Gaels, making life almost unbearable; the suffering second nature.

Yet the Gael refused to surrender and give up hope upon life. Fathers and mothers scoured the countryside in search of crumbs for their children. They ate leaves, grass, weeds, along with the smallest scraps of food [often decayed], they could scavenge. Millions vowed never to degrade their ancestral fathers - refused to give up their freedom to be enslaved in the workhouses in return for Saxon soup. Young men who had both courage and strength boldly seized crops and livestock from the planted landlords. Many being imprisoned, exiled and the bravest cruelly murdered. Every town felt the rape that was happening to the nation. Yet it was the rural Gaeltacht regions that saw the greatest and most tragic deaths occur. Whole villages became wasteland, as the stench of rotting crops and decomposed humans released a foul and contagious plague into the air, which was carried through the ghostly winds.

The land was decayed, the people reduced to live in wretched poverty. While simultaneously the Saxon rapists, gloated in their mansions, feasting on amassed wealth gained through criminal and evil actions. The putrid whore Victoria, grew more obese each day, fattening on the extortion and stealth taxes imposed upon the ancient and sacred Gael. [While many years later the Redcoat John Bruton wined and dinned with English monarchy, praising their criminal empire, while trying to denounce and shame those who died under the barbaric and sadistic crimes of English monarchy in Ireland].

In the spirit of nationhood, we have organised this commemoration, so the memory of our fathers and their families are not lost to the colonial projects of England and Europe. We shall commemorate the sad deaths that occurred in this dark period of suffering - inflicted ruthlessly upon the Gael. We shall honour the brave and resilient Irish who became victims to the genocide of English monarchy and their perverse planted landlords. We hope you will also cherish the memory of your ancestors and will support and attend our commemoration as a fitting tribute to their lives and their tragic deaths. Éirinn go Brách.

Organised by Craobh Gal Gréine
Irish Cultural Society
27th August 2006


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Ok, who do you support.

Justin Barrett, Hermann Kelly, Peadar Toibín. The crazy woman MEP who i can't remember or someone else.

Dark Horse

Apr 23, 2024
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Not only the poor of Ireland were dependent on the potato. The Times editorial of September 30, 1845, warned; "In England the two main meals of a working man's day now consists of potatoes." England's potato-dependence was as excessive as Ireland's. Grossly over-populated relative to its food supply, England faced famine unless it could import vast amounts of alternative food. But it didn't take merely Ireland's surplus food; or enough Irish food to save England. It took more; for profit and to exterminate the people of Ireland. Queen Victoria's economist, Nassau Senior, expressed his fear that existing policies "will not kill more than one million Irish in 1848 and that will scarcely be enough to do much good." When an eye-witness urged a stop to the genocide-in-progress, Trevelyan replied: "We must not complain of what we really want to obtain." Trevelyan insisted that all reports of starvation were exaggerated, until 1847. He then declared it ended and refused entry to the American food relief ship Sorciére. Thomas Carlyle; influential British essayist, wrote; "Ireland is like a half-starved rat that crosses the path of an elephant. What must the elephant do? Squelch it - by heavens - squelch it." "Total Annihilation;" suggested The Times leader of September 2, 1846; and in 1848 its editorialists crowed "A Celt will soon be as rare on the banks of the Shannon as the red man on the banks of Manhattan."

Please read further at

Dark Horse

Apr 23, 2024
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Even in 1849, when the full genocidal effects of the Holocaust were known to all, the London Times was unrepentant. Far from being repentant, this filthy rag called for the job of exterminating the Irish and Population Replacement to be speeded up and brought to its Final Solution. A Times editorial in that year declared.

'Law has ridden roughshod through Ireland, it has been taught with bayonet, and interpreted with ruin. Townships levelled with the ground, straggling columns of exiles, workhouses multiplied, and still crowded, express the determination of the legislature to remove Ireland from its slovenly old barbarism, and to plant the institutions of this more civilized land'

According to Dr. Christine Kinealy, during "Black '47," the worst year of the so-called famine, almost 4,000 vessels left Ireland carrying food to the ports of Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool and London. During nine months of that year, a total of 1,336,220 gallons of grain-derived alcohol were shipped from Ireland, she says, along with 822,681 gallons of butter!"

A Death-Dealing Famine: The Great Hunger in Ireland | Reviews in History

Dark Horse

Apr 23, 2024
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Ok, who do you support.

Justin Barrett, Hermann Kelly, Peadar Toibín. The crazy woman MEP who i can't remember or someone else.
There is a natural affinity between heroic Muslims like Muammar al Gaddafi and Irish Nationalism. Indeed, the Provisional IRA would have been defeated in the early 1970s without that affinity.

Dark Horse

Apr 23, 2024
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Ruck Da Fules!

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2023
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Gaddafi trying to sell oil without using the petrodollar was what done him in. You don't fuck with that ponzi scheme and walk away, regardless of what anyone thinks of Gaddafi, Libya was in far better shape under him that it is today.
Yes and his idea for a new African currency that would compete with the French Franc and the US Dollar is why Sarkozy and Obama went after him.

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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I think that ship has long since sailed Mrs Hitler. When Ireland was indigenous people wouldn't have a dislike for Muslims and Africans the way they have now.
Jan 26, 2024
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Are you saying that Gaddafi didn't support and fund the nationalist aspirations of the IRA?
Okay this is from my memory around the time it happened, so it mightn't be accurate. But didn't Gaddafi send the four shipments of arms for the RA because he was pissed off with the brits? They had bombed one of his palaces and killed one of his daughters.
Not so much that he had the gra for Irish nationalism.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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Okay this is from my memory around the time it happened, so it mightn't be accurate. But didn't Gaddafi send the four shipments of arms for the RA because he was pissed off with the brits? They had bombed one of his palaces and killed one of his daughters.
Not so much that he had the gra for Irish nationalism.
I guess he didn't know the IRA, Sin Fein were/is MI5
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Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Unfortunately Tadgh supports it Plunkett. He was literally driven from Pish because of his support for BLM in Ireland.

It is a great shame for a once proud patriot.

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