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  1. J

    The National Party

    Justin and his National Party also scored a massive own goal by having a policy of bringing back the death penalty, if instead of death they had a policy of a minimum sentence of 50 yrs without parole for murder, it would actually be popular with the general public
  2. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Have ye noticed what Gemma's only two remaining friends in the universe (E.M Jones and Sarah Plumley) have in common? Neither of them are Irish/live in Ireland. What's so funny about Gemma calling everyone a plant is, it's obvious that she is just jealous about not being the queen bee of the group.
  3. J

    The National Party

    Isn't This is a lovely photo of Justin and his ex
  4. J

    The National Party

    James Reynolds sounds as thick as two planks
  5. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    So Gemma keeps banging this "all election candidates are plants" drum but.........
  6. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    I just know him as some guy on YouTube who interviews John Waters sometimes. Don't know an awful lot about him but sure according to Gemma, every man woman and child and their dog and their cat is a "plant" and "controlled opposition "
  7. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Thomas Sheridan I presume. She said "new agers" have stolen him from her and poisoned his mind.
  8. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    And she believes she can "save the country" by...... livestreaming to her handful of fans a few nights a week on gettr 🤷‍♂️
  9. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Recently, the most common reason Gemma has to label right wing Irish activists " a plant" is not showing up to the high court to support her and John's Covid case in 2020... But everyone who did turn up daily for her in 20 e.g Dee Wall have also been thrown under the bus by her
  10. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Gemma spends the overwhelming majority of her online time attacking Irish "far right" activists, she seems to hate them more than fakeugees tbh
  11. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Gemma is a big fan of this guy
  12. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Looks like she was doing a whole stream on the baltimore bridge last night, something that has absolutely no relevance to Ireland whatsoever
  13. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    I just think you'd be absolutely Stark raving mad to do any kind of favor for Gemma, like showing up at Court to support her because she'd throw you under the bus and call you a Jewish plant by the end of the week.
  14. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    What's the deal with the people that still Show up to support Gemma ? People on are always mocking their appearance
  15. J

    The National Party

    No relation. He is one of the only doctors in the country who didn't go along with the Covid scam. RTE scum Joe Duffy had his practice shutdown
  16. J

    The National Party

    I don't get Barrett wanting to continue as leader of a party in which he's not wanted. I haven't seen any evidence that a single member of the party is on his side so to speak.
  17. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    She is very un-Catholic towards Andy Heasmen, Yes he was a drug user and dealer, something that he has never denied but he changed his life after finding God. Why is her default position that every right wing street activist in Ireland is working for the Gardaí?
  18. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Gemma's entire routine now is to claim that everything on the days news cycle, from refugee tents in Dublin to the Slovak PM is a fake event with crisis actors, we are to ignore everything, oh except her court cases 🙄
  19. J

    The Gemma Thread.

    Yet a couple of years ago she filmed herself attacking a Muslim butcher 🤔

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