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  1. V

    Huge bank losses in the markets

    Dan, I wonder should you remove this video? The posters on here are too stupid to understand it and a little education is a dangerous thing. (Except JPC of course)
  2. V

    Huge bank losses in the markets

    Very true.
  3. V

    Huge bank losses in the markets

    The Irish AIB is wabbly, wrote off 90 million in bad debts recently
  4. V

    Huge bank losses in the markets

    My financial advisor and friend texted me to day with that news. It was very shaky 3 years ago, they say it is profitable now.
  5. V

    Huge bank losses in the markets

    It seems to me that the problem here was a run on the bank. Example. Bank had deposits of 100 Billion. Bank bought low interest Government bonds for 100 Billion. Depositors demanded their money out but bank could not pay because their bonds would not mature for 6 years. Bank went...

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