Massive Attack on Israel currently underway by Hamas. Hundreds of Civilians reported Dead.

Myles O'Reilly

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Feb 3, 2022
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It wasn't a fake story.

Sir, why do you love Jews so much? Is your boyfriend Jewish? Do you suck circumcised Jew cock?


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Jan 13, 2023
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It just can't stop dancing....... :ROFLMAO:


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Sep 25, 2023
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Here's an interview in the WSJ with Richard Haass (of CFR fame). This represents elite opinion in the U.S. and is probably published to form a consensus around it. You won't be able to read the full article in the link but it can be found on the Drudge Report under the link: World in Disarray? Longtime Diplomat Says It's Worse Than That... (the site tracking will open up the article to you in full)

HAASS: Our relative position in the world has deteriorated, which, again, is in part because of the buildup of others. We’ve got a real problem with the defense manufacturing base.

We’ve got to do much more to back up Taiwan, to discourage the Chinese from moving there. And with Ukraine, it’s an indirect effort on our part. What could we do to increase support? The question is how do we avoid walking away from it.


No endgame​

WSJ: The stated goal of the Israeli government is to destroy Hamas. Can Hamas be destroyed?

HAASS: No. It can be seriously weakened or degraded. But Hamas is as much of a network, a movement. You’re always going to have either actual or potential armed resistance.

WSJ: So what’s the path forward in this conflict? What does an endgame look like?

HAASS: I don’t think there is an endgame right now, because the Israelis have gone in without an endgame.

There are two big issues. They can degrade Hamas, and will. They are causing an awful lot of civilian casualties and deaths in the process, which is a separate conversation. But for there to be a real endgame you need a successor governing authority and a security provider. I don’t see either available. The Israelis are going to have to do it.

WSJ: Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu undermined the Palestinian Authority, which was the potentially viable Palestinian partner. You could argue he empowered Hamas by essentially turning Gaza over to Hamas.

HAASS: He did.

WSJ: What was the endgame supposed to be? You’ve dealt with Netanyahu over the years.

HAASS: His endgame is a perpetuation of a version of the status quo in Israel. Basically let Gaza be isolated. Israelis, for the most part, do not care about Gaza. It’s never been part of the settler movement in a serious way. It’s been a sideshow.

What the Israelis want to do is avoid a Palestinian state. They want to avoid limits on settlements. I say Israelis. I mean this coalition. Netanyahu and his colleagues. What they want is essentially what I would call the one-state nonsolution.

WSJ: But you worked inside a U.S. government that, for decades, has said, “No, the answer is the two-state solution.” Is the two-state solution more alive or more dead than it was on Oct. 6?

HAASS: It’s more dead. It’s on life support. And the reason is, as bad as Israeli-Palestinian relations were on Oct. 6, they’re far worse now.

I can make all the arguments against the feasibility of the two-state solution, but it’s almost a version of Churchill: It’s the worst approach to dealing with this, except for all the others. It’s the only way I know to deal with legitimate Palestinian aspirations and to keep Israel a democratic Jewish state.

He also discusses the situations with Russia and China.

Meanwhile, ZeroHedge has this article from GIS:

'Venezuela’s revival of its border dispute with the Cooperative Republic of Guyana may provide an opportunity for the AUKUS pact - Australia, United Kingdom, United States - to reverse or challenge the gains of the People’s Republic of China (PRC), Russia, Iran in South America and the Caribbean.


Venezuelan Pres. Nicolas Maduro criticized Guyana for involving the United States, even knowing this was an inevitable consequence of the Venezuelan military build-up on Guyana's border.

As well, several major US energy corporations have a stake in the outcome, given their participation in one of the largest new petroleum fields in the world.

And yet it is Beijing and Tehran that have worked with the Venezuelan Government to escalate the crisis to the point of conflict in order to pull US forces away from build-ups in the Indo-Pacific which challenge, separately, the PRC's People's Liberation Army (PLA) expansion, and Iran's security as Israel and the US move against Iranian military adventurism.

The PRC has for the past few years worked consistently to keep US and UK forces locked into the Euro-Atlantic, and has benefited from the Russia-Ukraine war, the Hamas-Israel war, and the feints of PRC basing in the Atlantic, along with attempts to push Argentina into threatening war again over the Falkland Islands.


The issues of the actual case, however, are secondary to the global geopolitical reality that both the PRC and Iran have been seeking to remove US and Western military pressures on them. The PRC has been seeking to keep the US, in particular, engaged in the Euro-Atlantic space and unable to deploy forces to the Indo-Pacific, and has thus supported the ongoing conflicts between Russia and Ukraine, Israel and HAMAS, and has attempted to prod Argentina into reviving a military threat to Britain's continued possession of the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic.'

Would The US Intervene To Defend Guyana's Oil? - ZeroHedge


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Perfect example of a personal attack
And look who's always at the centre of it, every single fucking time.
Every other poster here gets on fine with everyone else even if we do disagree with each other.
Are you so stupid you can't see what Jarry is doing to your site?
Are you that desperate for 'hits'?
Serious questions, although I suppose I'll get another site ban for asking........ :ROFLMAO:


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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And look who's always at the centre of it, every single fucking time.
Every other poster here gets on fine with everyone else even if we do disagree with each other.
Are you so stupid you can't see what Jarry is doing to your site?
Are you that desperate for 'hits'?
Serious questions, although I suppose I'll get another site ban for asking........ :ROFLMAO:
Maybe it is time for both of ye to go. A person tuning in each day sees the same punch and judy show


Well-known member
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Maybe it is time for both of ye to go. A person tuning in each day sees the same punch and judy show
Whatever you think yourself....but before you do try this.
I destroyed Comical today and made him look like the total fool he is.
Ask the rest of the posters here who they want rid of.
Do a poll and we'll go by it.:)

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