Zipporah's Flint
Hmmmm... Might it be the Hebrews? Owens is a ringer, and I trust her as far as I can throw her.
She was a huge Obama cheerleader, then she has an epiphany, suddenly becomes a Trump supporter and marries some Catholic cracker?
Horse apples.
I never paid her much attention until this came up but I had noticed that what Black non-"Black Nationalist" Rightists in the USA said about the NAACP, etc almost exactly the same things that sincere Jewish Leftists said about the ADL, etc, while as Jewish Rightists like Ben Shapiro just love their (largely imaginary) victimhood and screaming "Antisemite!" as if that in itself were an argument. There are actually parallels between the most extreme form of "Critical Race Theory" (Afropessimism) and how the likes of Caroline Glick, David Friedman, etc view the world. Sooner or later there was going to be some of type of clash.
Judeopessimism: On Antisemitism and Afropessimism - Ayin Press
In December 2020, The Forward, a national Jewish weekly, published a series of essays about a dispute between an author, ...