The growing friction between Ben Shapiro and Candace Owens- something of an ethno-cultural clash.


Zipporah's Flint

Something I have noticed is that Seppo Black Right wingers have this notion that having a victim mentality holds people back- now while whiney people with chips on their shoulder annoy me greatly I do not believe that having a victim mentality holds people back. The evidence of that is Right wing Zionist Modern Orthodox Jews in England and the USA, like Ben Shapiro in fact, who have a massive victim complex and also are massively successful.

It all started at least in public when she retweeted a tweet by Max Blumenthal a Jewish Leftist journalist who is very critical of Zionism basically saying that the ADL is a racket than aims at making Jews paranoid and whiney in order to extort money out of them and it would be better for everyone if it did not exist (it is just a fact that there would be significantly less hostility to Jews in the USA if the ADL was not there). Now obviously the reason Ben Shapiro hired Candace Owens is that she says similar about Black organizations in the US and he loves that- the same standard though being applied to the ADL he does not like.

Recently she had on her show Professor Norman Finkelstein, another Leftist Jew who is probably the man in the USA who the Jewish establishment hates the most over his books "The Holocaust Industry" and "Beyond Chutzpah" (he has greater reach and is acceptable in many more circles than either David Duke or Farrahkahn). I am pretty sure that she knew what she was doing by inviting him on.


Zipporah's Flint

I see a sub division happening here very soon Candace and Ben will be breaking up .....she has passed the antisematic point of no return :sneaky:.

Well the thing is that Ben Shapiro believes that Seppos Blacks should not be whiney, censorious and paranoid and Candace Owens agrees. However if you applied the same standard to Jews than Ben Shapiro would consider that "antisemitic". So he is kind of being hoisted on his own petard.

Zipporah's Flint

The below is a Jewish Supremacist take on the Candace Owens and Ben Shapiro drama- basically what he is saying is that Prods are significantly less murderously ruthless and vengeful than Jews are (that is not me saying that, that is him)- and that supposedly is a bad thing. The thing is that the last time Prods were carrying on similarly to the way the Zionists are doing now it was called the Waffen SS and very understandably Jews really did not like that.



Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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'Hannah Arendt's work is very persuasive about the motor of genocide. Basically, from what I understand of it, she argued that genocide is the product of reductionism, itself a product of modernity. Reductionism is the radical simplification of human society. Essentially it's an effort to impose control on millions of people by stripping them of dignity and turning them into objects of observation, manipulation and disposal.

It results in the removal of human standing from individuals and communities seen as inconvenient to some utopian ideal. This dehumanisation, through the use of ideological rationalisation, is common in instances of crimes against humanity. For example it could be observed in the genocides in the USSR, Cambodia and Rwanda. It allows human beings to be treated criminally by reclassifying them as non-human, by depersonalising them.

From her book “Responsibility and Judgement”

“Neither [Kant] nor any other moral philosopher actually believed that man could will evil for its own sake; all transgressions are explained by Kant as exceptions that a man is tempted to make from a law he otherwise recognises as valid ...

[Kant argues that] No one wants to be wicked, and those who nevertheless act wickedly fall into an absurdum morale – into moral absurdity. He who does this is acutely in contradiction with himself, his own reason, and therefore, in Kant’s words, he must despise himself. That this fear of self-contempt could not possibly be enough to guarantee legality is obvious; but as long as you moved in a society of law-abiding citizens you somehow assumed that self-contempt would work. Kant of course knew that self-contempt, or rather the fear of having to despise yourself, very often did not work, and his explanation of this was that man can lie to himself. He therefore repeatedly declared that the really “sore and foul spot” is human mendacity, the faculty of lying.” (p62/63)

The use of a sense of guilt within the Judeo Christian ethos could be instrumentally interpreted as an effort to leverage this preference for self-respect over self-contempt. It orientates the adherent towards the ethical life. Christian confession functions as the confrontation of the self with objective standards of conduct and reinvigorates one’s resolve to choose good over evil, truth over deceit, conscience over conformity. Other faiths and non-theists also use the language of guilt and self-reflection as moral spurs.

The tremendous shock that the revelation of the Holocaust brought to general public was the product of this culture of ethical, personal living being confounded by the depersonalised reality of the death camps; by the evidence that absolute evil can exist and that it can use communal and national affiliations as its carrier.

'In 1937, prior to Vatican II, the encyclical Mit Brennender Sorge was smuggled in secretly into Nazi Germany and some 300,000 copies were distributed and read from the pulpit on Palm Sunday. It condemned the pantheistic confusion, neopaganism, "the so-called myth of race and blood", and idolization of the State' (Wikipedia). This was the traditional Catholic response to the doctrines of Nazism. It was one of condemnation at a time when Hitler’s totalitarian state seemed unassailable. Persecution was an expected outcome and indeed followed.


I think that the contributors trying to deny the magnitude of the Holocaust are, in part, trying to retrieve race as a defining identity absolved from the crimes performed in its name.

The use of one’s race as a means of creating the illusion of supremacy is to be thoroughly condemned. It serves to artificially build up mutual aggressions between groups within society. I think that racialism is the reduction and abstraction of heredity and kinship bonds. It’s a radical distortion of valid aspects of human identity.

Viktor Frankl’s work is very important. I think that he brought a healthy mind to bear on the problem of evil and the proper approach to living a good life. “Man’s Search for Meaning” speaks with the some considerable authority.

For example he remarks:

‘From all this we may learn that there are two races of men in the world, but only these two - the "race" of the decent man and the “race” of the indecent man. Both are found everywhere; they penetrate into all groups of society. No group consists entirely of decent or indecent people.’ (p108)

Here is the call to commonsense when dealing with people who are not immediately familiar to us. It repeats Plato’s observation on the distribution of the just. Thus we need, Frankl says, to be open to the goodness that is present throughout humanity and not reject or persecute someone because of their group membership. It is on the level of integrity, in truth, that one demonstrates one’s quality.

This does not mean that we have the same depth of engagement with everyone – that would cause us to become merely superficial; nor does it mean we need sacrifice our standards of right and wrong; it does mean that there is a common level of decency and respect due to everyone we encounter; and it does mean we should be open to developing constructive relationships with them.

If we do not observe this fundamental standard of behaviour it leads to the ruin of society and a bellum omnium contra omnes. This is truly the triumph of evil.

Frankl also remarked on the effects that the experience of the camps had upon those victims who survived them. These were ‘the psychological counterpart of the bends’ (p122) with reactions of depersonalization, moral deformity, bitterness, and disillusionment (Wikipedia).

Frankl observed an “existential vacuum” (p128) within modern society and formulated a response to it. I think that this existential vacuum has passed from a pressing concern to an urgent one in our contemporary society. This absence of meaning and purpose causes a fierce desperation in people and leads them to fill their lives with anything that appears to give it potency even if it is to the profound detriment of themselves, innocent others and their community.'

Written a few years before the S really HTF.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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What a fucking piss take.

Given this lad's Username are you gonna stand for any more of this trolling Dan???


Zipporah's Flint

It results in the removal of human standing from individuals and communities seen as inconvenient to some utopian ideal. This dehumanisation, through the use of ideological rationalisation, is common in instances of crimes against humanity. For example it could be observed in the genocides in the USSR, Cambodia and Rwanda. It allows human beings to be treated criminally by reclassifying them as non-human, by depersonalising them.

The thing is that after the destruction of the Hitlerite regime, and a ton of Germany along with it, a very, very large majority of ordinary NSADP members were either both horrified and shamed by the Shoah or else were in disbelief about it partly on the grounds that "Germans would never act in sure a way", do we have any record of any of them saying "yes it happened and it should have happened"? I know that we have contemporary "Neo-Nazis" who say "it didn't happen but it should have happened" but I am not talking about them, I am talking about people who were members of the actual Nazi Party.

As an aside; "Der Sturmmer" was banned within the Hitler Youth and was despised by many in the NSADP- for among other things being an easy source for outside propagandists to paint the Germany of the Hitler regime in the worst colours, but Hitler never the less defended Julius Streicher because of his loyalty in the early days. Never the less Julus Streicher by 1940 had been thrown out of the NSADP and internally banished- which did not stop the Allies from hanging him after WWII for being a propagandist of the Shoah.

Therefore the Hitlerite campaign of dehumanization turns out to have not been that successful at all.

What makes the genocide now happening in Palestine so much worse is that it is not happening under anything like the cloak of secrecy that the Nazis placed the Shoah under (which is why you have serious, sincere and intelligent people who are "Holocaust deniers" to this day) but with a large degree of shameless opennness and with the open support to various degrees of all of the West outside of the Republic of Ireland and Spain.

Zipporah's Flint

He's one faggoty looking faggot

He is like some Primitive Methodist in England in the first quarter of the 20 th century's idea of an evil Toff villain from London or the Home Counties. I think he deliberately goes for that image.
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Zipporah's Flint


Prior to Zionism Jews had a pretty positive view of Islam over all while as they were often bitterly anti-Catholic and still today a lot of Jews believe that there fight with Islam and Muslims is incidental as opposed to something intrinsic. A lot of contemporary Western "Conservatives" though sincerely believe that Muslims and Jews have always had it in for each other.

Zipporah's Flint


I think the Jew and Prod frictions are actually more interesting. For instance the below is a complete twisted hachet job on someone I consider to be a Prod bigot, he was that but nothing like the monster protrayed (I believe he had some very real redeeming features). He died in 1927- the idea that he was behind the Shoah is for that reason alone utterly risible. It will be interesting to see how this plays out.


Zipporah's Flint

Significantly more drama has been happening on this front-


Zipporah's Flint

Gotta respect that Negress

It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

I am surprised that Ben Shapiro has not fired her already after her having on Norman Finkelstein who the Zionist establishments in the USA and the UK really hate because of his book "The Holocaust Industry" (which is not Shoah Revisionism but how certain people have used the Shoah to get themselves a lot of money without directing it towards people who were actually in the camps). This is just a theory but I cannot help wondering whether she has stuff on Ben Shapiro that he would not like the public knowing?

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Didn't know she worked for that Jewbag.

Yes, he might be compromised in some manner.

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