US Politics.


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Which begs the question, can pregnant people have prostrate glands as well?
IF you are Leo or Joe any thing is possible and the weirder the more legal rights they have .
you have none at all as you don't fall under the protected characteristics .
if you were a transgender black traveller you have it made .

Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Piss Off.
Aul Lad's situation is one most of us, particularly those who enjoy a drink, will probably end up in as we enter our 9th decade.

But the point is Joe is supposedly the leader of the free World. And the leader of said free World should not, repeat should not, have a toilet issue in front of the head of the Roman Catholic church.

Joe: "I just pooped my pants"
Pope: "Holy Shit!"




Well-known member
Aug 11, 2023
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Ironically, men can get breast cancer
Women don't get prostate cancer.
when you get growths men are sent to the woman's breast cancer ward in Ardkeen and you sit in your pelt with a paper green gown covering a bit of your front and the """club"" will assess you --
and unbidden people come across the room and shake hands and with a smile welcome you to the club with great warmth .
and you sit as a new member as quiet as you can and you do your best to keep control and not show the emotion of being in such a place --
and experiencing the warmth radiated from those who have come to terms with huge changes in their own life and do not intrude but make it known they are there to help and advise in any way they can .
there have been a few times in my life that i have been emotionally very proud to be Irish amongst the Irish and Adkeen was one of them.
i was run down by a transit van driven by travellers in my own yard --and the impact shifted all the fat to one side of my body and measured almost 4 inches of growths on one side of my chest and it is called fat narcosis and it mimics cancer and fools many doctors and surgeons --until you get biopsy's from top to bottom -so i was told the results of the tests slowly during a hand shake in a real Father Ted moment ,
which freaked me out internally as there was a few seconds after the statement ""IT ""--------------- and my mind automatically responded to the use of a pronoun confirming existence of IT meaning cancer and i had resolved that i would not show emotion and go for a long walk on Tramore beach and figure out the future there.
she saw the change in me and said using a wording i never use "" IT IS BENIGN "" .
my mind was still stuck on the word IT and i did not compute benign --they saw my confusion and said what they should have said at the beginning .
"" you don't have cancer "" .
your head parks in a quiet place for a while and it does not compute properly for a time .

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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when you get growths men are sent to the woman's breast cancer ward in Ardkeen and you sit in your pelt with a paper green gown covering a bit of your front and the """club"" will assess you --and unbidden people come across the room and shake hands and with a smile welcome you to the club with great warmth .and you sit as a new member as quiet as you can and you do your best to keep control and not show the emotion of being in such a place --and experiencing the warmth radiated from those who have come to terms with huge changes in their own life and do not intrude but make it known they are there to help and advise in any way they can .there have been a few times in my life that i have been emotionally very proud to be Irish amongst the Irish and Adkeen was one of them.i was run down by a transit van driven by travellers in my own yard --and the impact shifted all the fat to one side of my body and measured almost 4 inches of growths on one side of my chest and it is called fat narcosis and it mimics cancer and fools many doctors and surgeons --until you get biopsy's from top to bottom -so i was told the results of the tests slowly during a hand shake in a real Father Ted moment ,which freaked me out internally as there was a few seconds after the statement ""IT ""--------------- and my mind automatically responded to the use of a pronoun confirming existence of IT meaning cancer and i had resolved that i would not show emotion and go for a long walk on Tramore beach and figure out the future there.she saw the change in me and said using a wording i never use "" IT IS BENIGN "" . my mind was still stuck on the word IT and i did not compute benign --they saw my confusion and said what they should have said at the beginning . "" you don't have cancer "" .your head parks in a quiet place for a while and it does not compute properly for a time .


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Mar 13, 2023
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Jan 13, 2023
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It's like the 'democratic' party want Trump to be the next POTUS.
All these farces do is expose the rot in America and turn Trump into a superhero fighting the deep state villains who hate America and her people.
When he gets elected he'll just pardon himself and fire all this rubbish into the dustbin of history.
Revenge will be sweet.

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