What are the real government policies pursued in modern Ireland?


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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I guess its just an opinion, but I think that oftentimes the real policies pursued by our political masters in Ireland, are well disguised. Disguised, that is, by artificial rows among political parties and commentators who in fact all agree on the essential components of our increasingly totalitarian state. So what are the real policies out there then? I will throw out three possible policies, the first functioning in all its glory, the second in its early stages, and the third with just a few straws in the wind as of yet.

1) The policy that I think is in full swing is the deliberate replacement of the Irish population with immigrants, i.e. a new plantation. Yes, what is happening is exactly what they complain is a ‘conspiracy theory’, population replacement, but that is indeed what they are doing and anybody who gets around Ireland can see its well on schedule. And of course in reality hardly any of the new immigrants they are so anxious to settle here are from Ukraine, but the media hype about the war is very helpful for them in pushing through this policy.
The reason they are doing this is to destroy the identity or cultural background and heritage of Irish people, so that living as just one, almost suppressed, part of an international community living here, then it will destroy, they hope, the roots of any determined resistance to a future totalitarian world state.

2) The policy that I think is in its early stages, is that of deliberately beggaring the ordinary people in general and the middle classes in particular. Its obvious that they used the hype from the Ukraine war to explode the cost of essential goods in the economy, like diesel and other oil products, gas, electricity etc, which in turn threaten to hugely increase the cost of downstream products relying on these essentials, like food production or cars even, and hence destroy the economic basis of many people in society. They do this because poor people, unable to fall back on resources outside the control of the state, are easier to control.

3) The nascent policy, or ‘threat’ I guess, is that from aliens. Don’t be so surprised! Any close reading of the international media will tell you this is now in the offing. For example Tucker Carlson’s first episode on twitter (which has, as of 22/2/2023, 118.8 million views) talks, in the context of media and military secrets and clearly believing these ‘whistleblowers’, about two recent supposed revelations on aliens, one from a ‘decorated airforce officer’ and another highlighted by the media in Las Vegas (
View: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1666203439146172419?s=20
, starting at 6:53.).
Its clear the powers that be are now running with this hoax, and yes deliberate hoax it certainly is, there is no such thing as extra-terrestrial aliens. The reason they are doing this is because they hope that the external threat to planet earth will unite the world’s nation states into a world government, in the same way that the external threat from Persia united the often warring city states of Greece.

Anyway, this writer has often had discussions on these lines with people and since I get so many stock responses I thought I might reply to them here. To begin:

Look, bottom line, politicians are just not that intelligent to work out these things, besides they have a short term next election outlook, they are not planning things that take decades to come to fruition.

But democratic politicians don’t necessarily have much say over these policies anyway. Surely the most powerful politician over Ireland is the unelected Ursula von der Leyen, for example a few months ago she was over in London meeting the King and Prime Minister, arranging the customs agreements on the island of Ireland, Irish elected politicians had nothing to do with it. How do you know what instructions the latter get from the likes of the EU and UN anyway? But we do know they will just abide by these instructions without question and yes at that level they can be quite intelligent and think long term.
These international organisations are in turn sometimes controlled by quite a small number of people, who also know quite a lot about political control and put great emphasis on it. For example recently Bill Gates has been meeting his “old friend” President Xi Xingping of China, discussing the WHO no doubt among many other topics. If you follow the internal politics of the WHO you might be surprised at exactly how much power China has over it, and what it doesn’t have is held by Gates, his foundation is a huge funder and intellectual source for the WHO. So why are people so surprised that the WHO guidelines during the pandemic veered so much into totalitarianism, when it has guys like that effectively running it?

But they are just responding to circumstances outside their control, for example Ireland has a policy of seeking to house those that just happen to flee to its borders, its not a deliberate policy to bring people here.

Think again, the relevant Irish government minister Roderic O’Gorman, for example, sent out multiple tweets in 8 different languages desperately looking for more and more people to come here and promising them money and good housing in a short space of time. (
View: https://twitter.com/duzBme/status/1666701954234433537?s=20
.) Just recently they advertised in the Times of India, desperate to get more and more Asian immigrants to populate Irish off shore islands – great repositories of Irish culture and identity – and as always promising – and delivering on – very generous financial and other arrangements, which are of course denied to Irish people. (
View: https://twitter.com/doey_ann/status/1670751452413796353?s=20

So we have this grand conspiracy then, among dozens, hundreds?, of billionaires and world leaders etc, and nobody says anything, they all keep it as a great big secret, yeah right!

But of course there are many documents and leaks over the years, or just public statements (for example from Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, one of the key founders of the EU), that do document this kind of conspiracy, but what happens is that the same people who pose the question just asked, will dismiss all those documents etc as ‘conspiracy theories’ because they conflict so much with their world view. You would be surprised by how many people follow that kind of circular logic.

To end then I will just give you a few quotes from one such document, reckoned to be the minutes or protocols of two meetings of the top echelons of finance/business/Freemasonry held in Toronto on the dates given. These were leaked to and then published by Serge Monast, a French Canadian journalist, in March 1995:

To succeed with certainty to the construction of a World Government...where all individuals without exception, will be subject to the “World State”...we must, first, remove the “Family” (which will, in turn, lead to the loss of ancestral religious teachings), and secondly, levelling all individuals by removing the “Social Classes”, in particular, the “Middle Classes”. But we must proceed so that all these are seen as being from the popular will, that they have the appearance of “Democracy”.
Using isolated cases, but amplifying them to the extreme using student protests infiltrated by us, journalists sympathetic to our cause and purchased politicians, we will be able to establish new bodies that have every appearance of “Modernity”, such as an “Office for the Protection of Children”, protected by a “Charter of Rights and Freedoms”.
For the success of our “Global Plan: [The Red Plan]”, we need to implement in all societies of the West in the 70s, an “Office for Protection of Children” where staff (young intellectuals with no experience, fresh out of universities which highlighted our internationalist principles) will follow to the letter, without discernment, the “Charter of the Rights of the Child”. Who would dare oppose it without at the same time being labelled as barbarians from the Middle Ages?”
4. – On another level, establish “International Free Trade” as a priority for the economic survival of the Nation-States. This new conception will help us accelerate the economic decline of the “Nationalists” of all nations, to isolate the various factions, and in due course, to fiercely oppose each other in wars that will complete the ruin of these nations.
5. – To ensure at all costs the success of such an endeavour, let us ensure that our agents, who have infiltrated the Ministries of Intergovernmental Affairs and Immigration of the Nation-States, make major changes to the Statutes of these ministries. These changes will essentially open the doors of immigration to Western countries with a large mass of immigrants entering across their frontiers (immigration that we have indeed caused by having taken care to break out here and there, new localised conflicts). Through well-orchestrated press campaigns targeting public opinion in the Nation-States, we provoke them to accept a large influx of refugees which will have the effect of destabilizing the domestic economy, and increasing racial tensions, in their territory. We will ensure that groups of foreign extremists are part of the influx of immigrants, which will facilitate the political, economic, and social, destabilization of the Nations concerned.”
(“The Toronto Protocol” (Corstown, 2012), p.9-10 and 20-21.)


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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It is going to take some time to digest this.
In the meantime, what is your opinion on tucker and herman kelly who are referenced.

Also on the np lads and Gemma. You and she would certainly be devote rigorous catholics (?)


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Certainly I think it is ominous the way Tucker is promoting the alien hoax, other than that I am afraid I tend to err on the side of been wary of pretty much all Irish political parties, even very small ones. You just cannot underestimate how much the powers that be infiltrate all groups, we live in a police or communist state already that way.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Thank you.
I think I bookmarked a video of someone calling out tucker as a fake if I can find it.

I tend to think Barrett and his second in command are genuine enough but fearful.


New member
Jun 23, 2023
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I guess its just an opinion, but I think that oftentimes the real policies pursued by our political masters in Ireland, are well disguised. Disguised, that is, by artificial rows among political parties and commentators who in fact all agree on the essential components of our increasingly totalitarian state. So what are the real policies out there then? I will throw out three possible policies, the first functioning in all its glory, the second in its early stages, and the third with just a few straws in the wind as of yet.

1) The policy that I think is in full swing is the deliberate replacement of the Irish population with immigrants, i.e. a new plantation. Yes, what is happening is exactly what they complain is a ‘conspiracy theory’, population replacement, but that is indeed what they are doing and anybody who gets around Ireland can see its well on schedule. And of course in reality hardly any of the new immigrants they are so anxious to settle here are from Ukraine, but the media hype about the war is very helpful for them in pushing through this policy.
The reason they are doing this is to destroy the identity or cultural background and heritage of Irish people, so that living as just one, almost suppressed, part of an international community living here, then it will destroy, they hope, the roots of any determined resistance to a future totalitarian world state.

2) The policy that I think is in its early stages, is that of deliberately beggaring the ordinary people in general and the middle classes in particular. Its obvious that they used the hype from the Ukraine war to explode the cost of essential goods in the economy, like diesel and other oil products, gas, electricity etc, which in turn threaten to hugely increase the cost of downstream products relying on these essentials, like food production or cars even, and hence destroy the economic basis of many people in society. They do this because poor people, unable to fall back on resources outside the control of the state, are easier to control.

3) The nascent policy, or ‘threat’ I guess, is that from aliens. Don’t be so surprised! Any close reading of the international media will tell you this is now in the offing. For example Tucker Carlson’s first episode on twitter (which has, as of 22/2/2023, 118.8 million views) talks, in the context of media and military secrets and clearly believing these ‘whistleblowers’, about two recent supposed revelations on aliens, one from a ‘decorated airforce officer’ and another highlighted by the media in Las Vegas (
View: https://twitter.com/TuckerCarlson/status/1666203439146172419?s=20
, starting at 6:53.).
Its clear the powers that be are now running with this hoax, and yes deliberate hoax it certainly is, there is no such thing as extra-terrestrial aliens. The reason they are doing this is because they hope that the external threat to planet earth will unite the world’s nation states into a world government, in the same way that the external threat from Persia united the often warring city states of Greece.

Anyway, this writer has often had discussions on these lines with people and since I get so many stock responses I thought I might reply to them here. To begin:

Look, bottom line, politicians are just not that intelligent to work out these things, besides they have a short term next election outlook, they are not planning things that take decades to come to fruition.

But democratic politicians don’t necessarily have much say over these policies anyway. Surely the most powerful politician over Ireland is the unelected Ursula von der Leyen, for example a few months ago she was over in London meeting the King and Prime Minister, arranging the customs agreements on the island of Ireland, Irish elected politicians had nothing to do with it. How do you know what instructions the latter get from the likes of the EU and UN anyway? But we do know they will just abide by these instructions without question and yes at that level they can be quite intelligent and think long term.
These international organisations are in turn sometimes controlled by quite a small number of people, who also know quite a lot about political control and put great emphasis on it. For example recently Bill Gates has been meeting his “old friend” President Xi Xingping of China, discussing the WHO no doubt among many other topics. If you follow the internal politics of the WHO you might be surprised at exactly how much power China has over it, and what it doesn’t have is held by Gates, his foundation is a huge funder and intellectual source for the WHO. So why are people so surprised that the WHO guidelines during the pandemic veered so much into totalitarianism, when it has guys like that effectively running it?

But they are just responding to circumstances outside their control, for example Ireland has a policy of seeking to house those that just happen to flee to its borders, its not a deliberate policy to bring people here.

Think again, the relevant Irish government minister Roderic O’Gorman, for example, sent out multiple tweets in 8 different languages desperately looking for more and more people to come here and promising them money and good housing in a short space of time. (
View: https://twitter.com/duzBme/status/1666701954234433537?s=20
.) Just recently they advertised in the Times of India, desperate to get more and more Asian immigrants to populate Irish off shore islands – great repositories of Irish culture and identity – and as always promising – and delivering on – very generous financial and other arrangements, which are of course denied to Irish people. (
View: https://twitter.com/doey_ann/status/1670751452413796353?s=20

So we have this grand conspiracy then, among dozens, hundreds?, of billionaires and world leaders etc, and nobody says anything, they all keep it as a great big secret, yeah right!

But of course there are many documents and leaks over the years, or just public statements (for example from Count Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, one of the key founders of the EU), that do document this kind of conspiracy, but what happens is that the same people who pose the question just asked, will dismiss all those documents etc as ‘conspiracy theories’ because they conflict so much with their world view. You would be surprised by how many people follow that kind of circular logic.

To end then I will just give you a few quotes from one such document, reckoned to be the minutes or protocols of two meetings of the top echelons of finance/business/Freemasonry held in Toronto on the dates given. These were leaked to and then published by Serge Monast, a French Canadian journalist, in March 1995:

Brilliant post - thank you!


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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Threads like this destroy this site. I would have banned it immediately. Ignorant posters call me unsuitable to moderate and this is the reason. They cannot see that this is a site primarily about Ireland's politics. This thread
seeks to do that in one thread. The place to discus this is on existing threads.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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It is going to take some time to digest this.
In the meantime, what is your opinion on tucker and herman kelly who are referenced.

Also on the np lads and Gemma. You and she would certainly be devote rigorous catholics (?)
I cannot believe there is a new thread and it veers off to Gemma. Graffiti

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