Europa - The Last Battle


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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I recently came across this 9-hour video that seems to be picking up a lot of steam over on Tik Tok where small parts are being played online. Like previous alternative history documentaries, it is well worth watching. I was certainly unaware for instance that the Communist uprising consisted mostly of Jewish Communist leaders such as Lenin being a Jew, or Starlin either being a Jew or sympathetic as he was married to 3 Jewish women.

I also never knew how much Adolf Hitler had achieved is rescuing Germany from the depravity and decadence of post-war Germany after WW1 and how he introduced laws such as Animal Protection and interest-free loans for families to purchase homes.

Whilst the video is 9 hours, it's broken down in parts so it's easy to understand and follow naturally like all of these documentaries the authorities are trying their hardest to shut it down because its goes against the mainstream ideology of what they want us to believe in.

The one main thing however that stood out for me is that whilst this video was made in 2017 you can see all of the things they discuss being played out in real-time in modern Ireland and the Western world. Even our recent referendum plays directly into the warnings this documentary warns about and the reasons it's all happening.

They have a website but for how long it remains who knows

You can view all the videos here




And if you find this type of video interesting, here is a previous documentary that is also highly recommended and banned because it offers alternative and perhaps more truthful information about our past.

The Greatest Story Never Told



Staff member
Mar 13, 2023
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Just for some clarification, ETLA has been around for a long time, and it is definitely, 100% neo-Nazi propaganda. I will say it's artfully done, and the best smears are always lies carefully blended with facts. I'm not saying don't watch it/dismiss it out-of-hand, but definitely take it with more than a pinch of salt. It pushes holocaust denial and while I don't believe the 6M figure, and do believe that the final solution etc has been majorly overdramatized (History is written by the victors after all, and Hollywood especially Spielberg took major historical liberties in films like Schindler's list, especially in his depiction of Goethe) there's no real debate that the holocaust did happen. It's just a question of scale. The other issue is that it posits that communism was/is more or less a Jewish conspiracy, when in reality, most Jews were not and have never been communists. Stalin was not a Jew. In fact, Stalin persecuted Jews pretty harshly--so if he was a Zionist Bolshie he wasn't a very good one.

Woke is broke

New member
Feb 19, 2024
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It's only a matter of time before Irish people are locked up just for questioning the shlomocaust


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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there's no real debate that the holocaust did happen. It's just a question of scale.
Nah, it didn't happen. Jews died in the camps but there were no gas chambers or mass extermination program.

These documentaries should be available on Rumble, Odysee or
  • Auschwitz: The Surprising Hidden Truth
  • Buchenwald: A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil
  • The Majdanek Gas Chamber Myth
  • One Third of the Holocaust
  • The Last Days of the Big Lie


🇮🇪 ☘️ 🇮🇪
Feb 4, 2022
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Just for some clarification, ETLA has been around for a long time, and it is definitely, 100% neo-Nazi propaganda. I will say it's artfully done, and the best smears are always lies carefully blended with facts. I'm not saying don't watch it/dismiss it out-of-hand, but definitely take it with more than a pinch of salt. It pushes holocaust denial and while I don't believe the 6M figure, and do believe that the final solution etc has been majorly overdramatized (History is written by the victors after all, and Hollywood especially Spielberg took major historical liberties in films like Schindler's list, especially in his depiction of Goethe) there's no real debate that the holocaust did happen. It's just a question of scale. The other issue is that it posits that communism was/is more or less a Jewish conspiracy, when in reality, most Jews were not and have never been communists. Stalin was not a Jew. In fact, Stalin persecuted Jews pretty harshly--so if he was a Zionist Bolshie he wasn't a very good one.
Oh I agree, take everything with a pinch of salt and certainly do your research, but that does go for the official narrative as well as the alternative narratives.

I am only just finishing part 3 and I have to say that so far there is nothing really that is out of context or untrue from anything I have looked up for Verification. Yes, it does go in heavily against powerful Jews but when you research what they say it's hard to actually deny what they say.

To clarify some things I have learned so far,

The US Federal Reserve was created by banking cartels including Rothchilds, JP Morgan, and other well-known Jews. 3 major banking figures are said to have been against the Federal Reserve idea and happened to all die on the Titanic. Can any of this be verified, yes, can it be blamed specifically on a Jewish Conspiracy, no, you have to come to your own conclusion.

The US President who signed into law the Federal Reserve later on his death bed said,

I am a most unhappy man--unwittingly I have ruined my country."

Other thing I have taken from the video, the Russian (Bolsheviks) Revolution leadership was mostly Jewish or Jewish-connected. When you research this you are met with links claiming this to be anti-Semitic and lies, conspiracies but when you break it down......

The most notable is the family of Maria Alexandrovna Blank who married Ilya Ulyanov and mothered Vladimir Lenin (born Vladimir Ulyanov). Lenin's having had quarter-Jewish heritage

Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein to David Leontyevich Bronstein (1847–1922) and Anna Lvovna (née Zhivotovskaya, 1850–1910) on 7 November 1879, the fifth child of a wealthy Jewish landowner family

Starlin, unknown if Jewish was claimed to have been married to a Jewish Woman.
In March 1919, Lenin delivered a speech "On Anti-Jewish Pogroms" where he denounced antisemitism as an "attempt to divert the hatred of the workers and peasants from the exploiters toward the Jews". The speech was in line with the previous condemnation of the antisemitic pogroms perpetrated by anti-Bolshevik forces (White Army, Ukrainian People's Army and others) during the Russian Civil War.In 1914, Lenin had said "No nationality in Russia is as oppressed and persecuted as the Jews".

Information campaigns against antisemitism were conducted in the Red Army and in the workplaces, and a provision forbidding the incitement of propaganda against any ethnicity became part of Soviet law. The official stance of the Soviet government under Joseph Stalin in 1934 was to oppose antisemitism "anywhere in the world" and claimed to express "fraternal feelings to the Jewish people", praising the Jewish contributions towards international socialism.

Other interesting things I discovered,

Under Hitler, Germany was the first country to ban Animal testing and introduce Animal Protection Laws.

Also, during WW1, Germany who never wanted war and kept asking for peace talks, was winning the war. It is claimed a Jewish Group went to London and made an agreement that if the Jewish Lobby in the United States could get the US into the war, then after the war Britain was to invade Palestine and take it over in preparation for the Jewish State.

The reality was that After America Joined the Germans who were winning ultimately lost. the UK invaded Palestine and Jews started to return to their homeland.


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