The Fall of America

Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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He finishes with an argument that the American government consists of two entities - a constitutional one and a corporate one. The corporate one is essentially those departments created and directed under the auspices of the executive branch and these are now bankrupt. He'd probably lump in the Federal Reserve (though it's not governmental) but doesn't mention it.

He states that there will be three or four years during which a reconstitution of the American economy and society will occur which will be marked by dangerous turmoil but that after that the air will clear and spring will come. I suppose an expectation along the lines of the 1950s and 60s after the 30s and 40s in what appears to be a "fourth turning" point of view. Seems like a decent guy.

His first part of the video can be explained by the right to repair movement in agricultural machinery. Vice did a documentary on it in 2020. Here's an article about it from It's still a significant issue there.

How does it affect you? Any new vehicle you purchase will become increasingly difficult and costly to repair as official dealerships will be the only places with the plant, tools and machinery available to reliably do it. Parts will become more complicated, and repairs will become much costlier. The programs running the electronics may become closed off to outside use - like modern farm machinery.

The video begins with him describing this seizure of repair from independent mechanics and the increasing integration of planned obsolescence into the design. It has implication in title over the machine as the manufacturers retain income generating rights to the machine after it has been sold to you.

Basically, that's what its about. I'd note again that he seems like a decent guy who runs his own business and gets along well with people so I'd say he's a good sample of what a lot of regular competent guys over there think.
There is another, little discussed, reason as to why vehicle manufacturers want to keep their software hidden and that is because it is often based on out of date, or unsupported, programming. I know of one major brand who has legacy MS software at the core of its operating systems, and I'm sure they are all pretty much in the same boat, except Tesla. This whole vehicle electronics edifice is built on sand.


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Sep 25, 2023
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There is another, little discussed, reason as to why vehicle manufacturers want to keep their software hidden and that is because it is often based on out of date, or unsupported, programming. I know of one major brand who has legacy MS software at the core of its operating systems, and I'm sure they are all pretty much in the same boat, except Tesla. This whole vehicle electronics edifice is built on sand.

Here's something from Scotty Kilmer about an inexpensive scan tool. Can't say I know much about the software programmed into the ECU.

A note on inflections in turning points from the article linked to above -

"According to the authors, the First Turning is a High, the Second Turning is an Awakening, the Third Turning is an Unraveling, and the Fourth Turning is a Crisis."

The article focuses on the transition from Weimar Germany to the Third Reich but the same could be said of the transition from Tsarist Russia to the USSR, Dynastic China to Communist China or the collapse of the Empires post WWI to the system precipitated by Wilson's 14 Points, summarised below:

1. Open diplomacy without secret treaties
2. Economic free trade on the seas during war and peace
3. Equal trade conditions
4. Decrease armaments among all nations
5. Adjust colonial claims
6. Evacuation of all Central Powers from Russia and allow it to define its own independence
7. Belgium to be evacuated and restored
8. Return of Alsace-Lorraine region and all French territories
9. Readjust Italian borders
10. Austria-Hungary to be provided an opportunity for self-determination
11. Redraw the borders of the Balkan region creating Roumania, Serbia and Montenegro
12. Creation of a Turkish state with guaranteed free trade in the Dardanelles
13. Creation of an independent Polish state
14. Creation of the League of Nations

It is important not to engage in presentism when analysing these points - the world system was imperial at the time, so these were really ground-breaking proposals. Wilson has his critics - especially domestically - but these points were the foundation stone of the liberation of nations, and the political incorporation of the concept of universal rights, based on natural law, into the normative worldview.

Indeed, Hitler's ambitions can be described as the internalisation into Europe of the standard activity of the empires outside Europe during the C19th framed within the pathological ideologies that incubated during it.

We're generally in favour of Wilson's points, as they marked a seismic shift in the legitimacy of national claims to self-determination, and we utilised them to further our path to independence.

While the Free State is often regarded with distaste in revisionist history, it was, in fact, a practical tour de force in navigating a treacherous route, in a dangerous environment, to competent self-government. De Valera, despite the howls, was a superb statesman and he was from a generation (across the parties) that was experienced and prudent in its efforts to free us from the British orbit, build a functional national state, and stay out of Great Power wars. The history of the C20th is littered with atrocities from failed attempts at the same. A factional interpretation of the past isn't useful, credit must be given where credit is due if we are to learn from it.

The UK has very many fine qualities, and it has plenty of noble examples of good people, but its presence in Ireland was/is abusive. One can look at the brothel Dublin was turned into by its garrison, the caste system based on religion, and the poverty imposed on the people by economic policies (like the corn laws and deindustrialisation) that indentured them to produce raw materials for export to it. We can contrast this with the achievement of the virtuous circle of growth that has gained strength since independence. One only need contrast our success with peripheralised areas in the region.

Such a program of competent independence is a multi-decade effort - without an acceptance of this little progress can be made as discontent over ideal visions of the future absorb activity and strife is chosen to distract from the hardship of practical, reasonable effort. When sitting in a cold camp in a snowstorm one should work to make it survivable rather bicker over the driest spot to sit.

I'd also say that the mechanic in the original video isn't anything like an acolyte of dark dreams - instead he's facing a threat to his livelihood, and way of life, that multitudes of Americans have actually undergone over the past number of decades. He's being optimistic and, you know, it's not a bad thing being a capable person in such times so he's a good chance of coming through it, God willing.

Is there a significant turning happening at the moment? It is possible. The cyclical occurence of this sort has been observed in history. The question really is - what arrangement and mentality will wrest control of it? There is a contest afoot for the soul of civilisation. It is not recreational in nature, but rather deadly serious. Will we descend further into madness or come to our senses? That is an open question.

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of light, it was the season of darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way–in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only. ~ A Tale of Two Cities

The passive observation of a particular outrage invites a general catastrophe.
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Sep 25, 2023
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The girl was found alive and well. The abductor was apprehended and is a sex pest by all accounts

Here's more information from Euroweekly - - apparently the family received a ransom note and the perpetrator was found from fingerprints on it. It's wonderful news that the child has been found.

There was an incidence in Bordeaux of an attempted kidnapping (the video of it has been scrubbed from X). It seems similar in type to this although the ends of the kidnapping may have been different - another type of dollar. Wasn't there also something about the murder of a child in Paris too. I noticed, in visits to the continent, that there is still a strong culture of the family present, with many more children evident than in Ireland. That this is something with which they must contend must be an astonishment and anxiety for them. There are serious risks to migrant children from around the world as they are especially vulnerable, the influx of young refugees from Ukraine has created a huge risk of a culture of predation growing in strength and proliferating. There are people working on this:

"Missing Children Europe continues to do amazing work and truly has
made a difference in countless lives... Today, [Missing Children Europe
and its members] are touching the lives of the quarter million European
children that go missing each year.”

Given the serious deterioration in mental health, the collapse in internalised moral custom, and growth in numbers of subrational people, there appears to be a lot of these characters out there. One wonders if they will become more brazen and regular in their attempts given developments in other areas of law enforcement like shoplifting.

Someone with a serious personality disorder (I discovered this website during my "wtf is going on?" phase) is not equal to someone who is healthy, and it is futile to consider them so - while we may pity a dog with rabies, they still have rabies and should be handled with caution, lest it spread. Give the vicious free rein, and they will laugh like hyenas, as they prey on the unwary, in delightful revels of duplicity and distress. (This overworked sentence is a warning to those who hear that laughter and don't recognise its origin)

It's difficult to believe that this could happen in Ireland as we can hardly say (given our largely peaceful lives) that even the most reprobate are this far outside our community of morals. They may lie, threaten and steal from you, but surely never stoop to this.

I suppose this disarray in safety is why lawlessness was always considered an anathema in historically functional communities. The Gardaí's success at mending broken windows is often underestimated given we are simply unaware of the consequences of a failure in policing and how circumstances change when legitimate and wisely exercised enforcement is spiked or overloaded.

Is the situation described in the Sound of Freedom escalating in the developed world? It's a far cry from my childhood when we walked free of such fears -unknown until it became news in the nineties. It seems that demons do exist and weren't just figments dispersed by modern innovation. Perhaps those people of the past weren't such fools after all. It certainly doesn't seem, in the hindsight of a new century, that we managed to extinguish inquity by abolishing sanction, and should probably acknowledge this.


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Black Lives Matter ! ! !


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Can you imagine being a Working Class American and Voting for the " " Democrat Party " "

that is allowing this to happen = = You would have to Be Insane ! !
The 'democratic' party fanboys have such a bad dose of Trump Derangement Syndrome they'll destroy America rather than admit he was right about almost everything.

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