
Mad as Fish

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Jul 1, 2023
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I'm not sure French troops would go and fight Russians in Ukraine for dirty little macron
Perhaps the French generals might explain to him that sending troops to fight an army with two years experience on the ground, which has learnt to blow up the much hyped MIA2 tank, can recapture the most fortified towns and has an industry already geared up for arms production is not the brightest idea. Just how many troops does he intend to commit and just what is it that they are supposed to achieve?

The usual political spin, bluster and bullshit won't cut it with the top brass.
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Charlotte's head wanks off to child sex tapes.🤢
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Another 2 Su-34 down today too.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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You cannot put radar on single-engine aircraft and twin-engine interceptors like Me-110 are not produced anymore
Attack helicopters are more promising, but Ukraine will need a few hundred of them to cover all directions
Russia is using attack helicopters to destroy Ukrainian drones
looks like the armor on them, designed to withstand .50cal, is enough to protect from debris


But is a very expensive option to keep enough of them in the air
Plus Ukraine doesn't have such types of helicopters, Mi-24 is too big, and Apache or Tiger hardly will be shipped to Ukraine

Aim-7 Sparrow doesn't guide from the plane - it has semi-active radar homing system which means that lightning radar is placed on the plane and the missile has only a receiver with antenna. This approach saves a lot of power required for missile, but doesn't solve the main problem - the small footprint of drones on radar because only the engine can reflect something back. The rest of the drone is made from plastic and invisible to radar
So far S-300 which also has semi-active homing system wasn't very successful against cheap drones despite more powerful radar

It is nothing about morale, Russia is targeting mostly ammo storages within cities
Most of the damage you see in Western propaganda is the result of ground-to-air missiles losing their targets and hitting residential buildings
This is a price what Ukrainian pays for hiding launchers inside residential areas

These would be relatively inexpensive aircraft that would be guided onto the target by air control, it would require skill alright but they could probably swing it. The debris question was undoubtedly an issue when propeller driver aircraft were the standard fare and I'm not sure that it's not a red herring given the numerous dogfights in those days. The significant problem with the jet aircraft is that they're moving so fast that they zip through the debris field - a Harrier or Sky Warden wouldn't have that problem as they could loiter at lower speeds.

Running a few attack helicopters near large urban areas would be cheaper than expending patriot missiles on drones; propeller driven aircraft could be used further out to reduce numbers of incoming. It's about running an effective air defense on a tight budget. I realise that there's a lot of graft involved so there's pressure to run it like the RHI scheme but needs must given constraints. An alternative is to shrug their shoulders and let them through.

It would also keep some Ukrainian pilots alive and doing something useful. There's a habit in Eastern Europe of needing the fill the numbers of killed and injured for the monthly report that might be diverted into a more constructive management of field assets.

I take your point about the Sparrow (Fox 1) but the aircraft has to keep its radar on and directed at the target so it plays an indispensable role. It essentially guides the missile onto the target like a laser designator for smart munitions. This makes it a less desirable armament on the contemporary battlefield for engagements other than those relating to the shooting down of crippled or soft targets. The Americans also have a lot of these in storage and I'm pretty certain that, if they're within 10 miles, they have a firm lock on them. One USMC pilot managed to get seven intercepts so it must be feasible.

In any case, there still is a Ukrainian air force and, given the pressure they're under to make irrational decisions to maximise the skim for the "bosses" (in the same manner that operates in the Russian forces) they've done very well. The more I elaborate on this subject, the more likely I am to propose something that would be evidently ridiculous to them. I'll leave it to them to figure out. The only benefit I could make is to coax the politicals to take a more creative approach and it's unlikely that this conversation is going to be picked up by the international press so it's more of an exercise in curiosity than anything else.

As for the "firing rockets from power stations in Kiev" line - is that something like the bridge you have for sale?


Charlotte's head wanks off to child sex tapes.🤢
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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The terrorists in Washington are determined to bring us to WW3, they'll push Russia to the brink.
Pedo Biden needs a serious war in this election year.


Zipporah's Flint

Staff member
Apr 7, 2022
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Charlotte's head wanks off to child sex tapes.🤢
Top Poster Of Month
Jan 13, 2023
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Should he ever have the misfortune to stumble across your wittering he might well reconsider that assessment.
One really has to wonder why Comical Jarry continues to post his bullshit on our site.
There's definitely a want in that pedo.
After banning all accounts and almost destroying our site the question should be asked as to why @Declan has allowed it to return.
Are things that desperate that he allows a saboteur who continues to slate him and this site on the shitsite with Gowl & Co back to pollute this place with its inane scutter?


Wolf loves talkng about child abuse.
Feb 27, 2024
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Why are my posts being removed? I'm just posting reality.


Wolf loves talkng about child abuse.
Feb 27, 2024
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It is not dumb when you remember for the majority of Russians Nazism= Occidental Social Darwinism.

For Normie Westerners Nazism= Jeremy Corbyn and Idriss Sihamedi if you are right wing it is Donald Trump and Chaya Raichik.

I think the Russians might be a wee bit more historically accurate.
Just try to be honest and post my reply to you.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2022
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The cocaine addicted transvestite is off on another begging tour this week.:p

I reckon they are firing small and large guns just to make noise. Bank away whether there is a target or not.
Wasting ammo. Like if I fire the gun at nothing to kill grey crows.

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