Countdown to World War 3


Zipporah's Flint


Watch this. They point out two things.

If Turkey goes to war against Israel, then the argument is that NATO must support them.

If Turkey grabs the american nukes, they could have maybe 300 hydrogen bombs. They only need 1 .

That is a huge issue- remember the Zionist State has never joined NATO, if Turkey and the Zionists go to war, and it is possible that they might, where would that leave NATO? No way will the US support Turkey over the Zionists even though they would be treaty bound to do so but it would show up NATO.


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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Watch this. They point out two things.

If Turkey goes to war against Israel, then the argument is that NATO must support them.

If Turkey grabs the american nukes, they could have maybe 300 hydrogen bombs. They only need 1 .
Except that the Turks are going to do jack

Zipporah's Flint

No. NATO countries are only obliged to go to war if Turkey is attacked.

Which might well happen yet.

Also Erdogan could pull a "false flag".
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Jan 13, 2023
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IDF terrorists blowing up refugee camps again.

MSF claim the IDF have murdered over 3,500 children at this point. Sick child hating scum, like their fanboys on here. (y)

Zipporah's Flint

And he would not even have to do so as he could allow a few regiments of Volunteers to go there

I strongly suspect that for the Biden regime and the UK State one aspect of the war in the Ukraine is killing off their "Neo-Nazi" psychos while getting them to do something useful for them. It is not unimaginable that Erdogan could think along similar as regards this situation as regards the Turkish Islamist nutters.

Zipporah's Flint

There can be no two state solution as long as Hamas and other Iranian backed terrorists exist.


Two of the brightest people involved in the conflict Edward Said and Dr Israel Shahak believed in a "Two State Solution"- and they argued on that basis against the Oslo Process. All their worst predictions about where it lead were proven right. The fact is that Hamas have said that they could live with a two state solution for a long time but they are never going to say that the Nabka was legitimate and just, that the British Empire had a right to give their homeland to other people, etc which is something that the Zionists demand. One of their predictions was that the Zionists and their supporters would hide behind "I support a two state solution" when in actual fact they do not when you unpack it. "O Sullivan Bere" on was even pouring scorn on Ahmad Tibi who is the very opposite of a radical let alone a revolutionary. One of the reasons I do not support Hamas as such is because I think there is no way that a two state solution can secure a just and lasting peace.

Zipporah's Flint

He could do a Putin and get rid of a million or two nutters.

Whatever else can be said against, maybe a lot, Turks make excellent soldiers which is why the US valued Turkey's allyship in the Cold War. Turks are a lot tougher and a lot less sentimental than Syriacs (indigenous Palestinians, the Lebanese, Syrians, most Jordanians).


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Sep 11, 2021
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Whatever else can be said against, maybe a lot, Turks make excellent soldiers which is why the US valued Turkey's allyship in the Cold War. Turks are a lot tougher and a lot less sentimental than Syriacs (indigenous Palestinians, the Lebanese, Syrians, most Jordanians).
Well the turks are turks fighting for turkey. A Jordanian is just an Arab being asked to fight for whoever is calling himself king on the day. They are not a race or clan as such.


Two of the brightest people involved in the conflict Edward Said and Dr Israel Shahak believed in a "Two State Solution"- and they argued on that basis against the Oslo Process. All their worst predictions about where it lead were proven right. The fact is that Hamas have said that they could live with a two state solution for a long time but they are never going to say that the Nabka was legitimate and just, that the British Empire had a right to give their homeland to other people, etc which is something that the Zionists demand. One of their predictions was that the Zionists and their supporters would hide behind "I support a two state solution" when in actual fact they do not when you unpack it. "O Sullivan Bere" on was even pouring scorn on Ahmad Tibi who is the very opposite of a radical let alone a revolutionary. One of the reasons I do not support Hamas as such is because I think there is no way that a two state solution can secure a just and lasting peace.

Watch the video.

Zipporah's Flint


Watch the video.

MEMRI is a dodgy source, they have lied and distorted stuff even Norman FInkelstein have said, but everything that was said in that video is true. "Eretz Israel" is a lot bigger than the land currently controlled by the Zionist State. Until it not just drops but denounces Zionism "Israel" will be what was said there.

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