My solution to the drugs problem.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
The conversation on the Weather Thread went Off Topic, perhaps it's possible to discuss further here @Myles O'Reilly, as you had just referred to a TV drama you had just watched in my reply to asking . . .

"Do you watch Telly"?

You replied 'I've just watched 'Kin' on the BBC'

Then I said "In that case it seems it is you who may need to visit your mental health advisor.You're accustomed to being programmed by TV companies, your thoughts are not your own design but derive from alpha wave hypnosis directed into your subconscious, consequently your judgement is flawed. Your experiences are not based in real fact.

To which you replied "For watching a Dublin crime drama?!"

So I've put the conversation here to be closer to topic for a variety of associated reasons, if you wish to continue, fair play.

AFAIC our 'Weather' conversation went off topic when you asked if I had been to seek Mental Health Services, a permissible comment to which I replied in detail, OK then you suggested I should get a second opinion, that is where I decided you were being unreasonable and so decided to delve into your mental health, and now . . .

Here we are!

In reply to your comment " For watching a Dublin crime drama?!" I will say that by watching TV a person is subjecting themselves to a form of hypnotic brainwashing, Crime drama's are performances derived from carefully designed, edited, censored fictional screenplays - the Mind becomes programmed by delusion however on a subconscious level it cannot tell the difference. (Which is why one feels scared and anxious watching video nasties)
Keep up the TV programming and over time and ones mind has been filled with delusion and fictional misinformation, accepting the true facts may be difficult or impossible for you, hence my recommendation to consider seeing Mental Services, again.
All the best Myles, please do give it some serious consideration . . . . 🧐


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
Apparently there are fat suitcases stuffed full of drugs getting seized from passengers in Arrivals at Dublin airport these days, mostly originating from the good ole US of A. Hey Hey Heeeeyy for the fecked thrill seekerz 🥴

Cocaine with an estimated street value of €1,128,000 has been seized by Revenue officers at Dublin Airport.

The drugs were found when a passenger who was travelling from Washington was stopped and had their baggage searched.

In a statement, Revenue said that 16kg of cocaine was found during the search, which were seized as part of an intelligence-led operation.

The problem Val hasn't dealt with is that Demand for Cocaine appears to be on the increase.
Prohibition ensures big profits for the sales & suppliers and big costs for the tax payer for years after.


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2023
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So, what's the deal with fentanyl from a historical perspective?



Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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So, what's the deal with fentanyl from a historical perspective?

That was a good video. It details the Delano Roosevelt family on Cape Cod, and the Forbes family which John Kerry is branched from. Thee is a museum to them in Milton, a town or two over from me. It is not often open.

China is now giving the US the opium tratment.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
So what exactly are the "Drug Problems" again??
Prohibition enrichens gangs of dangerous malevolent criminals at the expense of decent communities.
An increase in violence, robbery, theft, sex crimes, killings & murders.
The acceptance and normalisation of addictions upon the person and wider societal family.

But what's it like to experience "Drug Problems" as a User??

This guy has some eye watering insights, akin to the middle classes/gerry ryan types



Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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So what exactly are the "Drug Problems" again??
Prohibition enrichens gangs of dangerous malevolent criminals at the expense of decent communities.
An increase in violence, robbery, theft, sex crimes, killings & murders.
The acceptance and normalisation of addictions upon the person and wider societal family.

But what's it like to experience "Drug Problems" as a User??

This guy has some eye watering insights, akin to the middle classes/gerry ryan types


Explains Kangal alright ! 😲 :LOL:


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
Surely it's the rich, selfish Westerners buying the drugs who enrich drug gangs, cartels etc.


Yes, but more relevant are the ones who fund the rich selfish westerners in the decent home communities of Ireland and the families who must pay off debts of their stupid inexperienced children , the victims of burglaries, those who get caught up in working for the gangs - Teens from the age of 12 upwards, the extortion, crimes killings and the prostitution involved in paying off the debts and obligations.

Those sorts of problems. Have you considered those?

ETA - Am just watching the Vid now but it doesn't address a much ignored phenomenon of Synthetic drugs & RC's sold as 'Coke'
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Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
A Good Score Draw ~ ~ Better if it was more high scoring though.
It will be, it'll probably take a while for the Junkies to get accustomed to it before they build up a tolerance and then they'll over do it to get a deadly hit.

January 4, 2024 | Ben Scallan | Irish News

Unprecedented level of overdoses due to synthetic drugs last year​

A surge in the sale of synthetic drugs in Ireland led to unprecedented levels of overdoses last year, as well as an increase in people seeking mental health services according to the HSE.

Last November it was believed that batches of heroin laced with lab-manufactured opioids called nitazines had led to a number of overdoses around Dublin and Cork city. However, later testing revealed that the batch in fact contained no heroin, and was only nitazenes, caffeine and paracetamol.

“They were being sold as new heroin or strong heroin, but when we did the analysis we identified that there was actually no heroin in it,” said Professor Eamon Keenan, National Clinical Lead for Addiction Services in the HSE, as reported by RTÉ News in an interview with Morning Ireland.

“It was nitazene drug mixed with paracetamol and caffeine and being sold. So in some ways we were wondering whether dealers were testing the market by introducing this new drug.”

:eek: And sure no surprises when we learn someday that the Coke has no Cocaine in it too.
Considering how Drug Gangs would be losing huge amounts of cash and assets due to supply seizures from regular gardai/coastguard busts, the gangs would have to make-up their own batches of Buzz-Powder to pass-off and push on the users for a while, they'd have all sorts of recipes & tricks to bait & switch.
Users are going to get burned and some will end up like kerry katona & friends who need to rebuild their corroded faces from other body parts - just to keep smiling.



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Sep 25, 2023
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'Nitazenes are a class of strong, synthetic opioids that were originally created to be an alternative to morphine 60 years ago, but were never commercially released due to their high risk of overdose, according to the Alcohol and Drug Foundation, an Australia-based non-profit.

Similar to fentanyl, nitazenes are mixed with other drugs, but because there’s a range of potency in its class of substances, some nitazenes are up to 43 times stronger than fentanyl, though the illicit use of the drugs remains rare.'

What To Know About Nitazenes: Rare But Emerging Opioids More Potent Than Fentanyl - Forbes


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
. . . The report also noted 60 per cent of secondary schools in the area had evidence of drug dealing. Drug dealers have become older in recent years but drug runners, who are used to transport substances between locations, have become younger.

The average age of drug runners in 2022 was 12, with some as young as eight. The average age of drug dealers was 16 but dealers as young as 10 were also reported.😲

Since 2021 there has been an increase in most drug related crimes, something which has been associated with an increase in the use of powder and crack cocaine, the report states.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2021
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Sometimes I think as little as 5% of the people of Ireland are worth saving. The rest are a lost cause, and are in fact in the way.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
Drug problems!? What drug problems?? 'Sure it's a mad buzz this new cheap coke, gives ya loadsa enrrgy'🤪

It’s Pleasure … Until It’s Not​

Tweak, speed, crystal, glass, crank. Whatever street name is used, meth is meth. Methamphetamine is a highly addictive man-made drug that makes the user feel intense pleasure and euphoria immediately upon use. It also produces increased stimulation, with users reportedly staying up for three or more days on binges. Many meth addicts report feeling hooked from the first use.

t feels so good that someone addicted to meth makes the drug their priority. That feeling of euphoria becomes so important that everything else — a job, a family, a car, a house — becomes obsolete. Only one thing matters, getting and using more meth.

Once addicted, the afflicted person needs more meth to feel the same high as their first time. A monomaniacal obsession takes over, and they become willing to sacrifice everything they used to love to try to reclaim that initial feeling.

"Investigations are ongoing."

This comes after Gardai yesterday arrested two suspected members of a Sinaloa Cartel Cell in connection with a seizure of almost €33million worth of suspected crystal meth at Cork Port.

The illegal drugs were discovered inside a shipping container on Friday morning, with Revenue Officers seizing 546kg of the substance with the assistance of Gardai.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
So, let's get up to date? Pt.1 Weed.


Oops, you've got to sign in to youtube - Certainly worth a quick skim through - It's to do with official legal government weed supplies available on the high street.🤩

look for -

The Netherlands Legalized (No, They Weren't Legal Already)​

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Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
So, Germany does a decent thing at long last and proper order . . .

German MPs approve new cannabis law allowing limited possession and cultivation of marijuana​

Germany may soon have some of the most lenient marijuana laws in the European Union as lawmakers in the Bundestag debate legislation on cannabis.​

German lawmakers have approved legislation that would make cannabis partially legal for personal use in the country.
The new law allows for the possession of 50g of cannabis for private consumption and growing up to three plants. In public, adults would be allowed to have up to 25g of cannabis.
The vote on Friday paved the way for the legislation to enter into force in April, although it could be delayed by the Bundesrat or Federal Council and must be signed into law by the president.

. . . The German law aims to "reduce the black market, prevent children and young people from consuming cannabis," and prevent the consumption of dangerous amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, a spokesperson for the health ministry told Euronews.

"Health protection is therefore at the forefront of this law. The Minister has repeatedly emphasised that the previous drug policy has failed and that we need to find alternative approaches".



Well-known member
Feb 14, 2023
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So, Germany does a decent thing at long last and proper order . . .

German MPs approve new cannabis law allowing limited possession and cultivation of marijuana​

Germany may soon have some of the most lenient marijuana laws in the European Union as lawmakers in the Bundestag debate legislation on cannabis.​

German lawmakers have approved legislation that would make cannabis partially legal for personal use in the country.
The new law allows for the possession of 50g of cannabis for private consumption and growing up to three plants. In public, adults would be allowed to have up to 25g of cannabis.
The vote on Friday paved the way for the legislation to enter into force in April, although it could be delayed by the Bundesrat or Federal Council and must be signed into law by the president.

. . . The German law aims to "reduce the black market, prevent children and young people from consuming cannabis," and prevent the consumption of dangerous amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive ingredient in cannabis, a spokesperson for the health ministry told Euronews.

"Health protection is therefore at the forefront of this law. The Minister has repeatedly emphasised that the previous drug policy has failed and that we need to find alternative approaches".

If only Hitler had been on the Cannabis and Not The Speed = = He would have taken his time going through France and maybe Not even bothered with Russia = = An, If Only Thing ? !

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