My solution to the drugs problem.


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Mar 12, 2023
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Yeah but, they don't kill all pushers or even ban harmful legal drugs, oh no, the hypocrites.

Theirs is not a good solution for Ireland, but truly more does need to be done in protecting Irish youth from dangerous drug/substances.


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Mar 12, 2023
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Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia is on its way here. How would you even start protecting these future users?

Coal Gas and peat

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May 2, 2022
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I was surprised to hear that Gemany had legalised cannabis......Will they be opening up coffeeshops like the Dutch system ? Will people from other EU countries have the same rights to drugs if they are in Germany ?


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia is on its way here. How would you even start protecting these future users?
I'm not qualified in the field, we'd need to consult the current rehab programmes and see what's best practice in dealing with stuff, they know what the problems are.

For the young, they need to be exposed to the full horrors of hard drugs addiction - The degradation of person in it's fullest most explicit reality, the accompanying Life of Crime they will endure, the prostitution, the jail time, the thievery, the violence, the torture, the loss of family & friends due to the evil ways they the addict will adopt.

Needs to be done in a new and dramatic fashion with considerable input from Media, Rehab, Police & Prisons, and Reforming Criminals who have been through the New Treatment centres.

Then again one needs a society which cares enough for itself and its people and faces up to the full reality what needs to be done, I don't believe Ireland can do it to be honest, sure it cannot even look after it's indigenous homeless, unemployment and medical problems over the last 15 years, things just getting worse for lack of input.

It certainly is appears to be a kippy half baked shitty arse of a society now we lift the filthy rug off it, sure they can't even provide medical attention for the sick Irish children as it is.

It's all very well to imagine a tough love reform programme which could reform the afflicted but sure when they the vulnerable cured re-emerge into society, they'll simply have nowhere to go and nothing to do.

Yes, go ahead and terminally remove the pushers too but sure unless things are dramatically changed in town - there'll always be that current user demand that will be dealt to.

From the top of my head one must provide the youth with choice even if that means compulsorily being sent/removed to new age spike island recreational type centre - give them all the substances they'll ever want!


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia is on its way here. How would you even start protecting these future users?
In some respects Irelands drug problems are as bad but hidden away as compared to the Kensington situation where it appears to accommodate down & out terminal cases who are on some sort of voluntary euthanasia in slow motion trip?
The drugs they use are cheap, easily manufactured and readily available.
The problem appears to be fairly self contained.

Talking about "self contained"? It's admirable what the Dutch have done for their Heroin addicts by actually suppling them with what they need - Free Heroin on demand! Apparently it's good for society at large, sort of a win-win result there. Meanwhile other countries/societies appear to offer channels where obtaining recreational drugs is a fairly trouble free and a decent social response to the needs/desires of their people.

Here in Ireland the drugs availability, selection and choice appears to be the sole preserve of brutal criminal enterprise. Who bears responsibility for the tragic state of violent chaos? Ultimately it's your society's authorities & lawmakers who are to blame for the system of prohibition they gift to the criminality it fosters.

. . . The college student and his manager were subjected to constant threats of violence during the “living nightmare” ordeal over the €3,000 robbery.

. . . His defence counsel said that Leigh had a cocaine addiction for six years at the time of the robbery but is now off drugs. . .


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
Drugs Problems?? Just look at today's Sunday World which really should be called the Irish Drugday World.

Ireland is so screwed by it's own carelessness & mad, sad, bad ways, it's a major shame, no wonder the young and progressive continue to flee the rotten kip.

King PaaDee just "Doesn't Care" for the people he rules.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
The drug problems are ever changing.
It seems that a case of "cannabis induced psychosis" has been discovered in an Irish courtroom.

A MAN KILLED and decapitated his wife while suffering from a cannabis induced psychosis that led him to believe she was possessed by a serpent and was going to kill him, two consultant psychiatrists have told the Central Criminal Court.

They're still not sure if it's synthetic spice or RC's additives - Shuuuuush! It's still a secret🤫



Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
why would they do that to the weed and risk killing all the punters :oops:
They use a secret recipe, carefully mixed and applied to ensure a strong highly addictive product . . .

Here's more .. .. .. And might explain why Germany has decided to go full organic medical recreational legal in an attempt to clean-up and rid the town from the deadly side-effects of prohibition.


ETA . . Certainly is worth skimming through . . . shows where the peoples heads are at these days.
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Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
I hardly understand what language he is speaking = = Annoying fucker all the same though !

He's new generation, regional English with an international flair.

Like or dislike him it's the message which is of importance.

I'll spell it out

Ireland and half of America is Prohibitive and consequently the weed sold on the street is found to be potentially very harmful and of little or no health benefit, is not tested and research suggests it's hazardous to the user, not endorsed by health regulators.

In Contrast

England and the other half of America is Legalized and consequently the weed available is found to be regulated for quality and is of a guaranteed health benefit according to testing and research. Is endorsed by the FDA & NHS

What's of concern is that Ireland's health authority is content and satisfied to allow Prohibition to flourish while denying the benefits of Legalisation to the vast majority of those who need it.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
We must understand that Prohibition has banned the safe supply of natural quality cannabis. Chemical companies are quick to develop products intended to mimic the effects of cannabis and that can be labeled them synthetic cannabis due to the massive revenue and profits easily made from within prohibitive countries and with the added benefit that purveyors, distributors and users are operating within the law.

People who use these chemical products have reported ill effects and addiction to them. Unfortunately the chemicals are labeled as cannabis which encourages and justifies a users choice in consuming them as a safe alternative to the authentic herb.
It's bad for them and bad for the reputation of cannabis as the general public in prohibitive countries find it difficult to appreciate and understand the differences while being subjected to biased news reports and partisan commentary.

'Demons were following me': Call to make HHC illegal after users experience psychotic episodes​

HHC, a semisynthetic cannabinoid derived from CBD, is widely available in Ireland.
CONCERNS HAVE BEEN raised about a possible link between psychosis and vape products containing synthetic cannabis, with some experts calling for HHC to be made illegal.

There are growing concerns that vapes containing HHC (hexahydrocannabinol), a semisynthetic cannabinoid, are triggering psychotic episodes in certain people.

Irish researchers recently published a paper detailing two case studies of apparent HHC-induced psychosis.

In both cases, which occurred in Galway and Cork, the men in question had been using HHC vapes prior to their episodes. Both men experienced hallucinations and had to be hospitalised.


Reading a Good Book
Feb 8, 2023
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Too Totalitarian to Talk - Very Very Scary Town
It's been an worthy and valuable experience to participate on these threads, an interesting sort of education when challenged on ones views and consequent need to do a little research to get the latest developments being debated/discussed.

Today's lesson was coming to terms with the use of the word "Fix" as has been shlung around in my direction.
The "Fix" expression is generally applied to heroin/smack use in relation to an addicted individual being a broken deficient person until they get their drug/substance and inject it /chase it then they are Fixed and can function sufficiently as a relieved person.

So after some analysis & consideration of the evidence I came to realise that I certainly do not use or require Fix's and function very well without my drug of choice, OK enough.

Now, as it so happens I was passing through town tonight and began to observe the high street businesses in a different context!! Very surprising to have a sudden change of perspective as i took note of Chemists, Bookies, Pubs, Clubs & late nite Tobacconist's . . . What a Hoot!!🤪 The Town is totally geared up to supply most all the "Fixes" that the community craves to satisfy their addictions & desperate needs, otherwise referred to as 'The Vices'
The only thing that the users care about is that they can actually get their Fixes conveniently in the center of town as quick as possible - Not bat an eyelid to their addictions, just to constantly feed them and suffer the consequences later at rehab, hospital, court and jail.
Meds & viagra from the Chemist to feed their nervous anxiety, schizo paranoia and sex addictions, Win money at the Bookies to pay off their increasing debt before they lose their houses and families.

The Pubs & Clubs host many Vices & Violent occasions , hard drug dealing, polluted hash, prostitution contacts, breeding ground for alcoholism, scenes of glassings, shootings, single sucker punch deaths outside etc etc,
Tobacconist's feed a dangerous addiction and one of the most obvious Fixes to see, such is the compulsion to smoke cigarettes that warnings are pasted all over public areas threatening fines for exposing the public to the hazard.
Half the town is concerned with staying Fixed all day long and must do it otherwise - They breakdown and end up at the doctors in a vicious circle of dependency.

Meanwhile I (the cannabist) use nothing but fresh air and a good diet to stay well Fixed but indulge a little occasional herb from time to time with big breaks in between. in recent months having 5, 7.5, and now 3 weeks off with more to go - No problem it's a natural state of energetic endurance resulting in a vibrant resilient Spirit - A Balance of natural health and organic herbalism.

One could almost feel sorry for the Town but no,it really is an evil place as the addicts worship their toxic suppliers & liars.

No wonder it's a stinking Ghost Town - Well done the Prohibitors (Sushhh, on Coke)


Well-known member
Mar 10, 2023
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I hardly understand what language he is speaking = = Annoying fucker all the same though !
He's stoned off his tits in all his videos. Most times traipsing through Amsterdam past the whore houses to sample the finest skunk that Narco state can offer.

He's a model youth that Professor would wish our youth to emulate.

The troof is out there if you smoke enough
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Myles O'Reilly

Well-known member
Feb 3, 2022
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Buddy those posts are far too long. No-one is going to read them.

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