Ok, fair enough as you honourable fellows suggest. So what's so different about sapiens? Say 10,000 years ago?
Right so, I've had illuminations and new ideas over dinner in regard to modern mans origins, worth sharing and testing.
So we arrive at a period long ago where early primitive man can be found, which according to wiki sources is 1.5 million years ago approx.
Any way dates and things aren't of such importance now, what is important is that we see various different humanoid creatures coming and going since way back then.
Now we must imagine a time when there were no modern sapiens around but that was about to change by virtue of Selective Breeding on a unique scale for what ever reason, so for example lets take an easy scenario which can explain what could have happened
To start with let's say that environment played a part and due to diet, location and habitat we find a group of early humans found an ideal location with ample food, wide variety of plants, fresh water and complex topography - or maybe it was an island where the tribe located but where ever it was the main thing is that they were safe from predators and diseases and consequently they lived long lives - like the hunza.
So we have this early tribe living in paradise with many village elders and because they are safe and well supplied then they have plenty of time to exploit their environment and learn . . .
They learn about breeding, they observe characteristics and they start to selectively breed themselves.
They discover yoga and start to stretch themselves out, they discover herbs which gives the brain a boost, they wear tight rings around their heads which changes the skull shape, while helping to expand their consciousness.
They become clever with the plants and animals in their region, they learn how to achieve better results by capitalising as a biped, after all they need to carry variety of tools while 'on the hoof'
Lips shape changes, muscle mass changes, foot size changes, neck length changes according to chosen design.
They become aware of their superiority and protect their group from the lesser humans but being in paradise they rarely see any other groups and so are free to concentrate on their own ideas which are so much more complex than the other early humans of the time.
circumstances, conditions, nutrients, resources, peculiarity, Breeding = Evolution you can measure - differences apparent!
First to mention that you are doing a marvelous job with this thread and kudos to you for taking us into the seriously scientific areas of modern DNA analysis etc etc. Brilliant and Well Done.Statements combining circumstances, conditions, nutrients, resources, peculiarity, and Breeding as measurable evolution: Speculative without specific evidence.
Which leaves us with…
The old phrase - 'you are what you eat' has been soundly debunked. It is quite the opposite. The body is designed to take in any and all form of nutrition and then turn it into itself."Another missing factor?" - Yes, it's Trees & Shrub's in the Diet. Perhaps it's something to do with baby caterpillars who are born on trees. They feed on the tender green foliage and go on to feed further on Tree sap - Some how the specific nutrients, hormones and amino acids from the tree become part of the caterpillar which would be of little surprise to us (when we think about it . . . )
The old phrase - 'you are what you eat' has been soundly debunked. It is quite the opposite. The body is designed to take in any and all form of nutrition and then turn it into itself.
Of course, a simple genetic test would be able to determine if there was genetic crossover from plant to animal.
There could be a problem with such a sweeping generalisation as you present above in relation to all life on earth, really.
Of course what you say is true on the face of it in regard to DNA studies, I accept that, OK, but . . .
(I've not done the proper research yet) In the case of Butterflies, we must remember that 1. - they are seen to have existed for over 40-50 million years and 2, - They are often born into the plant, they go through all stages of development on/in the specific plant and as adults they (some of them) continue to feed on the plants juices.
The plants is sort of their Lifesource/Mother-nurse and the specific plants are all it's made of and that process goes on for 3000-10,000+ plus how long extra??? years in the lives of a continuous lifeline of a specific same species.
I think we can show that diet and environment do play a significant role in influencing an organism's characteristics (some of them)?
Its too boring Tiger
The Engineered Adaptability of the Humble Guppy - Andrew McDiarmid
The Engineered Adaptability of the Humble Guppy | Evolution News
When a scientist switches from an evolutionary lens to an engineering one, it may be the mother of all eureka moments.evolutionnews.org
When a scientist switches from an evolutionary lens to an engineering one, it may be the mother of all eureka moments.
Dr. Reeves discusses her own eureka moment: “I had been so handicapped by not having some of those tool sets and not understanding design motifs that we know from engineering, like integral feedback or feed-forward loops…they could have been right before my eyes when I was studying the bacterial system and I would never have recognized it.”