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    Aleksei Losev on the relationship between Fatalism and Heroism in Classical Antiquity.

    Aleksei Losev was a 20 th century Russian Orthodox philosopher and cultural historian who is not uninteresting in general. I am not sure if I agree with the below as regards Classical Antiquity as a whole but it does raise issues worth thinking about. ".....Here we encounter a curious thing...
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    Charity announces to the world that the Republic of Ireland gives away free HIV/AIDS treatment to illegal immigrants.

    I saw this on it is almost unbelievable.
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    An Ultra-Leftist podcast on links between Imperial Japan and Black Nationalists in the USA between the last two World Wars.

    I remember reading an essay from during or just after World War II somewhere about mass Black Nationalist support among North American Blacks for not just Japan but for the Axis powers as a whole. There were racial battles within the US Army in Europe during WWII which involved exchanges of live...
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    Disscussion of the new open ended legislation against anti-Jewish anti-Semitism/"Antisemitism" in the US.

    Some people are connecting it with the Noahide Laws- I think this is incorrect. For one the Noahide Laws call for the death penalty for sexual immorality widely defined for non-Jews as well as the death penalty for stealing anything no matter how small, again for non-Jews. With Jews the...
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    George Galloway in trouble for "homophobia".

    Historically the idea that most Hard Leftists in England had of the "LGBTXYZ" would have been some Douglas Murrayesque character- and if you scratch the surface you will find such attitudes there still in a lot of them. On the other hand the Soft Left in England worship homosexuality as much as...
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    The conspiracy theory that Roderic O'Gorman is actually a Richard Lynn, Nick Land, etc type hyper-Right wing racialist...

    .....And that he has been doing what he has being doing in order to to undermine anti-racism in Ireland or at least in the 26 counties to the point of shattering by selecting to flood the country with the real dregs of humanity so that it will become almost impossible to maintain anymore for...
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    Helen McEntee recieves a bomb threat.

    To be honest my first reaction was that this must be a "false flag" to push through her thought crime project however who knows.
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    Kitty Holland taking John Waters to Court for Defamation.

    She claims he was referring to her in a speech in which she admits that he did not name her- I am not a lawyer but it seems to me that she would have a very weak case at best based on that alone. However who knows what is behind all this...
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    Biden says he is for choosing freedom over democracy- what does this mean?

    When Right Libertarians say that I know more or less exactly what they mean. With Biden though he obviously picked up the sound bite of an antimony between freedom and democracy from someone around him. And what exactly they meant by this is open to speculation...
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    Has the Covid thing made people in general more concerned about the "End Times"?

    I know that I began to seriously have worry over the topic of collective eschatology during it which I had not really done before (though I did have concerns about "transhumanism" and the Temple movement within Zionism).
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    Is Feminism really a Liberal or Leftwing project in essence?

    I would define Feminism as being to the female gender what French or Thai ethno-nationalisms are the French or Thai ethnos. So Feminism I believe can be either Left or Right wing- Korean ethno-nationalism for instance tends to be Left wing while Anglo-Saxon ethno-nationalism in the United...
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    Oskar Kiss Maerth and secular notions of "Original Sin".

    Oskar Kiss Maerth was a Hungarian business man who was in a Hitlerite concentration camp during World War II- whether as guard or inmate is disputed- who is famous for writing a book entitled "In The Beginning was the End" in which he put a theory of human evolution which claimed that we are the...
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    The gender divide over Counter-Jihad, "Tommy" stuff, etc in England.

    Something I think worth noting is that even though they come out with essentially Feminist rhetoric stuff the whole movement that "Tommy" basically defines is very much a lads thing- parts of it even admit this themselves for instance the "Football Lads Association". Women are a lot more...
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    Former "Boyzone" singer says Taylor Swift performs Satanic rituals infront of fans.

    The current nomination from the Republic of Ireland for Eurovision- "Bambi Thug"- is openly into dark Occultism and given the capitalist entertainment industry connections of Yugoslav "performance artist"/Crowleyean Witch at the centre of the Pizzagate leaks as well as the fact that this lad has...
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    John Beaty's "Iron Curtain Over America" from 1951 (second best selling Conservative political book in 1950s USA- shows how much things have changed))

    I am posting this for it's historical interest. In it you have Shoah denial and the Khazar thesis about the origins of Eastern European Jews both which are firmly taboo on the US Right outside of what could be called it's "lunatic fringe". You also have opposition to Zionism and support and...
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    "National Anarchism".

    An ironic or at least paradoxical thing many have noticed that Anarchists, whether of the Left or Right variety, usually as in almost always, tend to be in reality extreme authoritarians when it comes to the crunch whether it is a matter of wanting everyone to fit into their brains into what you...
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    Argentinian President calls for the re-building of the Temple in Jerusalem.

    In order he says to bring the "Jewish Messiah" who in Christian understanding will be the Antichrist. From Peron to Javier Milei and possible Pope Francis- obviously massive degeneration has been going on in that quarter of the world. View...
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    Biden talks about meeting with Mitterand from Germany after he was elected President.

    Mitterand was a French President in the 1980s who died in 1996. It is kind of sadistic for the Democrats to stil push him up there but he kind of deserves for being an evil person before his mind started to go. View:
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    "Seeing through the Singularity" by Douglas Haugen- has anyone here read it?

    It is a book dealing with how metaphysics, particularly Kabbalistic ones, motivate forces and phenomena in the contemporary West. It was recommended to my sister as particularly good. Has anyone here read it or else heard opinions on it? View...
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    Could Michelle Obama seriously be planning to run for the 2024 Presidency?

    It is looking more and more that Biden is unelectable with very massive voter fraud. The idea that the Dems are going to replace him with Michelle Obama seems to be gaining mainstream traction...

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