An Open Letter to Atheists


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Jan 11, 2023
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Poor old Dawson, rage posting into the void today as one of his philosophical heroes becomes compost. :sneaky:

Imagine getting so upset at being a cosmic accident? Mental altogether. I'm reminded of those atheistic family members who rage at the God they don't believe in, when a friend or family member returns to mere accidental atoms. They're a barmy lot really.


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Jan 11, 2023
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Zipporah's Flint

Poor old Dawson, rage posting into the void today as one of his philosophical heroes becomes compost. :sneaky:

Imagine getting so upset at being a cosmic accident? Mental altogether. I'm reminded of those atheistic family members who rage at the God they don't believe in, when a friend or family member returns to mere accidental atoms. They're a barmy lot really.

The thing is that Western Nationalist movements often run into a lot of internal strife because of conflict between not just Christians and "Neo-Pagans" but also between with mainstream science worshipping atheists and both (though often the atheists understandably from their point of view prefer the "neo-Pagans"). So it is a political thing as much as anything else.


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Jan 11, 2023
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Atheism is objectively worse for society:

[There is] ...consistent and mounting evidence suggesting increasing religious commitment or involvement helps individuals avoid crime and delinquency... ...I recently completed the most exhaustive systematic review conducted to date of the relevant research literature on religion and crime. This review located 273 studies on religion and crime that were published between 1944 and 2010. Ninety percent of the studies (247 of 273) find increasing religiosity to be associated with decreases in various measures of crime and delinquency. Only two out of 273 studies report religion was associated with a harmful outcome



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Jan 11, 2023
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Did you catch that? In 2002, sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein flew Richard Dawkins out to California to give a talk entitled, “Militant atheism,” something TED now describes as a seminal moment for the New Atheism. In essence, it was the spark that started the New Atheist movement.


Zipporah's Flint

View attachment 5570

Well a lot of the drive behind the "New Atheism" came from the need to give ideological backbone to the "war on terror", the invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan, etc- hence why Epstein and Maxwell as Zionists of not unimportance would have probably given it their backing. I doubt though they would have been crude materialists themselves.


Feb 8, 2023
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Another World
This is dedicated to low intellectual failures in life like Jambo.


I'll play at being Jambo for the moment, until he reads this and obviously steps back in to do what he does best:ROFLMAO:, Just being himself👍

Anyway, just for an alternative pov. (Feels like stating the obvious so . . .) Murderers, I'm sure you'll agree that where the law fails and a relative succeeds in punishing a killer in revenge, then 'the wrong' is not so bad and perhaps even subjectively necessary - neutralising the guilt/debt.

Second, pedophilia. - It depends on where & who - afaik??
For example, France, Germany & Italy have AOC at Fourteen yrs. - What's "absolutely wrong" in Ireland is legally acceptable abroad.
Secondly as @Myles O'Reilly suggested . . . Any young lad of 14-15 would love to spend time with his older woman teachers, there'd be no wrong in that for him, you know?


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Jan 11, 2023
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Atheists Discover Consequences

It’s always mildly amusing to recall that they used to call themselves “brights” because they genuinely believed that they were smarter than Christians. Never mind that the island nation that developed a world-spanning empire under Christendom now can’t even offer token resistance to the imperial dar al-Islam:

I am getting scared of the rise of Islam in the UK and Europe. I study philosophy at university in England…. Oh boy my homeland is being overrun by Islam.

One guy legit told me the other day on a Friday that “I should be at the mosque” and shouted at me for not being so. I know plenty of Christians, and whilst I myself am atheist, none have ever tried to convert me or call me a heretic- whilst the only homophobes I know have been Muslim. Someone also said my degree, philosophy was “devil worship because asking questions about the universe and truth is evil-this is especially true because I focus in logic and game theory. They said it was not “real” and satanic…

The fascinating thing is that even when they are in terror for their lives and their lifestyles, they still do not have the intellectual flexibility to admit that they were wrong, that inclusivity is evil and destructive, and that a nation that ceases to be a Christian nation will soon cease to be a nation at all



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Jan 11, 2023
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It's hilarious to see atheists squirm when it comes to the fruits of their ideology. Some go as far to make the absurd claim that the fruits of their worldview aren't their fault because atheism isn't a thing and cannot be either identified or defined by the behavior and the rhetoric of vocal adherents to this nihilistic ideology.

Here's a news flash for the atheists: We have the receipts. We have decades of your writings and your opinions, and your very public efforts to undermine the foundations of Christendom. By your fruits you shall be known. This is how we define you, by your own actions and words. You are hoisted by your own petards. No amount of verbal gymnastics and rhetorical squirming can undo the facts of what you have attempted to initiate.

You are what you say and do. We see you. We can easily identify you.

Atheists (like the ones who haunt this thread) don't have the courage of their convictions. They will scream to high heaven that they are not responsible for societies ills because atheism cannot be defined, as it is a negative position and not an actual active worldview that its adherents seek to establish as normative. We know otherwise of course. Atheists are famously active and verbose in promoting their dis-civic immorality.
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Jan 11, 2023
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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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An outside follower of this thread asks the following question:

'What's the plan here exactly. Atheists should "give up atheism" - Zippy, 'convert' to your religion? '

Just disappear from the social discourse is the answer. You're not clever, and Star Trek is not in our future. You've done enough social damage and have no answers for the existential problems you've created. Cultural nihilists cannot fix cultural issues, obviously.


Well-known member
Jun 14, 2023
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An outside follower of this thread asks the following question:

'What's the plan here exactly. Atheists should "give up atheism" - Zippy, 'convert' to your religion? '

Just disappear from the social discourse is the answer. You're not clever, and Star Trek is not in our future. You've done enough social damage and have no answers for the existential problems you've created. Anti-culturists cannot fix cultural issues, obviously.

Presumably this ‘outsider’ is a lonely unemployed alcoholic?


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2023
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Another obtuse question posed, manifesting extreme lack of social awareness: 'lol Why should atheists "disappear from the social discourse ?'

For your own safety is the answer. The tolerance for your dis-civic nonsense is rapidly fraying. You will be a hunted and hated class soon enough


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Sep 3, 2022
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A Plea that they approach the question of God’s Existence in a scientific and rational manner.
View attachment 4139

After a friendly discussion with atheists recently it struck me that many people of that opinion pride themselves on their scientific and level headed approach to the question of religion. They stand for logic, and mathematical scientific reasoning, none of the mumbo jumbo associated with religion.

I welcome that wholeheartedly, your brains are God given and I think they should be used a lot in deciding between theism and atheism, very much so, but is that actually what happens? Consider a few things that flow from this level headed approach:

a) Obviously you will have to put aside any question about the (vastly exaggerated, and some completely hoaxed) scandals involving the Catholic Church in Ireland, that can have nothing now to do with your cold hard logic sense of reason here? If 10,000 geography teachers were imprisoned in the morning for whatever, it still does not follow that the Shannon isn’t a river in Ireland or Malawi a country in Africa. You are clearly going to be putting all this hype to one side as you consider the philosophical question of the existence of God, and, in truth, is that what you actually do?

b) You can have no sense of fashion here, or your own presumptions about what is likely to grow or decline in the future. You are not in the market for a handbag at this point, it should have no impact on you any sense in which older people might have been more religious in the past, and that the Churches are now not as full, and you would prefer to be with the younger hipper in-crowd, etc! If you are now this logical sort of fellow all that is not interfering with your decision here, right?

c) No sense of pride or a feeling that religion is a kill joy is impacting your new logical scientific self, is it? None of us like to be told what to do, and for example if one borrows a huge sum of money for a great new car, we don’t like people reminding us that we have to pay all that money back? Its a kill joy sure, but its also saying the hard truth, and thats what religion sometimes has to do, but of course you aren’t thinking of anything like that when deciding if God exists or not? There is no sense in which you would like to continue your lifestyle free of ‘judgementalism’ coming into your logic here is there, because obviously that would be very far from a logical and scientific approach to this question wouldn’t it?

d) Do you have the level of knowledge to decide this question? Obviously if I was to decide if I believe a physicist when he says they can explode a giant bomb by crushing two tiny atoms together, I need some knowledge of physics to know if he is lying or not. Logically, its not just about your own intelligence, clearly its that added to education in the subject which will give you, hopefully, the right answer.

But what is your level of knowledge of theology, or even of specifically the philosophical Proofs of God’s Existence as outlined by Aquinas say? I hear so many atheists proudly saying that at the age of 7 they knew it was all bunkum etc etc, imagine if you said that to the physicist in that question above? At the age of 7 how much knowledge could you reasonably have of theology or its related disciplines of logic and philosophy? Have you studied it all properly as an adult, reading a few selective quotes by people like Dawkins does not make you a theology expert, or give you anything like enough education here to be able to decide this question. Anyway if you like you can read something like this text which might help you at least to know the main theist arguments: .

In any case just a few thoughts on the subject...
How many of the logical science grounded atheists stood up and publicly said that the covid farce was a totally anti science and based on flawed premises and unproven treatment.?
Just to pick a single relevant subject for them.

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